The Secret to Crispy Roasted Chickpeas {+ Maple Cinnamon Recipe} (2024)

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A few years ago I had my first taste of crispy, roasted chickpeasat a community food swap here in Minneapolis (which sadly had to dissolve because of state laws, boo). Seasoned with just sea salt and a little olive oil, they were addictive, and intriguing. Surprisingly brittleandcrunchy, they reminded me of corn nuts, but wait, theywere made frombeans!

I tried making them at home several times after that, but couldn’t replicate the texture. The gal who made them said said it was simple, just roasting them at 350 degrees, yet mine keptkept coming out with too much moisture, or burnt trying to get them crispy. She had to have had a certain technique, I was sure of it. Over the years I’ve tried dozens of recipes, on a questto achieve the texture that your mouth says deep-fried, but the truth says baked in the oven.

The Secret to Crispy Roasted Chickpeas {+ Maple Cinnamon Recipe} (2)

Finally, with ideas collected from several sources, my quest forhow to make crispy roasted chickpeas is finished.Like anything, I discovered it takes a little elbow greaseand a bit of time (mostly hands off), but it’s so worth it! Today I’m sharing my technique with you, alongwith a recipe for this maple cinnamon version frommy friend Amie of The Healthy Apple‘s new cookbook, “Eating Clean“. I’m also including the faster technique sheuses, which produces a nutty, softer chickpea– different andjust as lovely.Either wayyou choose tomake them, they’re worthy of eating by the handful.

How to make crispyroasted chickpeas:

  1. Put on some good music, and get ready to PEEL. Yes, peeling each one of the garbanzo beans (interchangeable term forchickpeas) is key in getting these babies to dry out and take in the heat from the oven. The skins are wet, which means moisture is left underneath that skinif you don’t remove.The easiest way to do this isby rubbing the beans in between a towel, which will start the peeling process for you, then just finish with your hands. And I know you might think I’m crazy, but it’s actually kind of therapeutic, similar to those adult color books.
  2. Thechickpeas are roasted without any oil for the first half of baking, which allows them to crisp up without turning greasy, a Melissa Clark trick.
  3. This is also the point at which you’ll addspices or seasonings, otherwise the delicate spices have a tendency to become bitter beingexposed to pretty high heat.
  4. Once you’ve added the oil and spices, you’ll bake for 15 more minutes, then open the door and let them cool inside the oven for maximum drying without burning. Alton Brown was the one who taught me this – he always has the answers.
  5. Store them in a parchment paper bag, like these, instead of in a plastic storage container. This helps keep them dry, and doesn’t let moisture collect. The power of air circulation!

The Secret to Crispy Roasted Chickpeas {+ Maple Cinnamon Recipe} (3)The Secret to Crispy Roasted Chickpeas {+ Maple Cinnamon Recipe} (4)

You can experiment with all sorts of seasonings, but I’m loving this maple cinnamon combination. Reminiscent of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, with just a few wholesome ingredients. Yum. I foundsunflower oil to be a nice blank canvas compared to olive oil, letting the pure maple syrup and cinnamon shine. {The oil and syrup come frommy partner, Now Foods!}

Now a little about Amie and her just published, “Eating Clean”, which is so much more than a cookbook. I admire her so much, compiling herstruggle with auto-immune disease and how sheused food and lifestyle changes to help managechronic illness in such a beautiful way. It comes from a genuine place in her heart, reaching out to those who want to feel better. As someone who has personally battled different auto-immune issues,I could relate. But even if you are as healthy as can be, I think you’ll find a lot of great things in the book, from delicious allergy friendly recipes that anyone would love, to strategies for removing toxins from your house and DIY cleaning solutions.There’s even anA-Z on how to cook pantry staples like grains & legumes, and personal car recipes for toothpaste, deodorant, etc. You can find many of the details, videos, and more recipes from the book HERE.

And perhaps what I love most about Amie’sphilosophy, a common theme throughout the book is this – “There is no ONE ideal diet.” As I’ve written about before,just because something works for someone else, your body may respond differently. And just because something is labeled a certain way like, vegan or paleo, doesn’t mean that your it works for your body either. Obsessing over those facts actually brings you down several other rabbit holes…. Something I wish I would have known last year while in the throws of trying to heal my small intestinal bacterial overgrowth by following the Auto-Immune Protocol (AIP).

The bottom line, as Amie says, is that “you are the expert on your body”. There are many different ways to eat healthy and nourish yourself. It’s all about finding your equation, the one that makes you feel satisfied and energized in all aspects, which certainly isn’t encompassed by just one label. If a food makes you feel lousy, or the house you live in, or the people around you, it’s not for you.

Such a great way to reflect on many pieces oflife. Grab the book, you’ll be glad you did. These roasted chickpeas would be the perfect snack to your reading session? ;) Enjoy!

The Secret to Crispy Roasted Chickpeas {+ Maple Cinnamon Recipe} (5)

The Secret to Crispy Roasted Chickpeas {+ Maple Cinnamon Recipe} (6)

Maple Cinnamon Roasted Chickpeas

Learn how to make crispy chickpeas, without frying! These are a barely sweet version, with maple syrup and cinnamon.

No ratings yet

Prep Time :15 minutes minutes

Cook Time :25 minutes minutes

Total Time :40 minutes minutes

Author: Amanda Paa



  • 1 15 ounce can drained & peeled chickpeas (also known as garbanzo beans)
  • 3/4 tablespoon sunflower oil
  • 1 teaspoon pure maple syrup
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  • 3/4 teaspoon cinnamon


  • Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.

