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Programa de Doctorado en Medicina
Author: Nuria Lacuey Lecumberri, MD.
Director: Dr. Samden D. Lhatoo, MBBS. MD. FRCP (Lon)
Tutor: Dr. Jose Alvarez Sabin, MD. PhD
Department of Medicine
Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
To my family
ANS: autonomic nervous system
BA 25: Brodmann area 25
BRS: baroreflex sensitivity
BPV: blood pressure variability
CO2 : carbon dioxide
CNAP: continuous non-invasive arterial pressure
EKG: electrocardiograms
EEG: electroencephalogram
ETCO2: end tidal carbon dioxide
GTCS: generalized tonic-clonic seizure
Hz: Hertz
HRV: heart rate variability
MATLAB: matrix laboratory
mA: milliamperes
µs: microseconds
PGES: post-ictal generalized EEG suppression
SEEG: stereotactic electroencephalogram
SpO2: Peripheral capillary oxygen saturation
SAP: systolic arterial pressure
DAP: diastolic arterial pressure
SUDEP: sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
1. SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. RESUMEN (Summary in Spanish) ................................................................................... 3
2. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 5
2.1. Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) definition. ............................................ 5
2.2. Incidence and scale of the problem. ................................................................................ 5
2.3. Risk factors for SUDEP. .................................................................................................. 6
2.4. Peri-ictal autonomic and respiratory dysregulation and SUDEP mechanisms .................. 6
2.4.1. Impact of cardiac autonomic dysregulation. ........................................................... 6
2.4.2. Impaired baroreflex sensitivity and hypotension in peri-ictal periods. ..................... 7
2.4.3. Impact of cerebral dysregulation, Postictal Generalized EEG Suppression (PGES)
and “Cerebral Shutdown” ................................................................................................ 7
2.4.4. Respiratory dysregulation. ..................................................................................... 7
2.5. Cortical regulation for autonomic and respiratory function ............................................... 8
2.5.1 Electrical cortical stimulation and brain mapping. .................................................... 8
2.5.2. Autonomic and blood pressure cortical regulation. ................................................. 9
2.5.3. Respiratory cortical regulation. .............................................................................. 9
3. RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES .........................................................................................10
4. MATERIALS AND METHODS ..............................................................................................11
4.1. Experimental design. ......................................................................................................11
4.2. Stimulation. .....................................................................................................................13
4.3. Breathing, cardiac, blood pressure and EEG monitoring. ................................................14
CNAP® Monitor 500; CNSystems Medizintechnik AG .......................................................15
Nellcor OxiMax N-600x ......................................................................................................15
Ambu Sleepmate RIPmate® ..............................................................................................16
Thermocouple Airflow Sensor; Pro-Tech® .........................................................................16
Phillips Respironics CAPNOGARD® Capnograph .............................................................16
Digital SenTec V-SignTM Sensor CO2 ................................................................................17
Nihon Kohden EEG-1200 ...................................................................................................17
4.4. Breathing, blood pressure, cardiac and autonomic responses ........................................18
4.5. Statistical analysis ..........................................................................................................20
5. COPY OF THE PUBLICATIONS ..........................................................................................21
APNEIC SEIZURES. Neurology 2017; 88: 1-5. .....................................................................21
CONTROL. JAMA Neurology, 2018 Feb 1;75 (2):194-202 ...................................................28
6. SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS ............................................................................................38
6.1. Respiratory responses to cortical electrical stimulation ...................................................41
6.2. Blood pressure responses to cortical electrical stimulation .............................................60
6.3. Cardiac responses to cortical electrical stimulation .........................................................65
7. DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................65
7.1. Cortical control of respiration ..........................................................................................65
7.2. Cortical control of blood pressure ...................................................................................71
7.3. Cortical control of cardiac rhythm....................................................................................73
8. CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................75
9. LIMITATIONS OF OUR STUDY ...........................................................................................79
10. FUTURE .............................................................................................................................80
11. APPENDIX..........................................................................................................................81
SEIZURES. ...........................................................................................................................81
DEATH IN EPILEPSY. Epilepsy Behavior. 2016 Feb; 55-170-3. ...........................................90
12. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................94
Patients with epilepsy are well known to be at increased risk of sudden unexpected death. The
risk of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy Patients (SUDEP) ranges from 0.35 to 2.3 per
1000 people per year in community-based populations, to 6.3 to 9.3 in epilepsy surgery
candidates. SUDEP’s precise agonal mechanisms are unknown, although recent evidence from
the Mortality in Epilepsy Monitoring Units Study (MORTEMUS) points to combined respiratory
and cardiovascular collapse driving the fatal event.
Adverse autonomic nervous system signs are prominent during seizures. Cardiac
arrhythmias (bradycardia, asystole, tachyarrhythmias) in approximately 72% of epilepsy
patients, post-ictal hypotension, impaired baroreflex sensitivity (potentially compromising
cerebral blood flow), enhanced sympathetic outflow, expressed as increased sweating and
decreased inter-ictal nocturnal heart rate variability (HRV) are common. Severe alteration of
breathing is typically seen in generalized tonic clonic seizures (GTCS). Electroencephalogram
(EEG) characteristics, including post-ictal generalized EEG suppression (PGES), are suggestive
of high SUDEP-risk, strongly correlate with increased sweating and decreased HRV, and may
be accompanied by profound hypotension. Neural mechanisms underlying these patterns need
to be defined.
Epilepsy is a prototypic cortical disorder, where most of the symptoms are produced by
the activation or inhibition of specific regions in the cortex. Epileptiform discharges involving a
specific area in the brain may induce symptoms related with that area’s functionality. In a similar
manner, electrical brain stimulation can be used to map brain functions.
Although several studies using brain electrical stimulation have suggested the possible
role of cortical structures in respiration and autonomic control, reports from some investigators
have indicated mixed findings, such that there is no consensus on the precise areas of cortex
We aimed to identify cortical sites with roles in respiratory and/or autonomic control and
to correlate seizure induced activation or inhibition of these structures to particular peri-ictal
autonomic and breathing patterns recognized as potential indices of risk for death. This study
describes the role of several limbic/paralimbic structures in respiration and human blood
pressure control, and pathomechanisms of breathing and autonomic responses during epileptic
seizures, providing insights into mechanisms of failure in SUDEP.
1.1. RESUMEN (Summary in Spanish)
Los pacientes con epilepsia son bien conocidos por tener un mayor riesgo de muerte súbita
inesperada. El riesgo de muerte súbita inesperada en pacientes con epilepsia (SUDEP) varía
de 0,35 a 2,3 por cada 1000 personas por año en las poblaciones de base comunitaria, a 6,3 a
9,3 en los candidatos a cirugía para la epilepsia. Los mecanismos agónicos precisos que
desencadenan SUDEP son desconocidos, aunque la evidencia reciente del estudio de
unidades de monitoreo de Epilepsia (MORTEMUS) apunta al colapso combinado respiratorio y
cardiovascular que conduce al fatal evento.
Los signos adversos del sistema nervioso autónomo son prominentes durante las
convulsiones. Arritmias cardíacas (bradicardia, asistolia, taquiarritmias) en aproximadamente el
72% de los pacientes con epilepsia, hipotensión post ictal, sensibilidad barorrefleja alterada
(que puede comprometer el flujo sanguíneo cerebral), incremento del tono simpático,
expresado como aumento de la sudoración y disminución de la variabilidad inter-ictal del ritmo
cardíaco nocturno (HRV) son comunes. La alteración severa de la respiración se ve
típicamente en las convulsiones clónicas tónicas generalizadas (GTCS). Las características del
electroencefalograma (EEG), incluida la supresión generalizada post-ictal en el EEG (PGES),
sugieren un alto riesgo de SUDEP, se correlacionan fuertemente con un aumento de la
sudoración y una disminución de la HRV y pueden ir acompañadas de hipotensión profunda.
Los mecanismos neuronales subyacentes a estos patrones necesitan ser definidos.
La epilepsia es un trastorno cortical prototípico, donde la mayoría de los síntomas se
producen por la activación o inhibición de regiones específicas en la corteza. Las descargas
epileptiformes que involucran un área específica en el cerebro pueden inducir síntomas
relacionados con la funcionalidad de ese área. De manera similar, la estimulación eléctrica del
cerebro se puede usar para mapear funciones cerebrales.
Aunque varios estudios que usan estimulación eléctrica cerebral han sugerido el posible
papel de estructuras corticales en la respiración y el control autonómico, los informes de
algunos investigadores han indicado hallazgos mixtos, de tal manera que no hay consenso
sobre las áreas precisas de la corteza involucrada.
Nuestro objetivo fue identificar los sitios corticales con funciones en el control
respiratorio y/o autonómico y correlacionar la activación inducida por las crisis epilepticas o la
inhibición de estas estructuras, con particulares patrones autonómicos y respiratorios peri-
ictales reconocidos como posibles índices de riesgo de muerte. Este estudio describe el papel
de varias estructuras límbicas/paralímbicas en la respiración y el control de la presión arterial
humana, y los mecanismos patogénicos de la respiración y las respuestas autonómicas durante
las crisis epilépticas, proporcionando información sobre los mecanismos que pueden
desencadenan la muerte súbita inesperada en los pacientes con epilepsia (SUDEP).
2.1. Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) definition
SUDEP is defined as the sudden, unexpected, witnessed or unwitnessed, non-traumatic, and
non-drowning death of patients with epilepsy with or without evidence of a seizure, excluding
documented status epilepticus, and in whom post-mortem examination does not reveal a
structural or toxicological cause for death (1, 2) .
Cases that fulfil the above definition fall into the category of “definite SUDEP”, and
sudden deaths occurring in benign circumstances with no known competing cause for death but
without autopsy are classified as “probable SUDEP” (1, 2). Cases in which SUDEP cannot be
excluded, either because of limited information about the circumstances of death or because
there is plausible competing explanation for death, are classified as “possible SUDEP” (1, 2).
2.2. Incidence and scale of the problem
The risk of sudden unexpected death in patients with epilepsy is 20-40 times higher than the
general population (3, 4). The risk of SUDEP varies in different epilepsy populations; it ranges
from 0.35 to 2.3 per 1000 people with epilepsy per year in community-based populations (5, 6),
1.1 to 5.9 in epilepsy clinic populations-most with large proportions of patients with refractory
seizures (6-12) and 6.3 to 9.3 in epilepsy surgery candidates or patients who continue to have
seizures after surgery (13-15).
SUDEP’s precise agonal mechanisms are unknown and therefore, no preventive
strategies exist. The suddenness and apparent silence of death suggest seizure-driven
autonomic nervous system (ANS) failure, sustained apnea/asystole and some combination of
respiratory and cardiovascular collapse. Recent evidence from the Mortality in Epilepsy
Monitoring Units Study (MORTEMUS) points to combined respiratory and cardiovascular
collapse driving the fatal event (1).
2.3. Risk factors for SUDEP
SUDEP is usually seizure-related (16). Epidemiological studies have consistently pointed to
generalized tonic–clonic seizures (GTCS) as the seizure type most commonly associated with
SUDEP (17-19). Witnessed, as well as monitored Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU) deaths are
noted to occur after GTCS, with frequent breathing difficulties (1, 20, 21). Poor seizure control,
frequent and longstanding epilepsy are consistent risk factors (13, 17, 22-26). Deaths are
typically un-witnessed, nocturnal events (8, 27) associated with prone position (23, 28, 29), and
often have evidence of seizures (bitten tongue, urinary incontinence) (26). Young persons with
epilepsy (20–40 years) are 24 times more likely to die suddenly than the general population,
although SUDEP can occur at other ages (5, 6, 27, 30).
