Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting Teeth Whitening (2024)

Healthy and white teeth are an indicator of the attractiveness of modern humans. But not everyone has a natural Hollywood smile. However, modern dentistry techniques can correct not only malocclusion and cure cavities, but also make the enamel look whiter.

But, before the procedure, the patient has a lot of questions about teeth that he or she is either afraid to talk to the dentist about or does not want to be too obsessive about. Nevertheless, by getting answers to these teeth questions, the procedure will seem easier and clearer, and the patient will be able to evaluate its effectiveness appropriately. What are the most common tooth questions to ask at different stages of planning for teeth whitening?

Will teeth whitening be effective?

The main task of the dentist is to choose the right method of teeth whitening based on the degree of yellowing and the condition of the mouth in general. It is important to note that for the safety of a dazzling smile after the whitening procedure, it is necessary to follow some rules. The main one is intensive oral hygiene.

In addition to brushing the teeth twice a day, patients are recommended to use various mouthwashes during the day. Teeth whitening at dentist before and after show the effectiveness of the procedure, It is also worth giving up smoking, which directly affects the darkening of tooth enamel. So, in fact, the effectiveness of teeth whitening depends not only on the dentist, but also on the patient himself, and compliance with basic rules of hygiene.

Will teeth whitening affect my dental work?

If you’re considering getting your teeth whitened, you’ll probably have some tooth questions to ask and wondering what about fillings, veneers, crowns or implants? Can they be whitened, or is it possible to lighten their tone?

Unfortunately, these dental works are created with stain-resistant material that is not bleachable, as the whitening only extends to the natural enamel of the tooth. In other words, if you plan to have your teeth whitened, you will have to change the tone of your veneers or crowns later on if they are in a noticeable place and will stand out from the overall appearance of your mouth. Otherwise, try to whiten your teeth first and then proceed with your oral restorations.

How white should the teeth be?

What about teeth questions about Hollywood smile? Snow-white Hollywood smile you see so often on TV or in movies isn’t always the real thing. While a snow-white smile is certainly gorgeous, it doesn’t guarantee that your teeth are perfectly healthy. How white should my teeth be? It’s not necessary to follow some fashionable standards and look at movie stars. Modern dentistry allows you to make your teeth more attractive and whiten them, but you should not get too excited about this procedure and literally make your teeth snow-white.

If you have some questions to ask a dentist about whitening – do it! It all depends on the individual person, some people’s teeth are naturally whiter, while others are more yellow. The main thing here is to monitor the condition of the teeth as a whole and to avoid serious pathologies, because in this case the whitening takes second place.

How long will the treatment last?

The effectiveness of whitening depends not only on the dentist’s work. So, if you have tooth questions to ask, do it before the procedure. In many ways, the compliance with basic hygiene rules and giving up harmful habits and products that can stain the enamel is already the first step towards the expected result. The effect of whitening can last up to 5 years if the patient carefully monitors the condition of his mouth and undergoes preventive examinations and tooth cleaning. Teeth whitening at dentist before and after will show you the real result.

What You Should Know Before teeth whitening?

There are so many questions about teeth but the first and most important is that before you whiten your teeth you should make sure that your mouth is completely cleaned. You do not have any diseases of the teeth and gums at the time of the procedure. You’ll agree that whiter teeth do not go along with cavities, gum problems, or bad breath. So, there are some questions to ask a dentist.

Also, whitened teeth do not look good at all if the patient has missing teeth in the smile area or a pronounced malocclusion. That’s why dental health should be a priority.

What not to do when you get your teeth whitened?

One of the most popular tooth questions to ask is a question about sensitivity. After teeth whitening, there will be some tooth sensitivity, and the dentist recommends that the patient follow a so-called “white” diet. It consists of eating foods that will not stain the enamel.

Another important recommendation is to quit smoking. Nicotine and tar on the surface of the teeth from this bad habit stain tooth enamel and cause loss of whitening results in a short period of time.

How do I know if my teeth can be whitened?

This is another question from the most popular questions about teeth. To find out if you can whiten your teeth and which method is right for you, it is recommended that you see a dentist. Your dentist will carefully examine your mouth, determine the condition of your teeth and the presence of underlying problems that may prevent you from whitening your teeth.

Should you get your teeth cleaned before whitening?

