Say Goodbye to Stains with Teeth Whitening Solutions (2024)

A white radiant smile may be a real game-changer for self-confidence and communication with people around you. A study published in the British Dental Journal revealed that tooth color influences social perceptions, where whitened teeth lead to more positive appraisals. This blog is for you if you struggle with teeth stains and an unsatisfactory dull smile. Let’s find out the reasons for stains, the best teeth-whitening solutions, and how to keep your whitened teeth.

The Secret Behind the Stains

Say Goodbye to Stains with Teeth Whitening Solutions (1)

If you opt for teeth whitening, you should get to the root of the problem first. Understand the reasons behind those stains to avoid relapse after you complete your teeth whitening. Those reasons include:

1. Age: As a normal aging process of the teeth, they tend to get yellowish due to the wear of the bright enamel layer and exposure to the yellowish dentine layer underneath.

2. Smoking: Whether you smoke or use smokeless tobacco products, you are more prone to stains. Tobacco penetrates the teeth layers and causes discoloration and stains.

3. Colored Food and Beverages: Tea, coffee, and red wine come at the top of the list for the causes of teeth stains. The daily intake of these products causes darker stains on your teeth.

4. Poor oral Hygiene: If you don’t practice regular oral hygiene measures daily, this will lead to plaque accumulation, caries, and subsequent tooth stains.

5. Medications: Certain antibiotics, like tetracycline, integrate deep inside the tooth tissue, leading to stains. This type of stain cannot be removed by regular teeth-whitening solutions and necessitates using a complete teeth-covering solution such as a veneer.

Teeth Whitening Solutions

Professional Teeth Whitening

It is the most effective teeth whitening solution, also known as in-office whitening. During your visit to the dental center, the dental expert will use a tray to deliver a powerful bleaching solution activated by laser light or heat. The results appear during the same visit, and depending on the degree of staining, you may require 2-3 visits. It is the most effective tooth-whitening solution, but it can be expensive and may cause tooth sensitivity.

Whitening Trays

Whitening trays are valuable tools for delivering the bleaching material. Trays can be custom-made by your dentist at the clinic or purchased ready-made in an over-the-shelf whitening kit. The custom-made trays are created through an impression of your teeth, so they fit more snugly on your teeth than the ready-made trays. Custom-made trays ensure a more effective whitening. Regular use for 2-3 weeks will yield satisfying results.

Say Goodbye to Stains with Teeth Whitening Solutions (2)

Whitening Strips

Whitening strips are flexible plastic films coated with whitening gel. Apply it to the tooth surface for 5-10 minutes. Be cautious not to use it over a decayed tooth because it will cause severe pain. The margins should be trimmed further from the gingival tissue to prevent inflammation. Available, easy to use, and deliver a radiant smile within a few weeks.

Whitening Pen

Whitening pens are small, thin, portable plastic tubes that can effectively remove stains caused by food and beverages. How to use a whitening pen? It is simple: brush your teeth with an electric or manual toothbrush, then apply the whitening gel. Some types need rinsing, while others do not. They are quick and effective for touch-ups and maintenance. The results can appear from the first use.

Whitening Toothpaste

Whitening toothpaste differs from regular toothpaste by containing mild abrasive materials that effectively remove stains and provide a brighter smile. Use it no more than 2-3 times daily to avoid roughening the tooth surface. They are relatively inexpensive and can whiten teeth by one degree.

Baking Soda

One of the most famous home remedies for tooth whitening is baking soda, a mild abrasive that can effectively remove stains. Consider adding baking soda to your toothpaste or using a toothpaste that contains baking soda. Affordable, available, non-toxic, and more effective than regular whitening toothpaste.

Oil Pulling

The rationale behind oil pulling for teeth whitening is to enhance oral health by reducing bacterial activity and minimizing stains. Rinsing your mouth with coconut oil for 10-15 minutes can improve oral hygiene and reduce gingival inflammation. There is still insufficient evidence regarding the effectiveness of oil pulling in teeth whitening.


Veneers are not a whitening solution. Conversely, dental porcelain veneers are a treatment method in which a shell of porcelain or zirconia covers the outer surface of your teeth. A permanent treatment primarily utilized for complex stains that cannot be removed using conventional methods. It is a more expensive and aggressive solution compared to the other methods.

How to Maintain Your Whitened Teeth?

To select the most suitable whitening solutions to remove the stains, you must get to its root cause. Now you have reached your goal, these are some tips that may help you keep your bright smile for a long time:

  • Avoid tea, coffee, and red wine
  • Quit smoking
  • Stick to your oral hygiene regime, including brushing at least twice daily and flossing
  • Don’t miss your check-up visits
  • Consider the need for occasional touch-ups


Achieving a radiant smile is not a difficult-to-catch dream. By understanding the cause of teeth staining, you can effectively address the problem, and say goodbye to stains with a suitable teeth whitening solution. Always consult your dental practitioner to find your most suitable and safe approach. Be ready for some lifestyle and dietary changes that may help you keep your smile longer.

Luciana Oliveira

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Luciana joined our team as a mum blogger in 2020. A dedicated mum to a lively daughter and a dog, Luna, Luciana brings authenticity and passion to every post. Her expertise in parenting and lifestyle topics offers practical, relatable advice for real-life situations.


Say Goodbye to Stains with Teeth Whitening Solutions (2024)
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