However, heterogeneity in SUDEP phenomenology is also described, and SUDEP and
near SUDEP cases have been reported after partial seizures (1, 23). Three SUDEP cases
without preceding seizure have recently been reported in literature (31). Although most of
studies have shown consistency of risk factors, most individuals with similar risk profiles do not
suffer SUDEP, and better definition of risk has been elusive to determine individualized risk
2.4. Peri-ictal autonomic and respiratory dysregulation and SUDEP mechanisms
2.4.1. Impact of cardiac autonomic dysregulation
Cardiac arrhythmias appear in ~72% of epilepsy patients (32-35). Ventricular tachycardia and
fibrillation resulting in near-SUDEP have been reported (36). Nocturnal heart rate variability
(HRV) (an indirect measure of autonomic function) is significantly reduced in epilepsy patients
(37, 38) and decreased HRV accompanies increased sudden cardiac death risk (39). Refractory
seizures are accompanied by decreased HRV, decreased cardiac sympathetic innervation, and
may serve as autonomic SUDEP markers (40, 41). Autonomic dysfunction is marked in Dravet’s
syndrome, where SUDEP incidence is high (42). Knockout Dravet’s syndrome models show
decreased HRV and prolonged atropine-sensitive ictal bradycardia, with tonic phases of GTCS
preceding SUDEP (43). Brain, but not cardiac knockout of SCN1A produced SUDEP
phenotypes, suggesting a hyperactive parasympathetic role, leading to lethal bradycardia (43).
2.4.2. Impaired baroreflex sensitivity and hypotension in peri-ictal periods
Maintenance of blood pressure and heart rate is partially mediated through medullary baroreflex
circuitry, regulated by hypothalamic influences presumed to be modulated by insular, frontal,
and cingulate cortices. Baroreflex (the ability to recover from blood pressure perturbations to
maintain cardiovascular homeostasis) is altered in epilepsy patients in inter-ictal, non-seizure
states (44, 45) and during Valsalva and tilt test blood pressure challenges (44). Hypotension
has been described after seizures, and has been suggested as one potential sudden
unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) biomarker (46, 47).
2.4.3. Impact of cerebral dysregulation, Postictal Generalized EEG Suppression (PGES)
and “Cerebral Shutdown”
Postictal Generalized EEG Suppression (PGES), consists of a background suppression pattern
(activity less than 10 microvolts in the EEG) after a seizure, posited to represent complete
cessation of cortical function, or “cerebral shutdown”. PGES occurs in more than 65% of adult
patients with generalized motor seizures (21). It has been suggested that prolonged (>50
seconds) PGES increases the risk of SUDEP (21), it correlates with decreased HRV, and is
typically accompanied by profound hypotension. It is been suggested that interventions after
GTCS shorten PGES, potentially reducing SUDEP risk.
2.4.4. Respiratory dysregulation.
Breathing dysfunction and hypoxia are typically seen in GTCS and have been suggested as a
possible mechanism of Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) (1). However, oxygen
desaturations have been also seen in 127 out of 253 seizures (50.3%) of patients with focal
seizures without generalized convulsions (48), being significantly more likely to be associated
with temporal lobe seizures than extratemporal seizures (48). Ictal apnea has also been noted
in 44-48 % focal seizures without generalization (48, 49) and has been reported as the main or
isolated feature of focal seizures in a few case studies (50, 51). Some SUDEP and near SUDEP
cases were preceded by a focal seizure without subsequent convulsive seizure (1) (52), and
central apnea has been suggested as a potential mechanism of death or near-death (53, 54). A
number of breathing abnormalities can occur during and after non-convulsive seizures. Ictal
apnea, post-ictal apnea, and immediate post-ictal tachypnea are of greatest SUDEP interest as
far as pathomechanisms are concerned (1, 55, 56). Laryngospasm has been also linked to
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood, and a recent
study in an adult Sprague-Dawley urethane/kainite rat seizure model recorded severe
laryngospasm, ST segment elevation, bradycardia and death (57).
The landmark MORTEMUS study showed consistent and previously-unrecognized
patterns of tachypnea, profound cardiorespiratory dysfunction, and terminal apnea followed by
cardiac arrest in 10 monitored SUDEP patients (1). Some SUDEP and near SUDEP cases have
occurred with complex partial seizures without secondarily generalized convulsive seizures (1,
22). The hypoxemia is of special concern, since brain areas mediating hypoxia challenges show
injury in SUDEP cases, which may impair recovery (58).
2.5. Cortical regulation for autonomic and respiratory function
2.5.1 Electrical cortical stimulation and brain mapping
Invasive electrical stimulation represents a non-physiological activation of the central nervous
system. It does not mimic the elaborate physiological mechanisms that lead to selective
excitation and inhibition of specific neurons in the central nervous system. Still, it may mimic
some basic effects mediated by a given neuronal circuit. The most important application of
electro-cortical stimulation is mapping of eloquent cortex prior to resective brain surgery,
including language, motor, visual and sensory areas. In addition to that, it allows confident
identification of additional physiological functions of the cortex.
The following technical parameters influence the effectiveness of invasive electrical
stimulation: polarity of the stimulus, current intensity, pulse width, frequency, and train duration
2.5.2. Autonomic and blood pressure cortical regulation
Anterior limbic region stimulation in dogs and monkeys has produced marked falls in arterial
blood pressure, as well as occasional rises (60-62). Such falls usually occurred without
significant alteration in heart rate (60). Similar responses were seen after subcallosal,
postorbital, anterior insular, cingulate gyrus, hippocampal, amygdalar, temporal and motor
cortices stimulation (61-65).
In humans, where opportunities to conduct similar experiments are limited, few studies
of cortical stimulation targeting blood pressure control structures exist. Stimulation of bilateral
rostro-caudal cingulate gyrus (Brodmann areas 9 and 10) was carried out in psychotic patients
prior to ablation in twelve cases (66). Blood pressure changes of systolic (SAP) and diastolic
(DAP) elevation in eight patients, and a drop in one, were noted. Unilateral stimulation produced
no responses at all. Orbitofrontal cortical stimulation in nine patients undergoing frontal
lobotomies for psychiatric disease produced inconsistent elevation of SAP in six (67). Only
subtle DAP and heart rate changes have been reported after stimulation of insular cortex in five
patients with epilepsy undergoing surgery for control of intractable seizures.
2.5.3. Respiratory cortical regulation.
Breathing responses induced have been described with electrical stimulation in cats, dogs, and
monkeys in a variety of brain regions including the posterior orbital surface of the frontal lobe
(68, 69), cingulate gyrus (70-72), amygdala (73), temporal polar cortex, uncus, anterior insula,
and subcallosal region (68).
Kaada et al. found that stimulation of the parahippocampal gyrus, temporo-polar cortex,
insula and anterior cingulate gyrus, had effects on respiratory movements in 8 patients
undergoing brain surgery (74). Chapman et al. obtained cessation or decrease in respirations
after orbitofrontal cortex stimulation in 7 of 9 patients in whom frontal lobectomy was carried out
as a treatment of psychoses (75). Pool and Ransohoff reported increase of respiratory rate in 2
cases during bilateral cingulate gyrus stimulation and decrease of respiratory rate in 2 cases, in
both, a period of complete apnea was observed (76). In current literature, there is only one
study of human brain stimulation that assesses breathing function, and demonstrated amygdala
stimulation-induced apnea in three patients (77).
Individuals with intractable epilepsy have an approximately 0.5-1% annual risk of Sudden
Unexpected Death in Epilepsy. SUDEP’s precise agonal mechanisms are unknown and
effective preventive strategies are unavailable. Recent evidence from the Mortality in Epilepsy
Monitoring Units Study (MORTEMUS) points to combined respiratory and cardiovascular
collapse driving the fatal event (1). Severe post-ictal hypotension has been suggested as a
potential SUDEP biomarker. Hypoventilation and hypoxemia are typically seen in generalized
tonic clonic seizures (GTCS) (1, 48), and severe alteration of breathing patterns after such
seizures has been suggested as a possible mechanism of SUDEP (1). Ictal and post-ictal
central apnea has been suggested as a potential mechanism in some SUDEP and near-SUDEP
cases (54).
We hypothesize that certain focal brain structures have a specific role in autonomic and
respiratory control. Identification of this structures may help us to understand autonomic and
breathing patterns surrounding ictal discharges and may help us to determine processes
underlying SUDEP risk.
The objectives of our project are:
Primary objective. To identify cortical control sites through electrical brain stimulation in
epilepsy patients undergoing stereotactic electroencephalogram (SEEG) evaluation for epilepsy
surgery. Several suprapontine brain structures will be investigated, including orbitofrontal cortex,
cingulate gyrus, subcallosal gyrus, insula, hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus, amygdala,
temporo-polar cortex, lateral temporal cortex, and basal temporal cortex.
Secondary objective. To define the precise nature of respiratory and autonomic responses to
stimulation of identified control sites, using polygraphic recordings of electroencephalography
(EEG), oxygen saturation of arterial hemoglobin (SpO2), end tidal and transcutaneous CO2:
(carbon dioxide), nasal airflow, respiratory rates, electrocardiograms (EKG) and continuous
blood pressure monitoring.
4.1. Experimental design. We prospectively studied 15 consecutive patients with medically
intractable focal epilepsy undergoing stereotactic electroencephalogram (SEEG) evaluations for
epilepsy surgery in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical
Center. Inclusion criteria were patients > 18 years of age, who had electrodes implanted in one
or more of our brain regions of interest, and in whom direct cortical electrical stimulation was
indicated for mapping of ictal onset and/or eloquent cortex regions. The number and locations
of depth electrodes were tailored according to the putative epileptogenic zone in each patient,
based on clinical history, semiology, neuroimaging, and scalp EEG. The local Institutional
Review Board reviewed and approved the study, and all patients signed informed consent prior
to any study procedures. Platinum-iridium depth electrodes measuring 1.1 mm in diameter and
2.5 mm in length, evenly spaced at 5-mm intervals, were implanted stereotactically under
general anesthesia. Implantation trajectories were simulated using iplan-stereotaxy 2.6 software
(Brainlab, Munich, Germany) based on recent 3T MRI images of the brain. Cranial CT was
performed within 24 hours post-surgically. Using iPlan software, postsurgical cranial computed
tomography and presurgical brain MRI scans were co-registered for precise localization of
single electrode contacts within each subject’s pre-surgical MRI (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Preoperative brain magnetic resonance imaging co-registered with postoperative
computed tomography scans showing the location of depth electrodes in the left hippocampus
(red color) using iplan-stereotaxy 2.6 software (Brainlab, Munich, Germany).
Anatomical electrodes from post-operative CT scans were registered to standard Montreal
Neurological Institute template MRI brain images using FLIRT linear registration available in
FSL v5.0.9 (78) ( MRI cortical reconstruction and volumetric
amygdala segmentations were performed using Freesurfer image analysis suite
( (79). Resulting images were reconstructed in 3D space
using 3D Slicer version 4.8 (80).
4.2. Stimulation
Bedside cortical electrical stimulation was carried out using one of the following stimulators:
Ojemann (Integra Life Sciences, Plainesboro, NJ), Grass S-88X (Astro-Med, Inc., RI) or Nihon
Kohden (MS-120BK-EEG). We used the following parameters:
A) Polarity. Monopolar stimulation refers to usage of a set of two electrodes where one
electrode, the reference, is distant from the stimulating electrode, which we expect to produce
the desired effect as a cathode or anode. Bipolar stimulation refers to a set of two electrodes in
close proximity, in which either of the two electrodes can produce a cortical response. We
carried out both bipolar and monopolar biphasic stimulation.