Teeth questions are very useful for patients. There is no doubt that your dentist should get your teeth cleaned before whitening them. First, this procedure helps to whiten your teeth a bit by removing plaque and tartar from your teeth. Second, this procedure helps to determine the true shade of the enamel. A dentist cannot whiten teeth without it because teeth cleaning is an essential step in the whitening process.

Will it hurt?

Teeth whitening is a painless and safe procedure for the patient, because modern methods of teeth whitening are used, using special equipment.

After the procedure, there may be an increased sensitivity of the teeth, which will pass with time. However, the patient feels practically nothing during the procedure.

Is there a preparation method to follow?

What to do before teeth whitening? The better the condition of your teeth, the less time and money it will take you to prepare for whitening. Without knowing the true oral condition and starting whitening, you risk experiencing severe pain and damage to your teeth and gums.

Your dentist should always evaluate your oral health and the degree of yellowing of your teeth so that he or she can select the whitening method that is best for you. If there is tooth decay or other pathology of the teeth or gums, treatment is prescribed first, after which tooth whitening can take place.

What kind of discoloration do I have?

It is also one of the most popular tooth questions to ask. The degree of yellowing of the teeth can be very, very different. Some people may only need to whiten their teeth by 2-3 shades, while others will need to whiten their teeth by 10 shades because of the significant damage to the teeth.

Tooth discoloration comes in two varieties, internal and external. The second type is more accessible to whitening because the causes of yellowing of the teeth are often considered to be drinks and food, which means that the enamel is affected externally.

How sensitive will my teeth be after the treatment?

You will experience some tooth sensitivity after teeth whitening. For each person, its duration and severity vary, for some it’s a few days, for others – a few weeks. The main thing to know is to follow the doctor’s recommendations, which will help to reduce the symptoms to a minimum.

How can I make sure the results last for as long as possible?

How white should my teeth be? There are so many questions about teeth. The first and most basic rule is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations. This is especially true for following a “white” diet after bleaching, since teeth become particularly sensitive to the staining components of foods. In addition, you should not ignore further preventive dental cleaning, which will remove plaque and help maintain a normal shade of tooth enamel. You should not forget about daily oral hygiene, which is recommended to do in the morning and evening.

When can I have my teeth whitened again?

It depends on your lifestyle and eating habits. If you’re a coffee or wine drinker, a smoker and a heavy user of food with coloring properties, you may need to whiten your teeth more often than those who follow your doctor’s recommendation. In general, it’s recommended that you whiten your teeth no more than once a year and in some cases the effect lasts much longer. Some questions to ask a dentist help the patients make a good choice

Teeth whitening procedure has become one of the most popular procedures in many clinics. Today’s rhythm of life and opportunities allow you to monitor your oral health and perform cosmetic procedures. Having the answers to the most important questions regarding whitening, it is possible to make the right choice and become the owner of a beautiful and whiter smile.

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Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting Teeth Whitening (2024)


Questions to Ask Yourself Before Getting Teeth Whitening? ›

Teeth that are yellow respond best to bleaching. Brown or gray teeth, or teeth striped or mottled from tetracycline or too much fluoride, may not whiten evenly when bleached. People with periodontal disease or particularly sensitive teeth may want to avoid chemical whitening techniques that can irritate tender gums.

What to do before getting your teeth professionally whitened? ›

Before Teeth Whitening
  1. Eat: Sounds simple enough, right? ...
  2. Brush your teeth: You probably do this out of habit every time you visit a dentist. ...
  3. Floss: All food particles need to be removed. ...
  4. Time: Set aside enough time for your teeth whitening appointment.

How can I maximize my teeth whitening results? ›

How to Maximize Your Teeth-Whitening Results
  1. Avoid consuming things that stain your teeth.
  2. Don't smoke or chew tobacco.
  3. Brush your teeth regularly.
  4. Consider brushing with baking soda once a week.
  5. Eat a tooth-friendly diet.
  6. Get a touch-up whitening.

What makes you a good candidate for teeth whitening? ›

Teeth that are yellow respond best to bleaching. Brown or gray teeth, or teeth striped or mottled from tetracycline or too much fluoride, may not whiten evenly when bleached. People with periodontal disease or particularly sensitive teeth may want to avoid chemical whitening techniques that can irritate tender gums.