  • After chickpeas are drained and peeled, rub them gently with a towel to dry. Place on a sheet pan, in a single layer. Roast for 10 minutes. Remove from oven, stir the chickpeas with the oil, then sprinkle the remaining ingredients on top of chickpeas, and stir thoroughly to coat.

  • Place sheet pan back in the oven and roast for 15 minutes.

  • Then shut off oven, open the oven door about 5 inches, and let chickpeas cool inside.

  • Store at room temperature, in a parchment paper bag. This is super important for keeping them crispy!


adapted from the Eating Clean cookbook.

For a less labor intensive cooking method, use Amy's method by rinsing and drying the chickpeas with a towel, then tossing them with the remaining ingredients. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes, remove from the oven and let cool before serving. This produces a nutty, softer chickpea - different and just as lovely.

The Secret to Crispy Roasted Chickpeas {+ Maple Cinnamon Recipe} (7)

This post is sponsored by NOW Foods, and they kindly gave me the cookbook as they are teaming up with Amy in promotion of her book. All opinions are my own, and I’m so grateful to work with great brands, as well as all of you who support me! Some of the links in the post are of Amazon affiliates, which I may make a small commission from should you purchase via clicking.

The Secret to Crispy Roasted Chickpeas {+ Maple Cinnamon Recipe} (2024)


Why are my roasted chickpeas not crunchy? ›

If your roasted chickpeas aren't crispy, either they needed to cook longer or they were still damp when you added the oil and put them in the oven. It's important to dry the chickpeas as well as possible if you want them crispy.

How do you keep chickpeas from exploding in the oven? ›

Why did my chickpeas pop / explode in the oven? They weren't dry enough before you started to roast them. You must dry them properly.

What to season chickpeas with reddit? ›

I go with pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, and sometimes a little cayenne if I want it to be a bit spicy. I would use salt too but trying to keep the sodium down, so I also use no salt added chickpeas.

Why do my roasted chickpeas go soft? ›

They are a terrific low-calorie, nutrient-dense snack with lots of fiber. A few factors determine whether they'll turn mushy when roasted: the type of chickpeas (dried and soaked overnight or dried), how well they are dried before roasting and how much oil is used (you need only a little).

Do dried chickpeas need to be soaked before roasting? ›

Before cooking, you will need to soak the beans. You can soak them overnight, if you have the time. Place them in a large bowl and cover with cold water. The chickpeas will expand to over double their size, so make sure you cover by several inches of water to allow for expansion.

Why add baking soda when cooking chickpeas? ›

The chickpeas are sautéed with baking soda for a few minutes, before dumping in the water to simmer the chickpeas. The baking soda makes the water more alkaline, which softens the chickpeas more quickly by weakening their pectic bonds.

How to make chickpeas crunchy reddit? ›

Crispy Chickpeas! My favorite study snack and a great, healthy substitute for chips if you're looking for a little crunch
  1. Drain and rinse 1 can of chickpeas, remove any loose skins.
  2. Pat dry or sit out to dry. ...
  3. Bake on 400 F for 20 minutes.
  4. Toss with whatever seasoning you'd like, sky is the limit!
Oct 7, 2020

Why do you have to use baking soda to cook chickpeas? ›

By adding baking soda, you are increasing the pH of the water and making it more alkaline. This helps break down the pectin in the chickpeas which softens their skins better and faster. This is especially important when you are making hummus and want the creamiest consistency possible.

How can you make chickpeas taste better? ›

To do this, I drain and rinse a can of chickpeas, then toss them with oil, salt, pepper, and any spices that I'm feeling. (I typically go with garlic powder, cumin, and smoked paprika, but anything will work.)

How do you cook chickpeas Gordon Ramsay? ›

Preheat the oven to 325˚F (160˚C). Spread the chickpeas on a large kitchen towel and dry off as much as possible, discarding any skins that come loose. Spread the dry chickpeas on a small rimmed baking sheet and bake for 30 minutes to dry them out. Remove from the oven and toss with 1 tablespoon of oil.

What are the aromatics for cooking chickpeas? ›

Add Aromatics

Into the pot, we add our celery, onion, garlic, kombu, and olive oil. We continue to cook this mixture, partially covered, over medium heat for another 45 minutes. A this point, we season our bean broth with salt and continue to cook the chickpeas for another half hour or until tender.

Why is my chickpea not crispy? ›

Spread the chickpeas on a kitchen towel and gently pat them dry. It's essential to make sure they're totally dry before you toss them with the olive oil – damp chickpeas won't crisp up in the oven. Discard any loose skins from the outside of the chickpeas.

Why didn't my chickpeas get soft? ›

Add baking soda: Adding a pinch of baking soda to the cooking water can help to soften the chickpeas. However, be careful not to add too much as it can affect the taste and texture of the chickpeas. Cook for longer: Chickpeas can take longer to cook than other legumes, so try cooking them for an additional.

Why chickpeas are not getting soft? ›

Unfortunately, this happens when you use very old chickpeas. The longer they sit in your pantry, the longer they will take to cook. You can either continue cooking them until they soften, or throw them out and buy a fresh batch from the grocery store to cook.

Why are my chickpeas still hard after cooking? ›

If you are cooking chickpeas for hummus, you'll want the beans to be soft. On the other hand, if you plan to add the beans to a salad or stew, you may want them on the firmer side. If your chickpeas are still hard after the cooking time we suggest and you want them to be softer, continue to cook until soft.

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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.