B) Phase. “Monophasic” when the stimulus is either positive or negative and “biphasic”, when
positive and negative stimuli are delivered alternately. We exclusively used biphasic stimulation.
C) Frequency indicates the number of stimuli applied every second. We used the following
frequencies: 1, 5 and 50 Hertz [Hz].
D) Pulse width is the pulse duration of each delivered stimulus. We used 200 microseconds
E) Train duration is the duration of each stimulation period. In our study they were from 2 up to
40 seconds.
F) Current intensity is the magnitude of the electric current as measured by the quantity of
electricity across a specified area per unit time. We started at 1 milliampere [mA], increased in
1mA increments to a maximum of 10 mA, unless the stimulation induced a seizure.
These parameters were chosen for safety reasons, since these are the same as those used in
brain mapping for clinical proposes (81). In the event of stimulation-induced seizures,
stimulation was discontinued and testing was aborted. Resuscitation equipment and intravenous
Lorazepam were always kept in close proximity to the patient in case of need.
4.3. Breathing, cardiac, blood pressure and EEG monitoring
Peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2), and heart rate were monitored using pulse
oximetry (Nellcor OxiMax N-600x; Covidien). Beat-to-beat systolic (SAP), diastolic (DAP) and
mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were continuously recorded using continuous noninvasive
arterial pressure monitoring (AP Monitor 500 by CN Systems). Nasal airflow was recorded using
a nasal thermistor (Thermocouple Airflow Sensor; Pro-Tech). End-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2)
was monitored using a capnograph (Model 7900; Philips) and transcutaneous CO2 using a
digital transcutaneous CO2 sensor (Digital SenTec V-SignTM). Chest and abdominal excursions
were recorded using inductance plethysmography (Ambu [Ballerup, Denmark] Sleepmate). EEG
and ECG were acquired using a diagnostic system (EEG-1200; Nihon Kohden).
CNAP® Monitor 500; CNSystems Medizintechnik AG
Beat-to-beat systolic, diastolic and mean arterial blood pressure, were continuously recorded
using a continuous noninvasive arterial pressure monitor (AP
Monitor 500 by CN Systems).
The CNAP® Monitor 500 is designed for continuous
noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring in a wide range of
applications. The system provides real-time systolic, diastolic,
mean blood pressure and pulse rate, high-fidelity blood
pressure waveforms (pulse pressure variation), allowing for
hemodynamic monitoring, automatic calibration to upper arm
blood pressure and easy integration with the EEG acquisition
Nellcor OxiMax N-600x
Peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2), and heart rate were monitored using pulse
oximetry (Nellcor OxiMax N-600x).
The Nellcor OxiMax N-600x, Covidien pulse oximeter
provides continuous non-invasive monitoring of SpO2 and
pulse rate. It includes a SatSeconds alarm. Advanced
digital signal processing technology ensures accurate,
reliable SpO2 and pulse rate measurements even when
low perfusion and interference occurs.
Ambu Sleepmate RIPmate®
The RIPmate™ Respiratory Effort Sensors collect data for
thoracic and abdominal respiratory effort. The system
measures inductance changes in the wire of the belt as it
expands and contracts with breathing. This change is
represented as voltage output from the sensor.
The RIPmate™ system consists of a belt, a respiratory effort
sensor that measures inductance changes in the belt and interfaces directly with a bipolar input
on the recording device, and a cable that connects the sensor directly to the belt. The Ambu
Sleepmate RIPmate™ Inductance Belts are designed for high sensitivity and patient comfort
during measurement of chest and abdominal expansion associated with respiratory effort.
Problems of signal loss due to lost belt tension and false paradoxical signals are eliminated.
Thermocouple Airflow Sensor; Pro-Tech®
Nasal and oral airflow were recorded using a nasal thermistor (Air
flow Sensor; Pro-Tech®). The thermistors are temperature sensors,
and detect the temperature difference when the air flows in and out.
Phillips Respironics CAPNOGARD® Capnograph
The CAPNOGARD® provides reliable mainstream measurement and
display of end tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) and respiratory rate.
Data from the Capnograph is acquired in real time by the EEG
acquisition systems and downloaded to MATLAB.
Digital SenTec V-SignTM Sensor CO2
The Digital SenTec V-Sign™ Sensor provides continuous
and noninvasive real-time monitoring of transcutaneous
CO2, SpO2 and pulse rate. It is a Stow-Severinghaus-type
SpCO2 sensor combined with reflectance 2-wavelength
pulse oximetry. The highly integrated digital sensor head
comprises a micro pH-electrode and an optical oximetry
unit. The sensor temperature is regulated by two
independent temperature sensors. All data is digitized in
the sensor head, allowing the transmission of robust, low-noise signals to the monitor. Sensor
sensitivity and calibration data is stored in the sensor head during manufacturing and regularly
updated during use.
Nihon Kohden EEG-1200
Electroencephalogram (EEG) and electrocardiogram (EKG)
were acquired using Nihon Kohden EEG-1200. The EEG
acquisition system is a Nihon Kohden (Japan) system which is
capable of simultaneously recording up to 192 channels of
EEG at 1000 samples/second along with video recordings. In
addition to video-EEG recording, 16 analog input signals can
be connected to the system. These inputs are used for
collection of other physiological measurements such as SpO2,
CO2, respiratory rate, continuous blood pressure and EKG.
4.4. Breathing, blood pressure, cardiac and autonomic responses
A custom MATLAB (matrix laboratory) program was developed to analyze respiratory, SpO2,
end tidal and transcutaneous CO2, airflow, thoracic and abdominal respiratory movement, EEG,
ECG, beat to beat blood pressure, heart rate variability (HRV) and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS)
(Figure 2).
A) Breathing. We defined central apnea as involuntary cessation of breathing (excursions and
airflow) where at least one breath was missed, compared to baseline breathing rate, with a drop
in peak signal excursion by >90% of pre-event baseline. Apnea onset was measured from the
nadir of the preceding breath (that was clearly reduced) to the beginning of the first inspiratory
effort that approximated baseline amplitude.
B) Blood pressure. We defined a significant response as a decrease or increase by >5
millimeters of mercury (mmHg) from the baseline mean during the stimulation period. The blood
pressure response was only considered positive when there was a subsequent tendency to
recover when stimulation was discontinued and when this response was consistently
reproduced (during at least 5 sessions). Stimulation was only initiated when SAP was within
normal limits (100-125mmHg), and immediately discontinued if it either dropped below 90
mmHg or by more than 25 mmHg from baseline.
C) Heart rate responses were defined as a heart rate change of >50% during stimulation
period, when concomitant seizures were excluded in that period.
D) Blood pressure (BPV) and heart rate variability (HRV) and baroreflex sensitivity (BRS).
To calculate autonomic responses before and during the stimulation, ECG R-Waves, SAP, and
DAP values, as the maximum and minimum points between two consecutive R-Peaks were
calculated. A series of four 5-minute consecutive epochs of artifact free awake state rest
recordings were identified as baseline. Twenty minutes of frequency domain baroreflex
sensitivity (BRS), blood pressure variability (BPV), and heart rate variability (HRV) values were
averaged to calculate baseline values. Stimulation values were calculated from initiation of
stimulus until heart rate and blood pressure returned to baseline levels. Frequency-domain BRS
was calculated as the average of the magnitude of the transfer function between oscillations of
SAP and RR-Interval. Low frequency (LF) range was defined between 0.04-0.15 Hz and high
frequency (HF) range was defined between 0.15-0.40 Hz. The LF/HF Ratio was used as a
measure of sympatho-vagal balance. Total power (TP) for BRS 15 and HRV 10 was calculated
as the sum of the LF and HF Bands (TP=LF+HF) and was used to normalize frequency domain
values to correct for overall drops in total autonomic power. These normalized values were
calculated by dividing the HF or LF band by TP and is reported as a percentage. The
quantitative measure of the BRS was also provided by the slope of the fitted line, commonly
expressed as the change in RR interval in milliseconds per millimeter of mercury change in SAP
Figure 2. Analytics tool for physiological signal analysis
MATLAB program. Research analytics tool for physiological signal analysis including as pictured
SpO2 and abdominal and thoracic excursions, ECG and beat by beat blood pressure.
4.5. Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS,
version 24; IBM Corp, Armonk, NY, USA). Summary statistics were reported as mean +
standard deviation (median, range). Chi square tests were used to assess the association
between several stimulation parameters and breathing response characteristics. The strength of
the linear association (correlation) between the non-parametric variable apnea duration, with
other variables, was measured using the Spearman’s Rho correlation coefficient r. A paired
samples t-test was conducted to compare autonomic responses to baseline values. The
strength of the correlation between spontaneous SAP and RR intervals (baroreflex) was
assessed by Pearson’s correlation coefficient r and only those data sequences with r>0.7 were
analyzed further. Significance was set at 2-sided p<0.05.
APNEIC SEIZURES. Neurology 2017; 88: 1-5.
CONTROL. JAMA Neurology, 2018 Feb 1;75 (2):194-202
Subjects and clinical setting. Between June 2015 and February 2018, 15 subjects were
recruited into the study after informed consent (eight female, seven male; mean age 42 [20-69]
years old). Only one subject had a lesion visible on MRI. All but one were right handed. Patient
demographics and characteristics are shown in Table 1. Putative epileptogenic zones, were
temporal in 11 (eight left, three right), left frontal in two and non-localizable left hemispheric in
two. Apart from essential hypertension treated with a calcium channel blocker (5 mg
Amlodipine) in subject 12, none had cardiorespiratory comorbidity, and none were on any
medications other than anti-seizure agents. At the time of stimulation, subject 1 was on habitual
doses of Lacosamide (200 mg/day) and Topiramate (400 mg a day); subject 5 (Clonazepam
0.25 mg a day) and 12 (Levetiracetam 1500 mg three times a day, Lacosamide 200 mg three
times a day and Clobazam 15 mg twice a day) were on reduced medication. The remaining
subjects were off seizure medications as a part of the clinical protocol aimed at capturing
seizures to localize the epileptogenic zone.
Stimulating electrodes.1410 electrodes were implanted, using SEEG techniques, of which 633
were placed in regions of interest (56 amygdala, 100 hippocampus, 24 insular, 41 orbitofrontal,
41 temporopolar, two parahippocampal gyrus, 323 lateral temporal, four basal temporal, 19
anterior cingulate, nine subcallosal, and 14 posterior cingulate neocortices). Of 633 electrodes,
185 were stimulated according to the study protocol (33 amygdala, 27 hippocampus, two
parahippocampal gyrus, 10 anterior insula, 20 orbitofrontal, 26 temporopolar, 35 lateral
temporal, two basal temporal, 19 anterior cingulate, nine subcallosal and two posterior cingulate
neocortices (Figure 4 and Table 2). The remaining electrodes (777/1410) were outside our
regions of interest.
