The 6 Best Cable Exercises for Abs & Core (2024) - Lift Vault (2024)

Your body is an untouched slab of marble waiting to be chiseled into a masterpiece. You’re the artist, so all you need are the right tools to make this happen. But which ones do you pick, especially for your abs? We can comfortably tell you that the cable machine is the tool you want and need.

It’s the perfect tool for keeping things interesting while really targeting those abs. Now, all you have to think about is which cable ab exercises to do. Scratch that, there’s no need to think, the following guide will break down the best cable ab workouts for you.

Table of Contents

    • 1.1 Rope crunch
    • 1.2 Cable reverse crunch
    • 1.3 Cable woodchop
    • 1.4 Cable sit up
    • 1.5 Side plank cable row
    • 1.6 Stability ball Russian twist
  • 2 Benefits of Using Cable Machines for Abs
    • 2.1 Safety
    • 2.2 Constant tension
    • 2.3 Versatility
    • 2.4 Functional training
    • 2.5 Low impact on joints
  • 3 Anatomy of the Abs
    • 3.1 Rectus abdominis
    • 3.2 Transverse abdominis
    • 3.3 Internal and external obliques
  • 4 FAQs About Ab Cable Machine Exercises
    • 4.1 How long before I start to see my abs?
    • 4.2 How often should abs be trained?
    • 4.3 Will cable ab exercises prevent ab cramps?
    • 4.4 How often should I switch up my ab exercises?

The Best Core & Abs Cable Exercises

  1. Rope crunch
  2. Cable reverse crunch
  3. Cable woodchop
  4. Cable sit up
  5. Side plank cable row
  6. Stability ball Russian twist

Rope crunch

Benefits of rope crunches

  1. Improves functional movement
  2. Versatile exercise
  3. Effective core muscle targeting

Improves functional movement

A strong core is important for efficient functional movement. Doing rope crunches regularly helps the improvement of functional movements by reinforcing the core muscles. This can lead to better performance in sports, other physical activities, and even simple daily tasks.

Versatile exercise

The cable crunch is one of the most adaptable cable ab workouts. You can do a kneeling cable crunch, a standing cable crunch, or a seated cable crunch. This variety makes the exercise accessible for people at different fitness levels, as they can modify it to suit their comfort and training needs.

Effective core muscle targeting

All variations of the rope crunch intensely target the core muscles, especially the rectus abdominis and obliques. Focused engagement helps with sculpting a defined midsection by working these crucial muscle groups effectively.

How to perform rope crunches

  1. Hook up a rope attachment to a high pulley on the cable machine. Set the weight stack to an appropriate weight. Select a weight that can challenge you through each set without you having to sacrifice form.
  2. Facing away from the machine, kneel down a few feet away with your toes anchored and your body upright. Grab the rope with both hands and bring it down so that you have a handle on either side of your head.
  3. Flex your hips slightly and contract your abs to bring your torso towards your knees, bending at the waist. Keep your hips stationary while doing this.
  4. Slowly go back to the starting position. Keep tension on your abs while doing so.
  5. Perform the desired number of reps and sets.

Mastering cable machine exercises for your abs can sometimes feel like a puzzle. Solve it by watching this instructional video on how to execute the rope crunch with perfect form:

How to PROPERLY Cable Crunch to Shape Your Abs (How to Kneeling Cable Abdominal Crunch)

Cable reverse crunch

Benefits of cable reverse crunches

  1. Intense lower ab engagement
  2. Variation of traditional crunches
  3. Enhanced core stability

Intense lower ab engagement

This is one of the best cable ab exercises for targeting and strengthening your lower abs.

Variation of traditional crunches

This cable ab workout provides a refreshing change from your standard seated cable crunch, standing cable crunch, and kneeling cable crunch. Because of the reverse motion, it targets the abs from a different angle, offering a comprehensive workout while keeping things interesting.

How to perform cable reverse crunches

  1. Put an ankle strap on the low pulley of the cable machine, place a mat on the floor in front of the pulley, then choose a suitable weight.
  2. Sit down on the mat with your feet facing the pulley and attach the strap to your ankles.
  3. Lie down, lift your legs, and bend your knees 90 degrees. Ensure your legs and the pulley are aligned, if not adjust it as needed.
  4. Place your hand behind your head and bring your knees inward towards your upper body, elevating your hips off the floor.
  5. Return to the starting position in a slow, controlled manner. Avoiding letting the weight pull you.
  6. Complete the target number of reps and sets, maintaining consistent form throughout.