What not to do before getting teeth whitened at dentist? ›

In the weeks leading up to your teeth whitening appointment, it is best to avoid anything that could discolor your teeth even more. The majority of stains on your teeth are caused by food, beverages, and lifestyle habits. Coffee, tea, soda, red wine, and dark fruit juices are the common culprits of teeth discoloration.

Do teeth continue to whiten after professional whitening? ›

Some people respond very well and teeth can get up to 3-4 shades lighter after just 5-7days of bleaching or up to 5 shades whiter with one ZOOM in office treatment. Others may not notice as much change. Your teeth will continue to lighten for a couple of days even after you stop a whitening session.

Can I eat 2 hours after teeth whitening? ›

Generally, it is advised to wait anywhere from 24-48 hours after teeth whitening treatment before consuming any type of food. However, this recommendation may vary depending on the discolouration severity and the type of teeth whitening done in the dental office.

Why do my teeth get yellow so fast after whitening? ›

Teeth can become temporarily dehydrated after using whitening strips. Your teeth may appear more yellow as a result of this dehydration because the enamel may become dry and lack moisture. Dehydrated enamel sometimes has a transparent appearance that makes the naturally yellowish dentin underneath visible.

How many shades whiter after teeth whitening? ›

Most patients have an average result of 7-8 shades lighter when using Zoom® Whitening. The average whitening potency of Opalescence® Boost instead, is approximately four shades lighter.

Can yellow teeth become white again? ›

What Can Be Done to Whiten Yellow Teeth? If you're looking for a radical change in the coloring of your teeth, you need professional-grade whitening to get the job done. Your cosmetic dentist can provide treatment that penetrates deep into the enamel and removes years of stains with a powerful bleaching agent.

What makes you ineligible for teeth whitening? ›

If you are allergic to peroxide, you will not be able to have your teeth whitened, since peroxide is the active ingredient in whitening systems. If you have a lot of fillings, dental bonding or crowns, you may not be a candidate for dental whitening.

What color makes your teeth look the most white? ›

Generally, lighter and cooler tones such as white, silver, clear, light blue, or light pink can create the illusion of whiter teeth.

Who cannot have teeth whitening? ›

People who have restorations such as fillings, implants, crowns and dental bridges. Children under 16 years of age. Patients with periodontal disease, tooth decay, cavities and exposed roots. People who are allergic to teeth bleaching whitening agents like peroxide.

Why can't you drink water after teeth whitening? ›

After you whiten your teeth with Philips Sonicare teeth whitening products, acidic or staining foods and drinks are more easily absorbed by your teeth. This can lead to discoloration, and this why it is advised to wait 30 minutes after whitening before eating or drinking.

What are the dos and don'ts during teeth whitening? ›

Don't Consume Foods that Can Stain Your Teeth

For both over-the-counter and professional teeth whitening, the first few days after treatment are the most critical. Avoid dark foods/liquids, drink through a straw when you can, don't smoke, brush/floss frequently and you should be looking great.

Why can't you brush your teeth before whitening? ›

5. Wait before applying Whitestrips: It's essential to wait 30 minutes after brushing before applying Whitestrips. Brushing can temporarily weaken your enamel, making it more sensitive. Waiting allows your teeth to recover and minimizes the risk of sensitivity.

Should I brush my teeth before professional teeth whitening? ›

We recommend that with any form of whitening that teeth are brushed beforehand. This is to ensure that any plaque (this sticky surface layer on your teeth) is removed and that any whitening agent present in the strips or gel gets the closest contact with the teeth.

Should you wash your teeth before whitening? ›

Brushing Before Whitening

Clean teeth may also absorb the whitening solution more evenly, resulting in a more uniform whitening result. Another reason to brush before whitening is to remove any residual tastes or odors in your mouth.

Should I clean my teeth before whitening? ›

Remove food particles from the mouth

Professional cleaning before whitening the teeth helps to remove food debris lodged around the teeth and crevices of the oral cavity, which may block the whitening agent from reaching everywhere. Cleaning will make it easier to whiten every surface of the teeth.

Can I eat before getting my teeth whitened? ›

While you shouldn't eat straight before your appointment, it's okay to eat one or so hours before your teeth whitening treatment has been booked. And because a session usually lasts around one hour, eating before your treatment may help curve any hunger during or immediately after your session.

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