Table 1. Patient and epilepsy characteristics
Case Age Sex Seizure
Duration (years)
Epileptogenic Zone Seizure semiology Seizure
frequency GTCS frequency Brain MRI Pathology
1 43 F 2 R L mesial temporal
Apneic sz→Aura→ Dialeptic sz→ GTCS 4/week 1/year Normal Gliosis
2 36 F 4 R L temporal Automotor sz→ R versive sz→ GTCS 1/week 1/year Normal N/A
3 48 M 3 R L mesial temporal Aura → Dialeptic sz 2/day None Normal N/A
4 39 M 10 R L temporal Automotor sz→ GTCS 3/week 2/month Normal Gliosis
5 39 M 5 R L lateral temporal Dialeptic sz→ GTCS 1-2/month 1/year Normal Neuronal
6 66 M 30 R L hippocampus Automotor sz→ GTCS 2-3/week 1/year Normal N/A
7 20 F 14 R
L hemisphere Apnea sz→ R versive sz→ GTCS 1/day 1/day Normal N/A
8 32 F 25 R L hemisphere Hypnopompic sz→ R versive sz→ GTCS 1/month 1/month Heterotopia N/A
9 26 M 8 R R amygdala Automotor sz 1/month None Normal N/A
10 49 F 3 L L mesial temporal Apneic sz→ Automotor sz 2/day 1/year Normal Gliosis
11 69 F 44 R R mesial temporal
Abdominal aura→ Automotor sz→ GTCS 1/month Once Normal
12 63 F 50 R L mesial frontal Asymmetric tonic sz→GTCS 1/day Twice Normal FCD I
13 38 M 2 R L orbito-frontal Tonic sz→ Automotor sz 2/week None Normal FCD II
M 10 R R temporal Apneic sz→Aura→Automotor sz→GTCS
1-2/week 1 / 2 months Normal
Neuronal loss with reactive astrocytosis
15 27 F 7 R L temporal Apneic sz→Automotor sz 1-2/month Twice Normal N/A
Legend: F: female, M: male, R: right, L: left, GTCS: generalized tonic-clonic seizure, sz: seizure,
FCD: focal cortical dysplasia, N/A: not available.
Table 2. Stimulating electrode contacts location in each patient
Numbers of electrodes in each cortical site
(L=left hemisphere, R=right hemisphere)
Insula (anterior)
T Pole
2 (L)
4 (L)
2 (L)
4 (L)
2 (L)
3 (L)
4 (L)
4 (L)
2 (L)
4 (L)
4 (L)
3 (L)
2 (L)
2 (L)
4 (L)
3 (L)
4 (L)
4 (L)
2 (L)
2 (R)
2 (L)
2 (L)
2 (R)
2 (L)
2 (L)
3 (L)
2 (R)
3 (R)
4 (R)
4 (R)
4 (R)
2 (R)
2 (L)
3 (L)
3(R) 3(L)
2(R) 2(L)
2 (R)
3 (R)
2 (R)
Legend: AMY: amygdala; H: Hippocampus; PH: Parahippocampal gyrus; OF: orbitofrontal, T:
temporal; AC: anterior cingulate gyrus; PC: posterior cingulate gyrus.
6.1. Respiratory responses to cortical electrical stimulation
Table 3 summarizes stimulated electrode contact locations that induced breathing alterations. In
each case, the breathing response was cessation of both thoracic wall movements and airflow,
consistent with central apnea. Precise anatomical locations of electrodes are shown in Figure 4.
Unilateral stimulation of limbic regions (amygdala, hippocampus, anterior parahippocampal
gyrus), and the paralimbic region of the mesial temporo-polar cortex in both hemispheres
independently elicited central apnea in 12/15 cases. In the remaining 3/15 subjects, precise
assessments on apnea could not be made because of recording artifact (two cases); one
additional patient only had electrodes in the insula, anterior cingulate and rostral subcallosal
gyri, regions that did not elicit apnea with stimulation in this and any other patient. During apnea
periods, there were no significant changes in blood pressure or heart rate.
Stimulation of temporal structures
Amygdala stimulation of 26 electrodes (18 left, eight right [Figure 4A and 5 and Table 3])
induced apnea in 10 of 13 subjects. In the remaining three subjects, no apnea was seen, as
breathing was either obscured by movement artifact in the plethysmographic breathing belt
signal (Subjects 2 and 3 [Table 3]), or testing was aborted because of stimulation-induced
clinical seizures (Subject 11 [Table 3]).
In subject 1, amygdala stimulation induced a habitual seizure with ictal central apnea
(ICA) at seizure onset that lasted for 56 seconds. The patient had left mesial temporal lobe
epilepsy, and ICA during habitual seizures. An example of ICA during one spontaneous seizure
is shown in figure 6. In subject 10, hippocampus stimulation induced a seizure with ICA as the
only clinical manifestation at seizure onset that lasted for 12 seconds (Figure 7). The patient had
left mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, and ICA as the first clinical manifestation during habitual
spontaneous seizures (Figure 8). Subject 6 had an amygdala stimulation-induced seizure and
ICA lasting 34 seconds.
Mean apnea durations during periods uncontaminated by seizures or afterdischarges,
was 10.6+ 2.5 (10; 7-16) seconds. We found breathing responses in all major amygdalar nuclei,
including lateral, basal and central nuclei (Figure 5 and Table 4). However, there were some
differences in stimulus parameters used. Low frequency stimulation (1 and 5 Hz) of the mesial
part of the amygdala, including basal (Subjects 8, 9 and 14) and central nuclei (Subject 13) was
sufficient to induce apnea. However, the lateral amygdala nucleus required higher current
intensity and stimulation frequency to induce apnea (Subject 5 and 15 [Table 4]). An example of
amygdala stimulation-induced apnea is shown in figure 9A.
Hippocampal head and body stimulation induced apnea in seven of nine subjects, after
stimulation of 20 electrode contacts (16 left, four right [Table 3 and Figure 4B]). In the remaining
two subjects, no apnea comment could be made because of stimulation-induced seizures and
consequently aborted testing. In two subjects, stimulation produced apneic seizures; apnea
persisted beyond stimulation end, with no other clinical signs.
Mean apnea duration during periods uncontaminated by seizures or afterdischarges was
10.2+ 2.5 (10; 5-16) seconds. Apnea induced by stimulation of the hippocampus in subject 4 is
shown in figure 10.
Parahippocampal gyrus: (anterior parahippocampal gyrus [Brodmann Area 35])
Parahippocampal stimulation was carried out in subject eight only (Figure 4E and 9D). The
longest non-seizure, stimulation-induced apnea in our study was seen with parahippocampal
gyrus stimulation in this case (23 seconds). Mean apnea duration was 19.3+ 2.9 (20; 15-23)
seconds. An example of parahippocampal gyrus stimulation-induced apnea is shown in figure
Temporo-polar cortex (Brodmann Area 38)
Temporo-polar stimulation induced apnea in five of eight subjects with electrodes in this
structure during stimulation of 13 electrodes (seven right, six left [Table 3]). All stimulated
electrode contacts that induced apnea were located in the mesial part of the temporo-polar
region (Figure 4C). An example of mesial temporo-polar cortex stimulation-induced apnea is
shown in figure 11. Temporal tip and lateral temporo-polar electrodes in four cases (four, nine,
13 and 15) failed to induce breathing responses. Mean apnea duration was 8.4+ 2.6 (8; 4-13)
Lateral temporal and basal temporal neocortices
A total of 35 electrodes were stimulated in the superior and middle temporal gyri and two in the
basal temporal; none produced breathing changes.
Stimulation of extra-temporal structures
Anterior, posterior cingulate and rostral subcallosal gyri stimulation (Brodmann Area 32, 24 and
25 respectively) was investigated in 30 sites in nine subjects [Figure 4H]. In subject 13,
additional bilateral anterior cingulate stimulation was carried out. Neither unilateral nor bilateral
stimulation (in subject 13) induced breathing changes.
Orbitofrontal (20), and anterior insula (10) gyri were also investigated in both
hemispheres, without breathing changes. Stimulation of these areas did not induce any seizures
during stimulation.
Table 3. Stimulating electrode contacts location in each patient
Numbers of electrodes in each cortical site
(L=left hemisphere, R=right hemisphere)
Insula (anterior)
T Pole
2 (L)
4 (L)
2 (L)*
4 (L)
2 (L)
3 (L)*
4 (L)
4 (L)
2 (L)
4 (L)
4 (L)
3 (L)
2 (L)
2 (L)
4 (L)
3 (L)
4 (L)
4 (L)
2 (L)
2 (R)
2 (L)
2 (L)
2 (R)
2 (L)
2 (L)
3 (L)
2 (R)**
3 (R)**
4 (R)
4 (R)
4 (R)
2 (R)
2 (L)
3 (L)
3(R) 3(L)
2(R) 2(L)
2 (R)
3 (R)
2 (R)
In red, sites with stimulation-induced apnea (without induced seizures).
* Breathing not assessable due to movement or electrode artifact.
** Testing aborted because of induced clinical seizure.
Stimulation sites where low current intensity induced both seizure and apnea.
AMY: amygdala; H: Hippocampus; PH: Parahippocampal gyrus; OF: orbitofrontal, T: temporal;
AC: anterior cingulate gyrus; PC: posterior cingulate gyrus.
Characteristics of Stimulation-induced Central Apnea.
Effect of stimulation on breathing cycle.
Apnea always occurred following completion of an expiratory cycle. Stimulation in the inspiratory
phase of the breathing cycle, produced inhibition of inspiratory effort at any point of that phase,
evident on respiratory belt signal and video, with the thorax then assuming a resting position
(i.e., no active inspiration or expiration). If stimulation was initiated at any point in the expiratory
phase of the breathing cycle, expiration was continued to completion.
Perception of breathlessness from apnea during stimulation.
Patients were always agnostic of apnea and thus upon questioning, none were aware of any
breathing difficulties or dyspnea during the apnea period. When reiteratively asked “did you feel
anything”, the answer was always “no”. Processes for voluntary air movement involving
vocalization superseded stimulation effects; when patients were instructed to voluntarily
breathe, and then, stimulation was initiated, we were unable to produce apnea, despite using
identical stimulation parameters.
Effect of stimulus current intensity and frequency on breathing.
High current intensity (>5mA) was significantly associated with longer apnea duration (p=0.04)
compared to low intensity (<5mA) (Figure 12B). On the other hand, high versus low stimulation
frequency (50 Hz versus 1 or 5 Hz) did not affect apnea duration (p=0.6). High frequency
stimulation (50Hz) was followed by immediate apneic responses, whereas low frequency
stimulations (1 or 5 Hz) resulted in delayed apnea onset (apnea began 1-2 breaths after
stimulation onset) (p<0.001) (Figure 12C). An example of delayed apnea after low frequency
stimulation (at 5 Hz) is shown in figure 9D.
Although breathing responses were more easily elicitable using high current intensity
and high stimulus frequency, we found that doing so with amygdala and hippocampus
stimulations often resulted in electroclinical seizures, where seizure manifestations prevented
conclusions on the pure effect of stimulations.
Effect of stimulation duration on respiration.
Stimulation duration was significantly associated with apnea duration (p<0.01) (Figure 12A).
Mean (all structures) apnea duration was 11+ 10 (median 10; range 4-23) seconds without
induced seizures or afterdischarges. When an apneic seizure was induced, the apnea period
lasted longer (up to 56 seconds) (Table 4).
Little or no change in SpO2 and CO2 was noted when patients began re-breathing. We
found no causal relationship between apnea duration, and low SpO2/high CO2 levels, as
possible apnea overriding mechanisms. Resumption of breathing usually occurred before any
changes in SpO2 or CO2 (Table 4). However, there were two notable exceptions in subject 8,
during parahippocampal gyrus stimulation. Apnea durations were the longest noted in our
series, 21 and 23 seconds respectively, and associated with significant increases in ETCO2
(from 43 to 48 mmHg) and drops in SpO2 (from 99 to 94%) (Figure 13).
