Interpreting Multiple Cards In A Tarot Reading - SelfTarot (2024)

Interpreting Multiple Cards In A Tarot Reading - SelfTarot (1)

Interpreting multiple cards in a tarot reading.

Like reading a single card, identifying the meaning of each card is your first step.

Need more practice with interpreting single cards?Start Small By Reading One Card at A Time

If you’re struggling to use your intuition or can’t seem to be able to put the book away read up on the SelfTarot Method of Reading Tarot for more help.

Orstart at the beginning withRead Tarot Like A Boss in 5 Easy Steps.


For our example for interpreting multiple cards in a tarot reading we will use The Devil, Loves, and Tower cards respectfully.

Our first step will be defining each card in the reading individually. Example free associations for these cards are as follows:

Interpreting Multiple Cards In A Tarot Reading - SelfTarot (2)
Interpreting Multiple Cards In A Tarot Reading - SelfTarot (3)
Interpreting Multiple Cards In A Tarot Reading - SelfTarot (4)


  • DARK


  • LOVE


  • FEAR

To read multiple cards in a tarot reading you may use the following formula:

Using three cards we will view the middle card as the subject, the first card as describing the subject, and the third card will be the action or result.

Using this outline for a love reading, for example, this reading’s subject would be a relationship(ADAM AND EVE) that is described as (TRAPPED, MISERABLE) with action of causing FEAR and DESTRUCTION.

Put at its most simplest this reading could reveal a toxic or abusive relationship leading to a bad break up.

As you gain experience you will be able to formulate further associations and interactions between cards. This will ultimately aid you in telling the stories revealed through the cards via tarot spreads. You can read more about storytelling in my article Connecting the Cards To Tell Stories. What’s yours?


For instances where there may be four or more cards drawn, these cards will serve as clarification of the previous card.

For example, you draw a clarification card for the Tower because you don’t quite understand what its significance is or you would like to learn more information about the card’s message. You would simply focus on your clarification question (In what way has the foundation of this relationship weakened?) And draw a card.

The same would be true for any other card in the reading.

Clarification cards can be drawn for any card in any spread regardless of position. It simply serves to provide for information and improve understanding.


Tarot spreads aren’t the only way you will do readings with more than 3 cards. Did you know you can do a tarot reading without a spread!?

In many cases spreads are unnecessary and over complicate things.

The cards will tell you what you need to know regardless of using a spread or not.

To do a tarot reading with no spread you will simply focus your intent (which would be your question you want to ask or the information you are looking for), ask your question and draw as many cards as you feel fits. Typically 3 cards per question and 1 card per clarification question is good.

After asking your main question you can simply continue the reading in this manner. Ask a question, draw a card, ask a question, draw a card.

It works best to stay on the same subject per shuffle. For example, if you were asking about your love life then wanted to ask about school you would reshuffle and focus your intent on school before proceeding asking questions about school.


Once you are comfortable with interpreting multiple cards in a tarot reading you may wish to go more in depth.

Look for patterns of correspondence such as numerology, astrology, colors, symbols, theme, or any other aspect you are drawn to. Note anything that appears to be a pattern or feels significant.

All this gathered information will support and directly relate to the question asked.

Perhaps the character in one card looking at the one next to it. Or are they looking away? Is the sky dark and bleak or is it bright and happy?

Soon you should get a feel of the theme and message of the reading and how the story will progress. A tarot reading is like a photograph. It’s a still frame for a moment in your life. Find out more about storytelling and how to tell the story of the cards in Connecting Tarot Cards To Tell A Story. What’s Yours?


Interpreting multiple cards in a tarot reading can be a little complicated and takes practice.

By paying attention to how the cards communicate and relate to each other you will pick up on clues on how to give context to each card.

This stage of the tarot game is where you will be spending most of your time. Being able to read how each card relates to another only comes with time and experience.

The more you use and relate to your tarot cards the easier reading multiple cards together will be.


Be sure to take account of your progress in your Tarot journal!

Not only will it provide you with your own personalized card meanings, but you will also see how much you grow as a Tarot Reader over time.

Learn more about Keeping A Tarot Journal. You’ll be glad you did!


Why not try one of the dozens of FREE tarot spreads available in the SelfTarot Tarot Spread Archive?


Start a self-discovery journey like no other.

Let’s face it, it’s hard work doing all this soul searching and self-improvement on your own.

Let tarot be your guide!

Tarot will hold your hand, hold nothing back, and lead you on one hell of a journey. Now is your opportunity to take the road less traveled: A journey to discover your truest self – the highest, best version of you thatyoucan be!

Check out theThe SelfTarot Workshoptoday!

Interpreting Multiple Cards In A Tarot Reading - SelfTarot (2024)
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