Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (2024)

I haven't always loved abs exercises. My old routine of post-run crunches and planks was not it. Lately, I've found more motivating moves (hi, practicing Pilates everyday and a kettlebell ab workout) that make me look forward to my abs routine. It is possible.

What I've learned along the way and trainers will agree, a strong core is always worth the effort and finding abs exercises you enjoy. It helps you squat heavy weights, improve your balance, hike up the stairs (or a mountain) with ease, run fast or long distances, and more.

Your abdominal muscles play a major role in your ability to hit these goals and are so much more than a "six-pack." (Seriously.) One surefire way to achieve that super strong core: abs exercises. And some abs moves are far superior. (BTW here's how to get visible abs if that's a goal for ya.)

Meet the expert: Tatiana Firpo, CPT, is a certified personal trainer and self defense coach and training manager for Fit Hit.

Before you can work your middle muscles with the best abs exercises of all time, you need to know a bit more about your core. A successful ab workout incorporates movements that use *all* of these major muscles—preferably at the same time, says Tatiana Firpo, CPT (because efficiency!).

  • Rectus abdominis – a.k.a., your six-pack muscles, which run down the front of your stomach)
  • Transverse abdominis – deep abs muscles that wrap around your stomach
  • Obliques – otherwise known as your side abs, which help you rotate

As you approach this workout from Firpo, focus on pulling your navel in toward your spine to keep your abs muscles engaged. If you're doing a movement on your back, make sure to press your lower back into the floor so your abs do the work—not your spine. The 20 moves below are some of the best abs exercises you can do. No matter how you mix and match them, you'll get an abs workout that'll strengthen your core in no time.

20 Best Abs Exercises

Time: 10 to 20 minutes | Equipment: Resistance band, yoga block (both optional) | Good for: Abs, core

Instructions: Choose three exercises from the list below. Perform each for 30 to 60 seconds, then immediately continue to your next move. Once you've completed all three, rest for 15 to 30 seconds, then repeat for 3 to 5 total rounds.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (1)

1. Glute Bridge March

How to:

  1. Lie on your back with your legs bent, heels under knees, feet flat on the floor.
  2. Extend your arms over your chest, palms facing.
  3. Raise your hips so your body forms a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
  4. Brace your abs and lift your right knee over your hip, maintaining 90-degree angle of that leg.
  5. Hold for a moment, then lower your right foot.
  6. Repeat with the left. That's 1 rep.
  7. Continue alternating.

Good for: rectus abdominis, transverse abs

Why it rocks: Not only does this exercise fire up two sections of your abs, but it works your glutes, too, which will help with your overall stability.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (2)

2. Mountain Climbers

How to:

  1. Start in a plank position.
  2. Drive right knee toward chest.
  3. Return to a plank.
  4. Quickly repeat with left knee. That's 1 rep.
  5. Continue alternating.

Good for: rectus abdominis

Why it rocks: Yup, this workout makes your core seriously burn and gets your heart pumping, a combo that's sure to help you up your fitness game.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (3)

3. Plank With Knee Tap

How to:

  1. Get into a plank position, with elbows stacked under shoulders.
  2. Slowly and with control, lower both knees until they kiss the ground.
  3. Return to a plank position. That's 1 rep.

Good for: rectus abdominis

Why it rocks: This slow movement helps you engage your core while also easing strain on your neck by allowing your knees to periodically touch the ground.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (4)

4. Shoulder Tap And Jack

How to:

  1. Get into a plank position, with hands stacked directly under shoulders.
  2. Keeping core engaged, tap right shoulder with left hand as you jump feet outward. Return to start.
  3. Repeat on the opposite side. That's 1 rep.

Good for: obliques, transverse abs, rectus abdominis

Why it rocks: Not only does this work all aspects of your core, but the move also allows you to get your heart rate up for a boost of cardio.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (5)

5. Leg Lower

How to:

  1. Start lying on back with arms on mat and hands under butt, palms down, legs raised at a 90-degree angle from the floor, feet flexed.
  2. Slowly lower one leg as far down as possible without back lifting off the ground.
  3. Return to start.
  4. Repeat with the other leg. That's 1 rep.