In 51/66 (78%) of stimulations, patients resumed breathing (after the apnea period),
before or at stimulation end. In 15/66 (22%), apnea continued for 1-10 seconds after stimulation
was discontinued. An example of apnea continuing after stimulation was discontinued is shown
in figure 11 (lower panel) during short (5-6 seconds) stimulation durations.
Figure 4. Locations of electrode contacts investigated for structures that produce stimulation-
induced apnea.
Legend: This composite figure shows electrode locations of stimulated electrodes. Locations
that produced apnea are shown in red: amygdala (A), hippocampus head and body (B), mesial
temporo-polar cortex (C and D) and parahippocampal gyrus (E). Locations that did not produce
apnea are shown in blue: temporal tip [anterior] and lateral temporo-polar cortices (C and D), lateral temporal (A, B, C and E), orbitofrontal cortex [F and H], anterior insular [G], anterior and
posterior cingulate and subcallosal gyri [H]). The temporo-polar cortex subregions are marked
with a yellow dashed line (C).
Figure 5. Locations of stimulated electrode contacts in amygdala nuclei that produce
stimulation-induced apnea.
Table 4. Characteristics of stimulation and stimulation-induced apnea
Case Stim.
Side Stim.
Apnea duration
in relation to
stim. end
(- = before, + =
after stim. end)
SpO2 (%)
At resumption
of breathing
At resumption
of breathing
1** AMY(b) L 50Hz 4mA 15s 56s n/a n/a 98/92 32/40
4 AMY(l) L 50Hz 10mA 15s 8 s 0 -20 95/93 38/39
4 H L 50Hz 3mA 15s 14s 0 -16 95/95 38/38
4** H L 50Hz 4mA 15s 14s n/a n/a 95/95 38/38
5 AMY(l) L 50Hz 6mA 30s 9s 0 -19 92/92 27/29
5 H L 50Hz 3mA 30s 6s 0 -23 92/92 27/29
5** H L 50Hz 4mA 30s 40s n/a n/a 92/92 27/28
6** AMY (l) L 50Hz 9mA 33s 34s n/a n/a 92/89 -
7 AMY(b) L 50Hz 8mA 16s 9s 0 -7s 98/98 42/42
7 AMY(b) L 50Hz 9mA 16s 10s 0 -5s 98/98 41/41
7 AMY(b) L 50Hz 10mA 16s 12s 0 -5s 99/42 97/43
7 AMY(b) L 50Hz 10mA 6s 9s 0 +4s 98/97 40/40
7 AMY(b) L 50Hz 10mA 6s 9s 0 +4s 98/97 40/40
7 AMY(b) L 50Hz 10mA 6s 9s 0 +3s 98/97 40/40
7 AMY(b) L 50Hz 10mA 6s 8s 0 +4s 98/98 40/40
7 H L 50Hz 3mA 10s 11s 0 +1s 98/98 38/38
7 H L 50Hz 3mA 16s 12s 0 -3s 98/98 39/39
7 H L 50Hz 4mA 20s 9s 0 -10s 98/98 39/39
7 H L 50Hz 7mA 15s 6s 0 -7s 99/99 40/40
7 H L 50Hz 8mA 16s 6s 0 -11s 99/99 40/40
7 H L 50Hz 9mA 16s 8s 0 -4s 99/99 41/41
7 H L 50Hz 10mA 16s 8s 0 -7s 99/99 40/40
8 PH R 5Hz 6mA 22s 20s 2 +4s 99/98 42/42
8 PH R 5Hz 6mA 22s 20s 2 -8s 98/98 43/43
8 PH R 5Hz 6.5mA 32s 15s 2 -11s 98/98 43/43
8 PH R 5Hz 7mA 31s 17s 2 -7s 98/99 43/43
8 PH R 5Hz 8mA 34s 23s 2 -6s 98/94 43/48
8 PH R 5Hz 8mA 40s 21s 2 -15s 99/94 43/48
8 AMY(b) R 5Hz 2mA 13s 12s 0 -1s 99/99 42/42
8 AMY(b) R 5Hz 8mA 16s 14s 2 +7s 97/97 -
8 AMY(b) R 5Hz 9mA 16s 13s 2 +3s 98/98 -
8 AMY(b) R 5Hz 10mA 16s 16s 2 +4s 99/99 -
8 TP L 50Hz 5mA 15s 8s 1 -3s 99/99 -
9 AMY(b) R 1Hz 10mA 25s 11s 0 -3s 97/97 -
9 AMY(b) R 50Hz 1.4mA 10s 9s 0 -4 90/90 -
9 AMY(b) R 50Hz 1.6mA 10s 7s 0 -3 90/90 -
9 H R 50Hz 4mA 15s 14s 0 0 96/96 -
9 H R 50Hz 5mA 15s 7s 0 -7s 96/95 -
9 H R 50Hz 5mA 30s 9s 0 -9s 96/96 -
9 H R 50Hz 5mA 6s 5s 0 0 96/94 -
10** H L 50Hz 2mA 5s 12s n/a n/a 99/99 35/35
10 TP L 50Hz 5mA 15s 8s 0 -4s 99/99 35/35
11 TP R 50Hz 3mA 16s 10s 0 -4s 96/94 37.8/37.8(*)
11 TP R 50Hz 3mA 11s 8s 0 -3s 95/95 37.6/37.8(*)
11 TP R 50Hz 4mA 5s 8s 0 +4s 94/94 38/38(*)
11 TP R 50Hz 4mA 6s 8s 0 +3s 94/94 38.1/38.1(*)
11 TP R 50Hz 4ma 5s 7s 0 +4s 93/93 38.1/38.1(*)
11 TP R 50Hz 4mA 2s 6s 0 +2s 93/93 38.2/38.2(*)
11 TP R 50Hz 4mA 9s 6s 0 +1s 94/93 38.3/38.4(*)
11 TP R 50Hz 4mA 9s 4s 0 +3s 94/93 38.5/38.7(*)
11 TP R 50Hz 5mA 19s 13s 0 -4s 94/94 39.2/39.2(*)
13 AMY(c) R 1Hz 9mA 19s 10s 2 -4s 93/93 -
13 AMY(c) R 50Hz 5mA 13s 10s 0 -3s 89/89 47/47.2(*)
13 H L 1Hz 3mA 21s 9s 2 -6s 95/95 -
13 H L 1Hz 10mA 22s 9s 2 -6s 95/95 -
13 H L 50Hz 3mA 16s 12s 0 -2s 90/88 47.5/47.5(*)
13 H L 50Hz 5mA 13 10s 0 -2s 89/88 47.1/47.2(*)
14 AMY (b) R 1Hz 6mA 23s 9s 0 -11s 95/95 -
14 AMY (b) R 1Hz 7mA 21s 12s 0 -9.5s 95/95 -
14 AMY(b) R 1Hz 10mA 20s 16s 0 -10s 95/95 -
14 H R 1Hz 1mA 21s 14s 1 -2.5s 99/99 -
14 H R 1Hz 5mA 17s 16s 0 -4s 95/95 41/41(*)
14 H R 1Hz 8mA 21s 12s 1 -3s 95/95 41/41(*)
14 H R 1Hz 10mA 21s 15s 2 0s 95/95 41/41(*)
14 H R 50Hz 1mA 15s 10s 0 -3s 99/99 -
14 H R 50Hz 2mA 17s 13s 0 -2s 95/95 41/41(*)
14 TP R 1Hz 5mA 21s 12s 1 -7s 96/96 -
14 TP R 50Hz 2mA 15s 12s 1 -2s 99/99 42/42(*)
14 TP R 50Hz 3mA 14s 12s 0 -2s 94/95 42.5/42.6(*)
14 TP R 50Hz 6mA 13s 7s 0 -2s 95/95 41/41(*)
14 TP R 50Hz 8mA 11s 6s 0 -3s 95/95 41/41(*)
15 TP L 20Hz 4mA 19s 11s 0 -8s 99/99 -
15 TP L 50Hz 2mA 17s 7s 1 -3s 99/99 -
15 TP L 50Hz 3mA 17s 12s 0 -3s 99/99 -
15 TP L 50Hz 4mA 20s 9s 0 -10s 99/99 -
15 TP L 50Hz 5mA 12s 10s 0 -3s 99/99 -
15 TP L 50Hz 6mA 6s 9s 0 +2s 99/99 -
15 AMY(l) L 50Hz 3mA 11s 7s 0 -4s 99/99 -
15 AMY(l) L 50Hz 4mA 13s 8s 0 -5s 99/99 -
15 AMY(l) L 50Hz 4mA 16s 10s 0 -4s 99/99 -
15 AMY(b) L 20Hz 3mA 21s 12s 0 -8s 98/98 -
15 AMY(b) L 20Hz 3mA 9s 13s +2s 0 99/99 -
15 AMY(b) L 20Hz 4mA 9s 14s +6s 0 99/99 -
*Transcutaneous CO2 values (mmHg)
**Stimulation induced seizure/afterdischarges
AMY: amygdala; HH: hippocampus head; HB: hippocampus body; TP: temporo-polar cortex;
PH: parahippocampal gyrus; Hz: hertz; mA: milliampers; R: right; L: left; s: seconds; stim:
stimulation; SpO2: peripheral capillary oxygen saturation; ETCO2: end-tidal carbon dioxide; n/a:
not applicable; b: basal nucleus; l: lateral nucleus; c: central nucleus.
Figure 6. Central apnea in relation to intracranial and scalp EEG seizure onset.
Legend: A) Stereo-electroencephalographic (SEEG) recording of spontaneous hippocampal
seizure onset in subject 1 after repetitive inter-ictal spiking, with concurrent thoraco-abdominal
breathing signal cessation, which is replaced by a pulse artifact, and indicative of ictal central
apnea. Twelve seconds later, surface EEG seizure onset appears. B) Resumption of breathing
occurred two seconds before seizure end.
OF: orbitofrontal, SC: subcallosal, TP: temporal pole, AM: amygdala, HH: hippocampus head,
HB: hippocampus body, PC: posterior cingulate.
Figure 7. Spontaneous seizure-induced central apnea.
Legend: A spontaneous left hippocampus and amygdala EEG seizure in subject 10 induced a
60 second apnea. The patient had no aura. When the nurses came into the room, she was
unresponsive and had mouth automatisms. She did not talk during the seizure. The apnea
ended at seizure end. SpO2 and ETCO2 were not available during this seizure.
Sz: seizure, OF: orbitofrontal cortex, TP: temporo-polar cortex, AM: amygdala, HH:
hippocampus head, HB: hippocampus body, LT: lateral temporal cortex, PC: posterior cingulate
Figure 8. Stimulation-induced seizure accompanied by central apnea followed by after-
discharges and bradypnea.
Legend: Left hippocampus body stimulation in subject 10 at 1 mA induced a seizure arising from
the hippocampus. Belts showed respiratory arrest at seizure onset. Patient was agnostic of
apnea and had no other symptoms associated. When the patient started talking and answering
questions, apnea ended. When the seizure ended, afterdischarges persisted with maximum
amplitude in the hippocampus. The patient was able to breathe, but at an irregular, slower
rhythm, compared to baseline. Once the afterdischarges ended, the patient’s breathing rhythm
went back to baseline.
Figure 9. Amygdala and parahippocampal gyrus stimulation-induced apnea with low frequency
(1 Hertz and 5 Hertz) stimulation.