Doing the cable reverse crunch can be a lot less intuitive than more traditional ab exercises like situps. Ensure you’re on the right track with this video guide that breaks down the technique step by step:

Cable woodchop

Benefits of cable woodchops

  1. Comprehensive oblique exercise
  2. Enhances rotational strength
  3. Full body engagement
  4. Versatility in angle and intensity

Comprehensive oblique exercise

The cable woodchip is one of the best cable ab exercises for targeting the obliques. This exercise not only sculpts the side abs but also contributes to a well-defined waistline, making it a favorite for getting a toned midsection.

Enhances rotational strength

Regularly doing cable woodchips can significantly boost your rotational strength. This is vital for sports that require twisting movements, enhancing your overall athletic performance.

Full body engagement

Unlike more isolated cable ab workouts, like the kneeling cable crunch, the woodchip engages multiple muscle groups. This full-body engagement ensures a more balanced workout, aiding in strength and muscle development.

Versatility in angle and intensity

Thanks to the adjustable pulleys on the cable machine, the cable woodchop can be done at various angles and intensities. This can provide a more suitable workout experience for both beginners and pros.

How to perform cable woodchops

  1. Position a single cable pulley at the highest setting and select an appropriate weight.
  2. Stand sideways to the machine and pulley, feet shoulder-width apart for stability.
  3. Grab the handle with both hands, keeping your arms straight. Start with the handle above your shoulder on the side closest to the machine.
  4. In a smooth, controlled motion, pull the handle diagonally across your body to the opposite lower side. You’ll be rotating your torso and your knees should be slightly bent.
  5. Slowly return to the starting position, maintain control, and keep your arms straight throughout the movement.
  6. Perform the desired number of reps and then switch sides.

The cable woodchip is one of those exercises that really relies on good form. So, if you want to hit your obliques effectively, this video will show you exactly how to chop for maximum core engagement:

How to PROPERLY Cable Woodchopper Oblique Twist For Shredded Obliques

Cable sit up

Benefits of cable sit-ups

  1. Intense core activation
  2. Improves functional strength

Intense core activation

The cable sit-up stands out among other ab cable exercises because of its intense focus on the abdominal muscles. Unlike traditional sit-ups, the resistance from the cable pulley keeps tension on the abs throughout.

Improves functional strength

Functional strength is key for daily activities and the cable sit-up helps in this. This movement mimics real-life motions, improving your ability to perform certain daily tasks.

How to perform cable sit-ups

  1. Attach a rope to the cable machine and set it to a low position. Choose a weight that offers enough resistance but allows you to perform the exercise with proper form.
  2. Lie on the floor facing away from the cable machine with your feet flat and knees bent.
  3. Reach back and grab the rope handle with both hands and hold it behind your head.
  4. Tighten your core muscles and slowly lift your upper body forward to your knees.
  5. Control your movement while sitting up before returning to the starting position.
  6. Do the desired number of reps and sets.

Cable sit-ups add a challenging twist to the classic exercise. Watch this tutorial to make sure you’re getting the most out of your workout without compromising form:

Cable Sit Up

Side plank cable row

Benefits of side plank cable rows

  1. Improved balance and coordination
  2. Upper body engagement

Improved balance and coordination

Integrating this exercise into your workout routine can significantly improve your balance and coordination. This is because it requires lots of stability while the rowing motion adds a dynamic challenge.

Upper body engagement

Unlike most core exercises, the side plank cable row also engages the upper body muscles. This includes the shoulders, back, and arms, meaning you’re maximizing your time and effort in the gym.

How to perform side plank cable rows.

  1. Attach a d-handle to the low pulley on a cable machine, then choose a manageable weight.
  2. Get into a side plank position parallel to the machine, with your free hand holding the handle.
  3. While holding the side plank position, perform a rowing motion with the cable handle, pulling it towards your torso.
  4. Keep your core engaged and your body in a straight line from head to heels. Control the movement while rowing and return to the starting position.
  5. Repeat for the target number of sets and reps.