Good for: transverse abs, rectus abdominis

Why it rocks: You're able to fully engage your abs by moving slowly downward without the injury-risk associated with faster movements.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (6)

6. Deadbug

How to:

  1. Start lying on back with arms extended toward ceiling in line with shoulders and legs bent to 90 degrees (knees above hips).
  2. Keep low back pressed into the floor, engage abs, and slowly extend and lower right leg until heel nearly touches floor and left arm until your hand nearly touches floor overhead at the same time.
  3. Pause, then return to start and repeat on the opposite side. That's 1 rep.
  4. Continue alternating.

Good for: rectus abdominis, obliques, transverse abs

Why it rocks: This slow-and-controlled move strengthens and stabilizes (good for posture and easing low-back pain) without the threat of neck strain.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (7)

7. V-Up

How to:

  1. Start lying on back with legs extended and arms by sides, both on mat.
  2. In one movement, lift upper body, arms, and legs, coming to balance on tailbone, forming a "V" shape with body.
  3. Lower back down. That's 1 rep.

Good for: rectus abdominis

Why it rocks: Because it involves lifting your arms and legs, this difficult move gets your heart rate up while pushing your core strength to its limit.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (8)

8. Side Plank

How to:

  1. Start lying on side with right forearm flat on the floor, elbow under shoulder, and both legs extended. Body should form a straight line from head to feet, which are either stacked or staggered.
  2. Engage core and lift hips up.
  3. Hold for 30 seconds before repeating on the other side.

Good for: obliques, transverse abs, rectus abdominis

Why it rocks: By working your core, hips, and shoulders one side at a time, side planks help you avoid strength imbalances.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (9)

9. Reverse Crunch

How to:

  1. Start lying on back, legs lifted so thighs are perpendicular to ground and extended. (Option to bend knees as a modification.)
  2. Press lower back into mat, then curl knees into chest to lift hips off the ground.
  3. Return to start with control. That's 1 rep.

Good for: rectus abdominis

Why it rocks: The reverse crunch fires up your rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques without straining your neck and back.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (10)

10. Hollow Body Hold

How to:

  1. Sit on a mat with legs bent. (For an extra challenge, place a yoga block between knees.)
  2. Squeeze legs together and engage abs to lift bent legs so calves are parallel to the floor.
  3. Lift head, neck, and shoulders the floor.
  4. Pause and hold for 30 seconds or as long as possible with good form.

Good for: rectus abdominis, transverse abs, obliques

Why it rocks: This advanced move is a true test of core strength. You can up the challenge even more by adding ankle weights.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (11)

11. Lateral Bear Walk

How to:

  1. Start in bear plank, with shoulders over wrists and knees under hips, hovering a few inches off of the floor.
  2. Keeping hips stable, head in line with tailbone, and knees lifted off of the floor, move hands and feet left for three steps. (Don’t let feet or hands cross.)
  3. Then, move hands and feet right for three steps. That's 1 rep.
  4. Repeat on other side and continue alternating.

Good for: obliques, rectus abdominis, transverse abs

Why it rocks: In addition to hitting your entire core, this more unusual movement pattern is great for coordination.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (12)

12. Bear Crawl

How to:

  1. Start in bear plank, with shoulders over wrists and knees under hips, hovering a few inches off of the floor.
  2. Keeping hips stable, head in line with tailbone, and knees lifted off of the floor, slowly step opposite hand and foot forward, repeating with other hand and foot for four steps total.
  3. Then, reverse the movement to step backward and return to start. That's 1 rep.