Legend: A) Central apnea appears in abdominal and nasal airflow channels, with 1 Hertz right
amygdala stimulation in subject nine. All implanted electrodes shown are in the right
hemisphere grey matter. Stimulated electrode contacts are seen in axial (B) and coronal (C)
MRI sections. No after-discharges or seizures are seen. D) Central apnea appears in abdominal
and nasal airflow channels, with low frequency (5 Hertz) right parahippocampus gyrus
stimulation in subject eight. The implanted electrodes shown are in the left (L) and right (R)
hemispheres. Stimulated electrode contacts are seen in coronal (E and F) MRI sections. No
after-discharges or seizures are seen.
Figure 10. Hippocampus stimulation-induced central apnea.
Legend: The upper panel shows the stimulating hippocampal electrode position in subject 4.
Preoperative brain MRI co-registered with postoperative CT scans showing the location of the
stimulated electrodes in the left hippocampus in blue color in coronal (A), axial (B) and sagittal
(C) cuts. The lower panel (D) represents hippocampus stimulation-induced, instantaneous
central apnea at 3 milliamperes (mA) of current intensity, 50 Hz frequency and 0.2 ms
pulsewidth in subject 4. The subject was able to breathe out once after stimulation was started
but unable to resume breathing for 15 seconds. At resumption, breathing rate was similar to
Figure 11. Mesial temporal polar cortex stimulation-induced apnea in subject 11.
Legend: Right mesial temporo-polar stimulation in case 11. The upper panel represents a 19
second stimulation train (50Hz, 0.2 ms pulsewidth, 5mA), which induced immediate cessation of
thoracic and abdominal excursions following the end of expiration (blue signal) in addition to
airflow cessation (green). The apnea period lasted for 13 seconds. SpO2 and transcutaneous
CO2 were 94% and 39.2mmHg, respectively, and remained steady during the apnea period.
The locations of stimulation electrodes are shown in axial (A) and coronal (B) FLAIR MRI
sections. The lower panel represents short stimulation sessions inducing immediate apnea, with
persistence of apnea into the post-stimulation period. STG: superior temporal gyrus, MTG:
middle temporal gyrus. *Stimulated electrodes.
Figure 12. Association between stimulation duration, intensity and frequency, with apnea
Legend: A) Apnea duration (s) vs stimulation duration (s). The abscissa is stimulation duration
(in seconds) and the ordinate is apnea duration. Each data point represents the cortical site of
each stimulation. The simple linear regression line and 95% confidence intervals are shown. B)
Plot with error bars of stimulation current intensity, divided into low (<5) and high (>5
milliamperes) current intensity, and mean apnea duration (in seconds), showing that high
current intensity (>5mA) was significantly associated with longer apnea duration (p=0.04),
compared to low intensity (<5mA). C) Bar graph shows that high frequency stimulation (50 Hz)
was statistically significantly associated (p<0.001) with immediate apnea onset with stimulation.
Immediate apnea onset = apnea that occurred following completion of an expiratory cycle;
delayed = apnea began 1-2 completed breaths after stimulation onset.
Figure 13. Mesial temporo-polar cortex stimulation-induced central apnea in subject 11.
Legend: Right mesial temporal pole stimulation in subject 8 at 50 Hz. A) The temporal
relationship between stimulation period and apnea is shown. Apnea ended before stimulation
was discontinued. B) The panel shows one of right mesial temporal pole stimulation session at
8 mA. The stimulation period lasted 40 seconds. Apnea lasted for 21 seconds and ended before
stimulation was discontinued. There was no apparent relationship between pO2 or CO2 levels
and resumption of breathing.
6.2. Blood pressure responses to cortical electrical stimulation
Stimulation in all electrodes placed in Brodmann area 25 (BA25) in cases 7, 8, 9 and 12
produced rapid and consistently reproducible decreases in SAP (Table 5). The mean drop was
15 [10-42] mmHg. SAP decreases appeared after a mean latency of 8.5 [1-14] seconds. An
example of stimulation induced decreased of blood pressure is shown is figure 15.
Figure 14. Brodmann area 25 (BA25) stimulating electrode positions that induced blood
pressure responses (drop of systolic blood pressure).
Table 5. Stimulating electrode contacts location in each patient
Numbers of electrodes in each cortical site
(L=left hemisphere, R=right hemisphere)
Insula (anterior)
T Pole
2 (L)
4 (L)
2 (L)
4 (L)
2 (L)
3 (L)
4 (L)
4 (L)
2 (L)
4 (L)
4 (L)
3 (L)
2 (L)
2 (L)
4 (L)
3 (L)
4 (L)
4 (L)
2 (L)
2 (R)
2 (L)
2 (L)
2 (R)
2 (L)
2 (L)
3 (L)
2 (R)
3 (R)
4 (R)
4 (R)
4 (R)
2 (R)
2 (L)
3 (L)
3(R) 3(L)
2(R) 2(L)
2 (R)
3 (R)
2 (R)
In red, the structures were stimulation induced blood pressure responses
AMY: amygdala; H: Hippocampus; OF: orbitofrontal, T: temporal, AC: anterior cingulate, PC:
posterior cingulate.
Figure 15. Stimulation of Brodmann Area 25 (BA25) in patient 12 induced decrease of systolic
blood pressure and pulse pressure at different current intensities.
Legend. A) Cardiovascular features in the resting state before stimulation session (baseline).
Cardiovascular responses after stimulation with B) 5 mA, C) 7 mA, D-E) 6 mA and F) 8 mA.
Red dots represent systolic arterial pressure (SAP) and black dots diastolic arterial pressure
At times, the fall in SAP was preceded by a slight rise. Once stimulation was
discontinued, SAP began to increase within 12 [1-47] seconds. DAP did not change
concurrently with SAP, resulting in a consistent narrowing of pulse pressure in all patients.
Heart rate responses differed. In case 8, heart rate increased accordingly with SAP. On
the other hand, in subjects seven, nine and 12, heart rate did not significantly change. SpO2
and ETCO2 did not change at any time during or after stimulation. Frequency domain analysis of
HRV, BPV and BRS comparing baseline with the stimulation period and baroreflex slope were
calculated in subjects seven, eight and nine and showed mixed pictures.
During some of the BA 25 stimulation sessions, brief afterdischarges were induced,
although there were no differences in blood pressure responses in either situation. However, we
excluded stimulations with afterdischarges to ensure that the blood pressure responses were
being produced exclusively by BA25 stimulation, and not by afterdischarges in other brain
We analyzed recorded seizures in those patients in whom we found hypotensive
responses to specifically look for spontaneous peri-ictal hypotensive changes, and for
correlation of seizure discharges in BA25 with hypotension. Subject 7 did not have hypotensive
changes with the single seizure that was recorded; the BA25 electrode was involved in the
seizure although the seizure discharge was widespread at that point. Subject 8 had no blood
pressure recordings during seizures. Subject 9 had no seizures recorded during intracranial
EEG monitoring with blood pressure recordings. However, he previously had three complex
partial seizures with oral automatisms, recorded with surface EEG and continuous blood
pressure monitoring. Two of these had ictal and post-ictal hypotension (Figure 16). Subject 12
had asymmetric tonic seizures lasting for less than 10 seconds, in which blood pressure did not
change, and where the seizure did not involve Brodmann area 25.
No significant blood pressure responses were noted after stimulation of amygdala,
hippocampus, and insular, orbitofrontal, temporopolar, lateral temporal, basal temporal, anterior
cingulate and posterior cingulate neocortex.
Figure 16. Ictal and postictal hypotension during a complex partial seizure with oral automatism
in subject 9 recorded with surface EEG and continuous blood pressure (BP) monitoring.
Legend: Red dots represent systolic arterial pressure and black dots represent diastolic arterial
pressure. EKG indicates electrocardiogram.
*Two periods during ictus when movement artifact of the blood pressure-cuffed limb renders
acquisition unreliable.
6.3. Cardiac responses to cortical electrical stimulation
Neither significant changes in heart rate nor arrhythmias were induced by electrical cortical
stimulation. Increase of heart rate was only seen when induced seizures, but they were
excluded in the analysis.
7.1. Cortical control of respiration
We prospectively evaluated limbic and paralimbic structures in both hemispheres for central
apnea using direct cortical electrical stimulation, while controlling for after-discharges in
potentially symptomatogenic sites.
We confirmed amygdalohippocampal complex influences on breathing, and also found
evidence of additional structures located in the parahippocampal gyrus and mesial temporo-
polar regions that influence respiratory patterning. Further, we were able to localize amygdalar
apneic responses to basal, central and lateral nuclei stimulation.
Our study, as well as recent reports meticulously assessing for seizure and
afterdischarge influence (to prevent false positive results from seizure spread to other apnea-
producing structures), provide evidence of a role for the amygdala and hippocampus to
influence breathing, findings which are consistent with other recent studies (77, 82, 83).
We reproducibly elicited central apnea with amygdala and hippocampus stimulation.
In the amygdala, we confirmed the appearance of apneic responses with basal and
central amygdalar nuclei, and, with higher stimulation parameters, the lateral nucleus (Figure 5
and Table 4). An earlier study reported breathing responses after stimulation of only lateral and
basal nuclei (77); whereas a more recent study found breathing responses exclusively from the
central amygdalar nucleus (82). Our findings are likely robust, since careful localization of
electrodes (Figure 5) demonstrates that low frequency stimulation elicited amygdalar apnea in
the mesial part of the amygdala, including basal (Subjects 8, 9 and 14) and central nuclei
(Subject 13) nuclei. However, the lateral part of the amygdala required higher frequency and
current intensity stimulation to induce apnea (Subject 5 and 15 [Table 4]). This finding could
represent a response to stimulation-effect-spread to nearby structures (basal or central nuclei)
rather than true symptomatogenicity in the stimulated lateral nucleus). Amygdala nuclei
projections may underlie these findings; the central nucleus of the amygdala has major
projections to phase-switching areas of the parabrachial pons (Hopkins and Holstege, 1978) as
well as brainstem respiratory areas implicated in resting respiratory rhythm (84). One of these
regions, the periaqueductal gray (PAG), modulates pre-inspiratory neurons in the pre-Botzinger
complex, the kernel for eupneic rhythm generation. However, the lateral nucleus does not
directly project to the brainstem, but sends substantial projections to the hippocampus,
thalamus (85), mesial temporo-polar cortex (86), and other cortical areas. All amygdaloid nuclei
are intrinsically connected (87), and the lateral amygdala apnea influences may be exerted
through those intrinsic connections to mesial amygdala nuclei or through hippocampal and
thalamic projections.
Both animal and human studies show cortical influences on breathing from structures
outside the amygdalo-hippocampal complex; these sites include the anterior insula, anterior and
posterior cingulate, subcallosal gyrus, orbitofrontal and temporo-polar cortex (68, 70, 74-76, 86,
88). Modern image co-registration techniques allow extremely precise localization of stimulated
electrodes in these regions; additional extensive scalp and intracranial EEG recordings during
stimulation sessions monitor after-discharges and seizures that could contaminate results.
Thus, we set out to exhaustively sample all these structures previously implicated in influencing
In addition to the amygdala and hippocampus, we found that stimulation of the
parahippocampal gyrus and temporo-polar cortex also induced apnea. These findings are
consistent with Kaada et al’s animal, and human observations of the same area (68, 74). They
described central apnea with human temporo-polar cortex and hippocampal gyrus stimulation in
patients undergoing brain surgery. Of interest, in our study, temporo-polar apneic responses
were exclusive to the paralimbic, mesial subregion of the temporal pole; neither temporal tip
(anterior) nor lateral temporo-polar stimulation produced apnea. Cytoarchitectural differences
may explain this observation (89), since the mesial temporo-polar area is considered a
paralimbic cortical region that consists of agranular cortex, is distinct from the temporal tip and
lateral temporo-polar region (dysgranular regions), and is phylogenetically related to
hippocampus and parahippocampal allocortex, structures we also found to produce apnea on
stimulation (90).