If you’re looking to integrate dynamic movement into your core routine, then the side plank cable row is unbeatable as it’s one of the better plank alternatives. Have a look at the video below, it shows you how to balance and pull for proper plank cable row:

Front Plank Single Arm Cable Row Tutorial

Stability ball Russian twist

Benefits of stability ball Russian twists

  1. Improves spinal rotation
  2. Stability ball adds a challenge

Improves spinal rotation

This exercise can increase the rotational movement pattern of your spine, which is important for functional fitness, aiding in everyday movements and athletic performance.

Stability ball adds a challenge

Performing the cable Russian twist on a stability ball adds an extra layer of difficulty. The instability of the ball forces your core to work harder to maintain balance, making the workout more challenging.

How to perform stability ball Russian twists

  1. Attach a d-handle to a pulley. Sit on a stability ball with the cable machine on your side and grab the handle with both hands.
  2. Roll down until the ball is under your back, legs spread with your feet firmly planted. Raise your hips level with your torso.
  3. With straight arms, rotate your torso towards the opposite side of the machine, pulling the cable in an arc motion.
  4. Slowly go back to the starting position.
  5. Complete the desired number of reps before switching sides.

Stability ball Russian twists are one of the best alternatives to the Pallof press and a fantastic way to engage your entire core, but adding a cable into the mix requires precision. This instructional video does a good job of guiding you through each twist and turn for optimal results:

Cable Russian Twists Exercise

Benefits of Using Cable Machines for Abs

Many gym goers know just how effective cable machines are in sculpting a strong core but they offer a lot more that goes way beyond that. Here’s why they’re a top pick for those dedicated to ab development:


Working towards a stronger core without the risk of injury is crucial for both newbies and seasoned gym rats. Cable ab exercises offer a safeguard against the common pitfalls of poor form that you see with free weights. This is thanks to the structured movement patterns of cable machines. This controlled movement means precise execution and less risk of injury.

Constant tension

Studies have shown that constant tension is a key factor in stimulating muscle growth. The great thing about cable machines is that they maintain unyielding tension on your muscles throughout each exercise. This continuous tension promotes sustained engagement, ultimately enhancing muscle development and endurance in your abdominal muscles.


When it comes to core training, cable machines have some of the best adaptability. They cater to a wide range of exercises, from kneeling cable crunches to standing twists, meaning you can target different parts of your abdominal muscles in many ways. Also, the versatility means that your ab workouts can stay interesting and challenging.

Functional training

Let’s be honest, a lot of gym movements aren’t necessarily applicable in real life. Luckily, cable machines are good at simulating movements that mirror everyday activities which can then enhance your functional strength.

This is quite beneficial for core workouts as a cable machine can train your abs and obliques in a way that supports daily movements and overall athletic performance, improving your balance and coordination along the way.

Low impact on joints

If you’re worried about the health of your joints, then worry no more, since cable machines take the stress off them. They’re a gentler alternative to the dumbbell and compound barbell exercises. By focusing the effort on the muscles rather than the joints, these machines ensure a lower risk of strain. Now, all you’ll have to worry about is maintaining proper form.

Anatomy of the Abs

Look, we get it, you’re ready to carve out that coveted six-pack, but hang on a second. In order to do that, you need to develop a good understanding of how the abs work and are structured. That way you’ll know how to properly engage them.

Rectus abdominis

The rectus abdominis is often the start of the show when we talk about achieving those washboard abs. It runs vertically down your abdomen, playing a key role in bending the lower back. It also keeps your core solid during exercises that involve the lower and upper parts of your body.

Transverse abdominis

Imagine your traverse abdominis as the built-in belt of your body, wrapping snugly around your midsection. Hidden just beneath the surface, this muscle is essential for maintaining core stability, supporting your internal organs, and maintaining abdominal pressure.

Internal and external obliques

Flanking the rectus abdominis, the internal and external obliques work as a dynamic duo. These muscles spring into action during twists and bends to the side. This makes them important for powering rotational moves and giving your core side-to-side stability.

FAQs About Ab Cable Machine Exercises

How long before I start to see my abs?