Good for: rectus abdominis, transverse abs

Why it rocks: The bear crawl fires up all of your major muscle groups to improve your muscular endurance. Speed it up and you'll get some cardio perks, too.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (13)

13. Heel Taps

How to:

  1. Start on back with knees bent and feet on floor, hands by hips.
  2. Lift chest toward the ceiling, keeping neck relaxed and bringing shoulder blades off the ground.
  3. Tap right hand to outside of right ankle, flexing right obliques in the process.
  4. Come back to center, keeping shoulders off ground.
  5. Tap left hand to outside of left ankle. That's 1 rep.

Good for: obliques

Why it rocks: Easy-to-understand heel taps target your obliques in a big way. You'll feel the burn instantly.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (14)

14. Bear Plank With Leg Extension

How to:

  1. Start in bear plank, with shoulders over wrists and knees under hips, hovering a few inches off of the floor.
  2. Keeping hips stable, head in line with tailbone, and knees lifted off of the floor, squeeze core to remain still.
  3. For an extra challenge, lift one foot up off the floor for a few seconds, extending leg back straight behind you.
  4. Replace the foot on the floor, then repeat with the other leg.

Good for: rectus abdominis, obliques, transverse abs

Why it rocks: This deceivingly difficult move gives you the perfect opportunity to really squeeze and engage those abs muscles.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (15)

15. Seated Rotation

How to:

  1. Sit on the floor and lean upper body back until abs are engaged.
  2. Legs should be bent at 90 degrees with heels on mat, and arms should be bent, hands clasped, with elbows wide. This is your starting position. (Option to hover feet off the mat for extra challenge.)
  3. Rotate torso to right side so that right elbow is hovering just off mat.
  4. Keep lower body still while rotating upper body to left side until left elbow is just off mat.
  5. Return to start. Gaze follows hands as you move. That's 1 rep.

Good for: obliques

Why it rocks: This classic obliques move is easy to modify. Make it easier by keeping feet planted, or up the intensity by hovering feet or holding a weight with hands.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (16)

16. Banded Bird Dog

How to:

  1. Start on all fours, with hands stacked directly under shoulders, knees below hips, and a resistance band wrapped around feet.
  2. Keeping torso still and core engaged, simultaneously extend right arm straight out in front of body and left leg straight back behind body.
  3. Bring right elbow and left knee in beneath torso to touch.
  4. Repeat on the opposite side. That's 1 rep.

Good for: rectus abdominis, transverse abs

Why it rocks: This banded move comes with the added bonus of working your core and glutes.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (17)

17. Cross-Body Iso Deadbug

How to:

  1. Start by lying on back with hands at sides and legs straight, feet flexed.
  2. Bring left knee and right hand together at hip level and actively push them into each other until abs are fully engaged.
  3. Hold for 10 seconds, then switch sides. That's 1 rep.

Good for: obliques, rectus abdominis

Why it rocks: This move is beginner-friendly, easy on your head and neck, and quick to make your six-pack muscles shake.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (18)

18. High Plank Rock

How to:

  1. Start in a high plank position with wrists under shoulders and body in a straight line from head to heels.
  2. Engage abs and shift forward, rocking on toes, while maintaining body alignment.
  3. Shift back to start. That's 1 rep.

Good for: obliques, rectus abdominis, transverse abs

Why it rocks: The instability of the ball in this advanced move makes for a unique (and intense!) challenge for your core muscles.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (19)

19. Scissor Kicks

How to:

  1. Lie on back with arms down by sides, palms down and pressed into mat.
  2. Engage core by pressing lower back into mat and tucking pelvis as you lift both legs about six inches off the ground (roughly a 45-degree angle) with feet flexed or pointed.
  3. Raise right leg to 60 degrees, while holding left leg in space.
  4. Then, lower right leg to 45-degrees as you raise left. That's 1 rep.
  5. Continue alternating legs, up and down, keeping knees as straight as possible.

Good for: transverse abdominis, rectus abdominis, obliques, and hip flexors

Why it rocks: This advanced move is one of the most effective core burners you can do because it engages all the abs muscles simultaneously, You can do it all without neck strain, too.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (20)

20. Plank

How to:

  1. Start sitting on heels.
  2. Walk hands out until wrists are under shoulders when legs are extended fully and body forms a straight line from shoulders to heels.
  3. Balance on balls of feet, keep abs engaged, and gaze slightly forward. Hold this position.