In addition to identification of breathing influences from parahippocampal and mesial
temporo-polar cortex stimulation, anterior insula, orbitofrontal and anterior and posterior
cingulate regions were examined. These areas were previously posited by Chapman, Pool and
Kaada (74-76) in their stimulation experiments. In our study, exploration of these regions did
not produce any change in breathing patterns. There are two possible explanations for this
discrepancy. First, previous studies did not distinguish between stimulation-induced apnea and
stimulation-induced seizures producing apnea. Second, stimulated electrodes may not have
been placed with the image-guided anatomical precision achievable today, such as in insula or
anterior cingulate gyrus. The descriptions of stimulation-induced apnea (74) included patient
DF reporting a “funny feeling like before an attack”, patient RSu developing habitual aura and
drowsiness, and patient MR having a habitual seizure (“Oh, now I’m having an attack”). Thus,
reported apnea may have been symptomatic of seizure spread to other apnea-producing
structures. These reports of affect changes are of particular relevance to brain regions that we
consistently found to be non-apnea producing. We stimulated the anterior cingulate in 19
electrode sites in seven patients, without finding breathing responses in any. Neither unilateral
nor bilateral stimulation (in case 13, similar to Pool experiments), induced breathing changes. It
is again possible that this outcome may result from electrode placements different from ours;
however, our anterior cingulate electrode positions were similar to those that produced apnea in
Kaada’s and Pool’s study. A notable exception was coverage of the anterior- most region, just
anterior to the callosal genu, which was not examined in any of our patients. This part of the
anterior cingulate cannot therefore be excluded as a site which influences breathing, based on
our data. Similarly, the posterior cingulate region cannot be entirely excluded, since the single
instance of that site producing stimulation-induced apnea occurred with stimulation at 120 Hz
(76), a frequency beyond that permitted by our study protocol. The anterior insular (10
electrodes in four subjects), and orbitofrontal (20 electrodes in six subjects) regions were
similarly silent despite repeated stimulation trials. In common with previous reports, lateral
temporal neocortical stimulation (35 electrodes in nine subjects) did not induce apnea in any
Our results point to a set of mesial temporal structures which can influence breathing
patterns. Electrical stimulation of these sites modify resting breathing rate. This set of structures
likely represents the anatomical substrate of limbic/paralimbic breathing modulation in a well-
described emotional motor system (EMS) (91) (92). Although various nuclei in the pons and
medulla contribute to normal, unlabored (eupneic) respiratory rhythm (93-95), eupnea is
continuously adjusted by several rostral brain structures, including the EMS to suit changing
environmental circumstances, including emotional reactions (laughter, crying or fear), but also
other basic behaviors such as coughing, vomiting or voluntary vocalization (92). The amygdalar
component of the EMS (involved in various aspects of emotional processing) maintains
extensive efferent and afferent pathways with the hypothalamus and bed nucleus of the stria
terminalis (86). The central nucleus of the amygdala, together with the lateral bed nucleus of the
stria terminalis, has strong projections to the periaqueductal gray (PAG), a significant
component within the EMS. The PAG modulates pre-inspiratory neurons in the pre-Botzinger
complex region, the kernel for eupneic rhythm generation. For example, during apnea, the pre-
inspiratory neurons are inhibited. Perturbation of neural function in and around this area
severely disrupts breathing rhythm (94). Stimulation in the most caudal portions of the
ventrolateral PAG generates apnea (84). However, since the PAG has no direct connections
with any somatic or preganglionic parasympathetic motoneuronal cell groups in brainstem and
spinal cord, in the context of respiratory control, the PAG uses its projections to the parabrachial
pons, Kolliker-Fuse nuclei, and the medullary ventrolateral tegmental field to modulate
respiratory reflexes. The cardiorespiratory modulation induced by PAG is mediated by neurons
of the dorsomedial hypothalamus (96). Upstream, the amygdala also has rich inter-nodal
connectivity with the temporo-polar cortex through the fasciculus amygdalo-temporalis, which
connects the lateral amygdala to mesial temporo-polar cortex (86). The temporo-polar cortex
has heavy projection to the hippocampus; its afferents synapse with entorhinal cortex to project
to the subiculum, hippocampus and the dentate gyrus. Conversely, the temporal pole receives
hippocampal afferents via the subiculum (86). Both amygdala and temporo-polar cortex are
connected with the midbrain tegmentum through the temporopontine tract (74). Thus, there is
rich connectivity between all the mesial temporal network nodes identified through stimulation.
Mesial temporal modulation of breathing is evidenced by hippocampal activity increases
before apnea termination in cats (97). Some hippocampal and amygdalar neurons phase-lock
with the respiratory cycle in humans, suggesting that these structures are intimately involved in
breathing regulation (98, 99). Single-pulse stimulation of the amygdala central nucleus in cats
pace the inspiratory cycle during waking; that relationship disappears during quiet sleep (100).
This abundant anatomical and functional connectivity between temporo-limbic,
paralimbic, and brainstem structures is likely to explain the functional role of these nodes in a
respiratory network, mainly archicortex and paleocortex that have a primitive phylogenetic
hierarchy. However, in the suprapontine limbic and paralimbic network, what mesial temporal
nodes assume preeminence cannot be determined from our study. Apart from case eight, in
whom the longest apnea periods were seen after parahippocampal gyrus stimulation, there
were no significant differences in apnea durations produced by individual structures, nor in the
stimulus intensities that produced these apneas. In all subjects, low current intensity stimulation
(<5mA) elicited apnea.
Breathing responses and stimulation parameters
Because apnea occurred with cessation of inspiratory efforts rather than termination of
expiration in all stimulation sessions, it is likely that the “next” inspiration was inhibited by the
stimulation. These observation suggests that the most likely downstream driver for apnea is
stimulus-induced inhibition or disruption of brainstem inspiratory neuronal action. Similar
findings have been reported in previous simulation studies and also during ictal central apnea in
focal seizures (77, 82, 83).
The observation of apnea agnosia, also made by previous studies, is consistent with
functional imaging studies aiming to delineate the time-course of air hunger or dyspnea
perception (101). Cognitive awareness of breathing occurs when ventilation is obstructed,
stimulated, challenged or attended to, and mesial temporal electrical stimulation appears to
interfere with this reflex. Prominent activation of the insula, anterior cingulate and prefrontal
cortices, amygdala and the peri-amygdaloid striae terminalis occurs with air hunger (101-103),
and stimulation induced, functional deafferentation of these structures may block brainstem
inputs. Apnea agnosia (during stimulation and/or seizures) may also explain why ICA has
largely gone unrecognized until most recently, apart from the fact that plethysmography is not
commonly used in the epilepsy monitoring units. In this study, no scalp EEG was available to
determine the precise sleep stage during each stimulation session, and therefore, we could not
investigate if breathing responses disappeared during non-REM sleep, as in a previous
amygdala stimulation study done in cats (100).
Efficient apnea induction depended on stimulus settings that provided higher current and
frequency parameters; 50 Hz stimulation was more likely to produce immediate apnea, whereas
lower frequency parameters were significantly associated with apnea onset delay by one or two
breaths. That higher current intensity (>5mA) was significantly accompanied by apneas is not
surprising, since it is the most influential parameter in electrical stimulation. Apnea duration
positively correlated significantly with stimulation duration, suggesting that both apnea onset
and termination are stimulus-related. As in previous studies, (83), patients resumed breathing
before termination of stimulation in the majority of the trials (78%). Adaptation of neural
processes may underlie these phenomena, rather than increased pCO2 as an override
mechanism that compels resumption of breathing (77). Indeed, we found no relationship
between CO2 or SpO2 changes and apnea termination. On two occasions, apnea lasted
beyond 20 seconds with significant CO2 and SpO2 changes when breathing was restored,
although it is unclear that these findings represents a causal relationship. In animal models for
example, ICAs were not reversed by increasing CO2 as an impetus for ventilatory drive (104).
In 22% of our stimulations trials, apnea persisted beyond stimulation termination. This finding
was typically with short stimulation periods (always <10 seconds), and produced apnea periods
1-10 seconds after stimulation cessation. Such post-stimulation apneas might indicate
stimulation- induced refractoriness in respiration control in the brainstem that prevents
resumption of breathing. Subject eight was an exception, where apnea persisted 1-7 seconds
beyond prolonged (>10 seconds) amygdala and parahippocampal gyrus stimulations (Table 4).
7.2. Cortical control of blood pressure
The results of this study suggests that Brodmann area 25 (BA25) has a role in lowering systolic
blood pressure in humans and it is likely symptomatogenic site for peri-ictal hypotension.
However, these data need to be reproduced in a larger sample of patients. This region is
infrequently studied as part of orbitofrontal and anterior cingulate invasive EEG explorations in
refractory focal epilepsy, hence the small sample size in our study where implantations were
driven by the surgical rather than study hypothesis. BA25 is also a site that has been reported to
produce hypotensive changes in animals (68). In humans, although the role of cortical
structures in blood pressure control is inferred, this has hitherto neither been conclusively
established nor any single brain region universally accepted as a control site. Anterior limbic
region stimulation in dogs and monkeys has produced marked falls in arterial blood pressure, as
well as occasional rises (60, 62, 68). Such falls usually occurred without significant alteration in
heart rate (60).
Similar responses were seen after subcallosal, postorbital, anterior insular, cingulate
gyrus, hippocampal, amygdalar, temporal and motor cortices stimulation (62-65, 68). In
humans, where opportunities to conduct similar experiments are limited, few studies of cortical
stimulation targeting blood pressure control structures, exist. In one study (66), stimulation of
bilateral rostro-caudal cingulate gyrus (BA 9 and 10) was carried out among patients with
psychosis before ablation in 12 cases. Blood pressure changes of systolic (SAP) and diastolic
arterial pressure (DAP) elevation in 8 patients, and a drop in one, were noted. Unilateral
stimulation produced no responses at all. In another study (67), orbitofrontal cortical stimulation
in 9 patients undergoing frontal lobotomies for psychiatric disease produced inconsistent
elevation of SAP in 6 of them. In a third study (105), only subtle DAP and heart rate changes
have been reported after stimulation of insular cortex in 5 patients with epilepsy undergoing
surgery for control of intractable seizures. Therefore, the present investigation is the first report
of a dramatic, consistently reproducible blood pressure effect in all patients who had the same,
restricted, cortical site stimulated, namely the subcallosal region of BA25.
Similarly, albeit with the limited number of patients in our study, orbitofrontal, insula
(anterior), amygdalar, hippocampal head, posterior cingulate, temporopolar, basal temporal and
temporal neocortex stimulations did not produce blood pressure responses; we therefore could
not confirm the role of these structures in human autonomic control of blood pressure. Several
reasons are possible. Human studies that have reported blood pressure changes with
stimulation of the cingulate and insula regions, have used stimulation parameters with
substantially greater stimulus intensity than in our study. For example, Pool and Ransohoff used
up to 120 Hz frequency and 60 second train durations in their study, possibly accounting for
their positive findings in these brain structures. Only four patients had insula stimulation in our
study, all of whom only had anterior insular stimulation.