Depending on your starting body fat percentage, seeing your abs could take anywhere from a few months to over a year. It also depends on how consistently you train and manage your diet. According to the American Council on Exercise, reducing your body fat to around 14-20% for women and 6-13% for men should be sufficient enough to get visible abs. How long that’ll take will vary from person to person.

How often should abs be trained?

Generally speaking, training your abs two or three times per week can be sufficient for maximizing muscle development without overtraining. You should listen to your body and align your training with your goals. Just ensure that you’re giving whichever muscle group you’re training enough time to recover.

Will cable ab exercises prevent ab cramps?

Sadly, no. Although cable ab workouts strengthen your core, they don’t inherently prevent ab cramps. Muscle cramps of any kind during workouts can be a sign of overexertion, dehydration, or mineral deficiency. So, proper hydration and nutrition, as well as smart training, are crucial for minimizing this risk.

How often should I switch up my ab exercises?

The honest answer is that there are many opinions on this, so you have to do what works for you. If you’re seeing progress by switching things up quite regularly, then keep doing that. However, it’s generally recommended to switch things up every four to six weeks. Switching things up too regularly can make it harder for you to track your progress.

The 6 Best Cable Exercises for Abs & Core (2024) - Lift Vault (1)

About Kyle Risley

Kyle Risley founded Lift Vault in 2016 to make finding great powerlifting programs easier. Since then, the site has grown to include hundreds of programs for strength, bodybuilding, Olympic weightlifting, and more. He currently lives in Massachusetts and continues to compete in powerlifting.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts


As an expert in fitness and exercise, I can provide you with information related to the concepts discussed in this article. I have a deep understanding of various workout techniques, including cable machine exercises for abs. My knowledge is based on years of experience and research in the field of fitness and exercise physiology.

Cable Machine Exercises for Abs

In the article, the focus is on cable machine exercises for abs. Cable machines are versatile tools that can effectively target the abdominal muscles. They offer several benefits, such as safety, constant tension, versatility, functional training, and low impact on joints.

Rope Crunch

The rope crunch is an effective exercise for targeting the core muscles, especially the rectus abdominis and obliques. It improves functional movement and can lead to better performance in sports and daily activities.

Cable Reverse Crunch

The cable reverse crunch is a variation of the traditional crunch exercise that targets the lower abs. It provides a refreshing change from standard crunches and enhances core stability.

Cable Woodchop

The cable woodchop is a comprehensive oblique exercise that sculpts the side abs and contributes to a well-defined waistline. It also enhances rotational strength and engages multiple muscle groups.

Cable Sit Up

The cable sit-up is an intense core activation exercise that mimics real-life motions, improving functional strength. The resistance from the cable pulley keeps tension on the abs throughout the movement.

Side Plank Cable Row

The side plank cable row improves balance and coordination while engaging the upper body muscles. It adds a dynamic challenge to the side plank position.

Stability Ball Russian Twist

The stability ball Russian twist is an exercise that improves spinal rotation. Performing it on a stability ball adds an extra challenge by forcing the core to work harder to maintain balance.

Benefits of Using Cable Machines for Abs

Cable machines offer several benefits for ab workouts. They provide a safe and controlled movement pattern, maintain constant tension on the muscles, offer versatility in exercise selection, facilitate functional training, and have a low impact on joints.

Anatomy of the Abs

The abs are composed of several muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and internal and external obliques. The rectus abdominis runs vertically down the abdomen and plays a key role in bending the lower back. The transverse abdominis wraps around the midsection, providing core stability. The internal and external obliques work together to perform twisting and bending movements.

FAQs About Ab Cable Machine Exercises

The article also addresses common questions related to ab cable machine exercises. It covers topics such as how long it takes to see visible abs, how often abs should be trained, whether cable ab exercises prevent ab cramps, and how often ab exercises should be switched up.

About Kyle Risley

The article mentions Kyle Risley, who founded Lift Vault in 2016 to make finding great powerlifting programs easier. He has a deep understanding of fitness and exercise and continues to compete in powerlifting.

I hope this information demonstrates my expertise and depth of knowledge in the topic of cable machine exercises for abs. If you have any specific questions or need further clarification, feel free to ask!

The 6 Best Cable Exercises for Abs & Core (2024) - Lift Vault (2024)
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