Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (2024)

Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (1)Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (2)

The climate of Toulouse is generally mild, and can be defined as transitional Mediterranean, with relatively mild winters and warm, sunny summers. However, there may be hot days in summer, as well as cold days in winter, with temperatures below freezing.
The city is located in the south-west of France, in the Haute-Garonne department.
The average temperature of the coldest month (January) is of 6.3 °C (43.3 °F), that of the warmest month (August) is of 22.8 °C (73 °F). Here are the average temperatures.

Toulouse - Average temperatures (1991-2020)
MonthMin (°C)Max (°C)Mean (°C)Min (°F)Max (°F)Mean (°F)

Precipitation amounts to 640 millimeters (25.2 inches) per year: so, it is at an intermediate level. It ranges from 40 mm (1.6 in) in the driest months (February, July) to 75 mm (3 in) in the wettest (May). Here is the average precipitation.

Toulouse - Average precipitation

Winter, from December to February, is quite mild. When the westerlies prevail, Atlantic disturbances bring mild and rainy weather, sometimes windy: in these cases, the temperature can reach and even exceed, 15 °C (59 °F).
The most intense Atlantic depressions can bring strong winds.
On the other hand, when a high pressure area dominates, fog can form at night, and there may be slight frosts, while during the day the temperature becomes quite mild, and the sun can come out.
On the contrary, when the wind blows from Russia, there can be cold waves, with snowfalls, usually not abundant. The coldest record is -19.2 °C (-2.6 °F) and was set in February 1956.

In summer, there are periods with pleasant temperatures which lend themselves to outdoor activities, although sometimes there can be rains and thunderstorms. However, there are also hot and sultry periods, in which the daytime temperature reaches or exceed 30/32 °C (86/90 °F).
At times, heat waves can occur, which in recent years are becoming more frequent due to global warming, and in which the temperature can exceed 35 °C (95 °F). During these periods, Toulouse is a very hot city, since it is located in the south and close to Spain (from which warm air of African origin arrives), and also far from the sea. The highest record is 42.4 °C (108.3 °F) and was set in August 2023.

Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (3)

On average, there are around 2,030 sunshine hours per year. Here are the average sunshine hours per day.

Toulouse - Sunshine hours

Best Time

To visit Toulouse, you can choose the months of May and September. In summer, sometimes the heat is bearable, while at other times, especially from mid-June to the end of August, it can be intense.

Toulouse - Weather by month

Based on the period 1991-2020

(January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December)

January, the coldest month of the year, is generally a quite cold month. The average temperature is of 6.3 °C (43 °F), with a minimum of 2.9 °C (37.2 °F) and a maximum of 9.7 °C (49.5 °F).
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (4)On the coldest nights of the month, the temperature usually drops to around -4 °C (25 °F). However, it dropped to -7.5 °C (18.5 °F) in January 2010.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (5)On the warmest days of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 16 °C (61 °F). However, it reached 19.8 °C (67.6 °F) in January 1998.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (6)Precipitation amounts to 50 mm (2 in), distributed over 9 days.
The day lasts on average 9 hours and 25 minutes.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (7)There are on average 3 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 32% of the time.
The average humidity is 85%. Hence, the air is normally humid.
The average wind speed is 13 kph (8 mph).

February is generally a quite mild month. The average temperature is of 7.2 °C (45 °F), with a minimum of 3.1 °C (37.6 °F) and a maximum of 11.2 °C (52.2 °F).
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (8)On the coldest nights of the month, the temperature usually drops to around -3.5 °C (25.5 °F). However, it dropped to -12.5 °C (9.5 °F) in February 2012.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (9)On the warmest days of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 18 °C (64 °F). However, it reached 24.1 °C (75.4 °F) in February 2019.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (10)Precipitation amounts to 40 mm (1.6 in), distributed over 8 days.
The day lasts on average 10 hours and 30 minutes.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (11)There are on average 4 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 39% of the time.
The average humidity is 78%. Hence, the air is normally humid.
The average wind speed is 15 kph (9 mph).