The mechanism of such striking falls in SAP, without concurrent falls in DAP and heart
rate, is likely to be due to a cardioinhibitory reduction in myocardial contractility and a reduction
in left ventricular stroke volume as indicated by the narrowing of pulse pressure in all our
patients. The lack of significant changes in DAP (a product of resting transmural force blood
volume exerted against vascular walls), during the stimulation period, excludes peripheral
vasodilatation as a cause. Stimulation of BA25 likely produces downstream effects in or distal to
the lateral hypothalamic nuclei or ventral periventricular/periaqueductal grey areas, brainstem
regions known to produce blood pressure effects (106-108). These regions have rich
connections with area 25 (109). Downstream candidate brainstem structures include the
nucleus of the rostral and ventrolateral medulla, medullary raphe, and the A5 noradrenergic
group of the pons (110, 111). The ultimate effect is likely to be a reduction in sympathetic
outflow in the efferent arm of the baroreflex emanating from the rostral ventrolateral medulla.
7.3. Cortical control of cardiac rhythm
Ictal tachycardia is frequently seen during seizures. On the other hand, ictal bradycardia and
asystole (IA) are infrequently reported. IA, defined as sinus arrest triggered by an epileptic
seizure, is a rare event observed in 0.3 to 0.4% of patients undergoing long-term video-EEG
monitoring in Epilepsy Monitoring Units (112, 113).
IA has mainly been observed during temporal lobe seizures (112, 114, 115) but also in
frontal epilepsy and in several cases of lesional insular epilepsy (112, 116). IA has been
significantly associated with left hemispheric focal epilepsy (112). Such lateralization is
consistent with insular cortex stimulation studies demonstrating left insular control of
parasympathetic cardiovascular tone (105). Electrical stimulation of the human insula has been
reported to produce cardiac chronotropic and blood pressure responses in 5 patients (3 right
hemisphere, 2 left side) (105). Bradycardia and depressor responses (diastolic blood pressure)
were significantly more frequently encountered with stimulation of the left insular cortex, mainly
from posterior regions. In our study, stimulation of insular cortex in 4 subjects (3 left, 1 right) did
not induce significant and/or consistent heart rate changes after stimulation of 10 electrode
contacts in the right (2 electrode contracts) and left (8) insular cortices. This could be explained
by lack of coverage, mainly of the posterior regions (Figure 17). Autonomic function
(sympathetic/parasympathetic cardiovascular tone) in our study could not be systematically
assessed during stimulation due to short stimulation period duration (less than 40 seconds).
Figure 17. Stimulating electrode contact positions in the left (L) anterior insula (short gyrus) and
the right (R) anterior insula (middle short gyrus). Stimulation did not induce any heart rate
A) Clinical significance of precise localization of limbic/paralimbic structures influencing
respiratory patterning.
These findings provide robust evidence that sites within limbic/paralimbic (amygdala,
hippocampus, parahippocampal gyrus and mesial temporo-polar region) structures have the
potential to suppress breathing and may provide the symptomatogenic substrate for ICA.
Direct electrical stimulation of mesial temporal structures may simulate focal seizures in
these structures; hence, apnea thus produced is highly likely to represent ICA. Accurate
identification of apnea-inducing sites has important implications in the unraveling of the
semiological impact of ICA. ICA is a frequent seizure sign, seen in 37-44% of focal epileptic
seizures (48) (Appendix 10.1) (54% of temporal lobe seizures), and can occur as long as 29
seconds before unequivocal scalp EEG onset (8+4.9 [1-29] seconds) in 54% of focal seizures,
and up to 50 seconds (12.3+9.7 [1-50]) before any other clinical signs in 69% of focal seizures
(Appendix 10.1).
The apnea-inducing phenomenon can indicate a highly focal amygdalo-hippocampal
seizure intracranially, sufficient to inhibit breathing rhythm or inspiration, and drive ICA, but so
exquisitely localized as to cause no surface EEG change.
An example of an SEEG recording of spontaneous hippocampal seizure onset in subject
1, and ictal central apnea is shown in Figure 6 preceding a surface EEG seizure 12 seconds
later. Our findings may have significant impact in the epilepsy surgery domain. Precise
localization and depth electrode targeting of apnea producing structures may help improve
SEEG evaluations through additional analysis of ictal onset zones, based on ICA as a clinical
symptom. ICA’s potential impact was evident in the post-hoc analysis of one patient with
suspected mesial temporal lobe (MRI negative) epilepsy, whose hippocampal head, body,
amygdala and temporal tip were implanted bilaterally, but without coverage of the
parahippocampal gyrus or mesial temporo-polar cortex (Figure 18). ICA was the first clinical
sign (similar to habitual seizures) and preceded intracranial left hippocampal seizure onset by
up to 21 seconds (Figure 18).
In this case, the unequivocal demonstration of ICA at clinical seizure onset, in the
absence of seizure discharge on invasive electrodes, indicated that important extra-amygdalo-
hippocampal cortical structures critical to generation of ICA, were not covered in the invasive
evaluation. The subject continued to have seizures after left hippocampal transection as a
memory sparing procedure, and re-evaluation is planned.
Figure 18. Ictal central apnea (ICA) onset preceding intracranial seizure onset in a patient with
left temporal epilepsy.
Legend: Patient with focal seizures consistent with apneic seizures followed by impaired
consciousness and oral automatisms, who underwent bilateral temporal intracranial depth
electrode implantation (including amygdala, hippocampus head and body, lateral temporal,
temporal tip and lateral temporo-polar cortex in both hemispheres). A) During a video monitored
habitual seizure, a central apnea was seen 20 seconds before unequivocal intracranial EEG
seizure onset arising from the left hippocampal body. Electrode contact locations targeting
amygdala and hippocampus head (B) and (C) temporal tip in both hemispheres, are shown. The
patient did not become seizure free after a selective left hippocampal surgical procedure,
suggesting that the symptomatogenic zone for the patient’s apnea was not sampled by the
implanted electrodes.
The majority of patients stimulated had a brief, mean apnea duration of 11 seconds with
no, or small changes in CO2 and/or SpO2 after the apnea period. However, subject eight
provokes major interest. She had longstanding epilepsy (25 years), with onset at age 7 years,
and had high generalized tonic clonic seizure frequency (1/month), all characteristics that are
associated with substantially increased risk of SUDEP (19). Stimulation-induced apnea periods
were consistently longest in this subject (parahippocampal gyrus stimulation), with persistence
of apnea beyond termination of stimulation (parahippocampal gyrus and amygdalar stimulation)
(Table 4). It is possible that these observations are related to her biological susceptibility to
prolonged ICA and susceptibility to SUDEP, although such conclusions cannot be based on a
single case.
In this study, we continued to observe how patients are able to override apnea when
they are instructed to breathe or talk after apnea onset. This could be explained by activation of
the voluntary motor breathing network in the motor cortex (92). Thus, auditory and/or tactile
stimulation of ictal apneic patients and asking them to breathe, where possible, may be
important to recovery. However, since patients frequently lose consciousness or comprehension
during seizures, active attempts to abort seizures producing apnea may be more successful.
B) Clinical significance of the identification of BA 25 influencing blood pressure.
In our study we found that electrical stimulation of Brodmann area 25, in either hemisphere, can
induce systolic hypotension in the human brain.
Direct electrical stimulation of Brodmann area 25 may simulate focal seizures in this
structure; hence, falls in systolic blood pressure thus produced are highly likely to represent ictal
Ictal hypotension can occur during focal seizures and could be due to seizure discharge
spread to BA25. Ictal hypotension in patients with autonomic damage, and thus, a weak
baroreflex response, may be at especial risk of SUDEP. Profound postictal hypotension can be
closely correlated to post-ictal generalized EEG suppression (PGES) duration (38). PGES has
been described in ten video monitored SUDEP cases before terminal apnea or cardiac asystole
(1). None of the observed SUDEP and near-SUDEP cases reported in literature had blood
pressures recorded (95), and thus its role is still uncertain. The role of BA25 in per-ictal
hypotension, and the contribution of such hypotension to SUDEP, remains to be elucidated.
Our findings may have therapeutic implications. Stimulation of Brodmann area 25 in
patient 12, with chronic hypertension, induced similar reduction in systolic blood pressure.
Stimulation of the ventral periventricular and periaqueductal grey, used as a treatment for
chronic pain, have been proposed as sites for deep brain stimulation for the treatment of
intractable hypertension (99-101, 107, 108). Variability in blood pressure responses at the same
locations (109), and the potential for complications in the brainstem, render the
periaqueductal/periventricular gray regions as relatively unattractive targets for the purpose. On
the other hand, Brodmann area 25 is an easily accessible and relatively safe target used in
deep brain stimulation for the treatment of refractory depression (110-112). Studies of the latter
have not reported symptomatic hypotension, except in one case, where acute, stimulation (120
Hz, 0.09 ms and 3 volts) induced orthostatic hypotension was observed (117). Further studies
are warranted to determine therapeutic potential, including effective parameters for long term
usage in intractable essential hypertension.
C) Clinical significance of insular related autonomic dysfunction and SUDEP (Appendix
In our study, electrical stimulation did not elicit significant chronotropic responses, including with
insular cortex stimulation. However, we reported autonomic changes in two SUDEP cases and
suggested, for the first time, that the presence of insular damage might be an additional risk
factor for SUDEP in patients with refractory epilepsy (Appendix 10.2).
Some limitations of our study need to be considered. Although this study is the largest case
series of breathing and blood pressure responses to human direct cortical electrical stimulation,
our conclusions are still based on a relatively small number of patients.
All subjects had refractory epilepsy, and sampling of stimulation areas was dependent
on the surgical hypothesis for implantation; limited numbers of electrodes were implanted and/or
stimulated in the cortex. These data (both positive and negative findings) require reproduction in
a larger cohort of patients.
Our study suggests that BA25 and mesial temporal lobe structures may be involved in
autonomic and respiratory cortical control in the human brain, and suggest that seizure spread
to these structures may induce blood pressure and breathing dysfunction. However, their
precise role in SUDEP mechanisms is still uncertain. Further investigations are necessary to
understand the precise pathomechanisms leading to SUDEP.
1. We aim to investigate the mechanism of Brodmann area 25 (BA25) stimulation-
induced blood pressure (BP) changes and its possible therapeutic application in individuals who
have medically refractory hypertension. We will include more subjects and, in addition to brain
stimulation, carry out additional real time and post-processed non-invasive echocardiography to
estimate cardiac indices (stroke volume, cardiac output, left ventricular ejection fraction,
diastolic function grade, and myocardial contractility). We will define differences in baseline and
stimulation period BP and cardiac indices, to target optimal therapeutic strategies for deep brain
stimulation in intractable hypertension.
2. We are prospectively recording continuous blood pressure in patients undergoing
video EEG evaluation in the epilepsy monitoring unit, with the purpose of characterizing blood
pressure changes during seizures and to look for a correlation between spontaneous peri-ictal
hypotensive changes and seizures discharges in BA 25, in patients undergoing stereotactic
electroencephalogram (SEEG) as a prelude to epilepsy surgery.
3. We will investigate the correlation between ictal central apnea (ICA) and seizures
discharges and evaluate if ICA helps localization of seizure onset in mesial temporal epilepsy. In
addition to focal seizures, we will study breathing in generalized tonic-clonic seizures (GTCS),
with the objective of characterizing breathing dysfunction after GTCS and its possible
relationship to SUDEP pathomechanisms.
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