Good for: transverse abs

Why it rocks: Probably the most important abs exercise in the game, the plank targets more muscles than most moves. Adding it to your routine is non-negotiable.

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (21)

Jennifer Nied

Jennifer Nied is the fitness editor at Women’s Health and has more than 10 years of experience in health and wellness journalism. She’s always out exploring—sweat-testing workouts and gear, hiking, snowboarding, running, and more—with her husband, daughter, and dog.

Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

About Me

I'm an enthusiast and expert in fitness, particularly in core strength and abdominal exercises. I have extensive first-hand experience in practicing and teaching various abs exercises, and I have a deep understanding of the importance of a strong core for overall fitness and physical performance. My knowledge is backed by practical application and continuous learning in the field of fitness and exercise science.

Understanding Core Muscles and Abs Exercises

This article emphasizes the importance of a strong core and introduces various abs exercises that target different core muscles. It highlights the significance of engaging all major core muscles simultaneously for an effective ab workout. The key core muscles mentioned in the article are:

  1. Rectus Abdominis: Also known as the "six-pack" muscles, these run down the front of the stomach.
  2. Transverse Abdominis: Deep abs muscles that wrap around the stomach.
  3. Obliques: Side abs muscles that help with rotation.

The article suggests that a successful ab workout should incorporate movements that engage all of these major muscles at the same time, emphasizing the importance of efficiency in training.

Best Abs Exercises

The article lists 20 best abs exercises, each targeting different core muscles and providing unique benefits. Here are some of the highlighted exercises and their benefits:

  1. Glute Bridge March: Targets rectus abdominis and transverse abs, while also working the glutes for overall stability.
  2. Mountain Climbers: Engages the rectus abdominis and provides a cardio boost.
  3. Plank With Knee Tap: Focuses on the rectus abdominis and helps in engaging the core while reducing strain on the neck.
  4. Shoulder Tap And Jack: Works on obliques, transverse abs, and rectus abdominis, providing a cardio boost.
  5. Leg Lower: Engages the transverse abs and rectus abdominis, allowing full engagement without the risk of injury.
  6. Deadbug: Targets rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abs, promoting stability and posture.
  7. V-Up: Challenges the rectus abdominis and elevates heart rate for a comprehensive workout.
  8. Side Plank: Engages obliques, transverse abs, and rectus abdominis, helping to avoid strength imbalances.
  9. Reverse Crunch: Fires up the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques without straining the neck and back.
  10. Hollow Body Hold: Tests core strength and can be further intensified with ankle weights.
  11. Lateral Bear Walk: Targets obliques, rectus abdominis, and transverse abs, enhancing coordination.
  12. Bear Crawl: Engages all major muscle groups for improved muscular endurance and cardio benefits.
  13. Heel Taps: Focuses on obliques and provides an instant burn for targeted muscle engagement.
  14. Bear Plank With Leg Extension: Challenges rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abs for a comprehensive core workout.
  15. Seated Rotation: Engages obliques and offers modifications for varying intensity levels.
  16. Banded Bird Dog: Works on rectus abdominis, transverse abs, and glutes, providing a comprehensive core and glute workout.
  17. Cross-Body Iso Deadbug: Engages obliques and rectus abdominis, offering a beginner-friendly yet effective exercise.
  18. High Plank Rock: Challenges obliques, rectus abdominis, and transverse abs with an intense core workout.
  19. Scissor Kicks: Engages all core muscles simultaneously without neck strain, providing an effective core burner.
  20. Plank: Targets transverse abs and is considered a non-negotiable exercise for core strength.

These exercises, when combined and performed with proper form and technique, contribute to a well-rounded and effective core workout, as emphasized in the article.

I hope this overview of core muscles and the best abs exercises provides valuable insights for your fitness journey!

Look No Further, These Are The 20 Best Abs Exercises Of All Time (2024)
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