March is generally a mild month. The average temperature is of 10.3 °C (51 °F), with a minimum of 5.6 °C (42.1 °F) and a maximum of 15 °C (59 °F).
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (12)On the coldest nights, which normally occur at the beginning of the month, the temperature usually drops to around -1 °C (30.5 °F). However, it dropped to -8.4 °C (16.9 °F) in March 2005.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (13)On the warmest days, which normally occur at the end of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 22 °C (72 °F). However, it reached 26.3 °C (79.3 °F) in March 2001.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (14)Precipitation amounts to 50 mm (2 in), distributed over 9 days.
The day lasts on average 12 hours and 0 minutes.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (15)There are on average 5.5 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 47% of the time.
The average humidity is 71%. Hence, the air is normally humid.
The average wind speed is 15 kph (10 mph).

April is generally a mild month. The average temperature is of 12.8 °C (55 °F), with a minimum of 7.9 °C (46.2 °F) and a maximum of 17.6 °C (63.7 °F).
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (16)On the coldest nights, which normally occur at the beginning of the month, the temperature usually drops to around 1.5 °C (35 °F). However, it dropped to -2.3 °C (27.9 °F) in April 1991.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (17)On the warmest days, which normally occur at the end of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 25 °C (77 °F). However, it reached 28.6 °C (83.5 °F) in April 2011.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (18)Precipitation amounts to 70 mm (2.8 in), distributed over 10 days.
The day lasts on average 13 hours and 30 minutes.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (19)There are on average 6 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 46% of the time.
The average humidity is 70%.
The average wind speed is 15 kph (10 mph).

May is generally a very mild month. The average temperature is of 16.4 °C (62 °F), with a minimum of 11.5 °C (52.7 °F) and a maximum of 21.4 °C (70.5 °F).
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (20)On the coldest nights, which normally occur at the beginning of the month, the temperature usually drops to around 5.5 °C (42 °F). However, it dropped to 2.7 °C (36.9 °F) in May 2019.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (21)On the warmest days, which normally occur at the end of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 29 °C (84.5 °F). However, it reached 33.4 °C (92.1 °F) in May 2001.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (22)Precipitation amounts to 75 mm (3 in), distributed over 10 days.
The day lasts on average 14 hours and 50 minutes. So the days are long.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (23)There are on average 6.5 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 45% of the time.
The average humidity is 69%.
The average wind speed is 15 kph (9 mph).

June is generally a warm month. The average temperature is of 20.4 °C (69 °F), with a minimum of 15 °C (59 °F) and a maximum of 25.7 °C (78.3 °F).
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (24)On the coldest nights, which normally occur at the beginning of the month, the temperature usually drops to around 10 °C (50 °F). However, it dropped to 6.6 °C (43.9 °F) in June 2006.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (25)On the warmest days, which normally occur at the end of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 33.5 °C (92.5 °F). However, it reached 40.2 °C (104.4 °F) in June 2019.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (26)Precipitation amounts to 60 mm (2.4 in), distributed over 7 days.
The day lasts on average 15 hours and 25 minutes. So the days are long. June 21, the summer solstice, is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (27)There are on average 7.5 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 49% of the time.
The average humidity is 65%.
The average wind speed is 14 kph (9 mph).

July is generally a warm to hot month. The average temperature is of 22.6 °C (73 °F), with a minimum of 17 °C (62.6 °F) and a maximum of 28.2 °C (82.8 °F).
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (28)On the coldest nights of the month, the temperature usually drops to around 12.5 °C (54.5 °F). However, it dropped to 10 °C (50 °F) in July 2000.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (29)On the warmest days of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 35.5 °C (95.5 °F). However, it reached 38.7 °C (101.7 °F) in July 2019.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (30)Precipitation amounts to 40 mm (1.6 in), distributed over 5 days.
The day lasts on average 15 hours and 0 minutes. So the days are long.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (31)There are on average 8 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 54% of the time.
The average humidity is 62%.
The average wind speed is 13 kph (8 mph).

August, the warmest month of the year, is generally a warm to hot month. The average temperature is of 22.8 °C (73 °F), with a minimum of 17.1 °C (62.8 °F) and a maximum of 28.5 °C (83.3 °F).
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (32)On the coldest nights of the month, the temperature usually drops to around 11.5 °C (53 °F). However, it dropped to 8.2 °C (46.8 °F) in August 1995.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (33)On the warmest days of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 35.5 °C (96.5 °F). However, it reached 40.7 °C (105.3 °F) in August 2003.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (34)Precipitation amounts to 45 mm (1.8 in), distributed over 6 days.
The day lasts on average 13 hours and 55 minutes.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (35)There are on average 7.5 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 55% of the time.
The average humidity is 62%.
The average wind speed is 13 kph (8 mph).

September is generally a warm month. The average temperature is of 19.4 °C (67 °F), with a minimum of 13.9 °C (57 °F) and a maximum of 24.8 °C (76.6 °F).
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (36)On the coldest nights, which normally occur at the end of the month, the temperature usually drops to around 7.5 °C (45.5 °F). However, it dropped to 4.4 °C (39.9 °F) in September 2002.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (37)On the warmest days, which normally occur at the beginning of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 31.5 °C (89 °F). However, it reached 35.2 °C (95.4 °F) in September 2006.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (38)Precipitation amounts to 45 mm (1.8 in), distributed over 7 days.
The day lasts on average 12 hours and 25 minutes.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (39)There are on average 7 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 55% of the time.
The average humidity is 66%.
The average wind speed is 12 kph (8 mph).

October is generally a very mild month. The average temperature is of 15.3 °C (60 °F), with a minimum of 10.9 °C (51.6 °F) and a maximum of 19.7 °C (67.5 °F).
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (40)On the coldest nights, which normally occur at the end of the month, the temperature usually drops to around 2.5 °C (37 °F). However, it dropped to -2.2 °C (28 °F) in October 2003.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (41)On the warmest days, which normally occur at the beginning of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 26.5 °C (79.5 °F). However, it reached 30.8 °C (87.4 °F) in October 2011.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (42)Precipitation amounts to 55 mm (2.2 in), distributed over 8 days.
The day lasts on average 11 hours and 0 minutes.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (43)There are on average 5 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 44% of the time.
The average humidity is 76%. Hence, the air is normally humid.
The average wind speed is 13 kph (8 mph).

November is generally a mild month. The average temperature is of 9.9 °C (50 °F), with a minimum of 6.3 °C (43.3 °F) and a maximum of 13.5 °C (56.3 °F).
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (44)On the coldest nights, which normally occur at the end of the month, the temperature usually drops to around -1 °C (30 °F). However, it dropped to -7 °C (19.4 °F) in November 1998.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (45)On the warmest days, which normally occur at the beginning of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 20.5 °C (68.5 °F). However, it reached 23.3 °C (73.9 °F) in November 2011.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (46)Precipitation amounts to 50 mm (2 in), distributed over 9 days.
The day lasts on average 9 hours and 40 minutes.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (47)There are on average 3 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 33% of the time.
The average humidity is 83%. Hence, the air is normally humid.
The average wind speed is 13 kph (8 mph).

December is generally a quite mild month. The average temperature is of 7 °C (45 °F), with a minimum of 3.6 °C (38.5 °F) and a maximum of 10.4 °C (50.7 °F).
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (48)On the coldest nights of the month, the temperature usually drops to around -3.5 °C (26 °F). However, it dropped to -9.7 °C (14.5 °F) in December 2001.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (49)On the warmest days of the month, the temperature usually reaches around 16.5 °C (62 °F). However, it reached 19.9 °C (67.8 °F) in December 2006.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (50)Precipitation amounts to 50 mm (2 in), distributed over 9 days.
The day lasts on average 9 hours and 0 minutes. December 21, the winter solstice, is the shortest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere.
Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (51)There are on average 3 hours of sunshine per day. So, the sun shines 31% of the time.
The average humidity is 85%. Hence, the air is normally humid.
The average wind speed is 13 kph (8 mph).

Toulouse climate: weather by month, temperature, rain (2024)
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Name: Rueben Jacobs

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