How Tall Is Stephen Curry? UPDATED (2020) (2024)

How Tall Is Stephen Curry? UPDATED (2020) (1)

Speculation over the heights of NBA players has swirled for years. It is easy to assume that basketball players are enormous giants. But Stephen Curry, dubbed the Greatest Shooter of All Time, is the living proof that that is not always the case. We’re going to answer one of the most controversial topics in the basketball arena today. How tall is Stephen Curry?

How Tall Is Rookie Stephen Curry?

According to the stats from 2009 NBA Draft Combine, here is Stephen Curry’s height when he entered the glamorous world of basketball:

NO shoes: 6′ 2″ (1.88m)
In shoes: 6′ 3.25″ (1.91m)

If you take into account the heights of the other players that Curry might come up against—some of them easily measuring up to 6′ 11″—you can easily see the difference in stature, and why scouts were worried that Curry wouldn’t be able to cut it at the NBA.

Stephen Curry admits to being a hair under 6-foot-3.

“Without shoes, I’m officially 6’2″ and 3-quarters,” he told The Athletic’s Anthony Slater. “But I don’t play basketball without shoes.”

Steph Curry on the NBA’s new height listings: “Without shoes, I’m officially 6-2 and 3-quarters. But I don’t play basketball without shoes.”

— Anthony Slater (@anthonyVslater) October 9, 2019

A Little Backstory…

In 2019, the NBA launched their investigation aimed to find out the accurate heights of their players and whether that measurement agrees with the heights they have on record.

Check out our article on the ankle brace Steph Curry wears

This happened because there had been speculations that players were lying about their actual heights or that the measurements were no longer accurate. After all, a player can have a sudden and unexpected growth spur within their first two years of playing. The report is possibly linked to the betting that’s a major part of the sport.

Now, let’s focus on Stephen Curry and how he may be one of the smallest players around, but he’s an obvious major asset of the Golden State Warriors.

When Curry first came to the NBA, he participated in the NBA Draft Combine like an ordinary rookie. This is where they measure every prospect on a range of metrics like standing jump, wingspan, and crucially—height.

In 2009, the game was a lot more brutal, with big, athletic players cutting to the basket.

Curry has already established himself as an immaculate scorer after 3 years at Davidson’s, averaging as many as +20 a game during his time at the NCAA. But then, shooters were really seen as a last resort. Coaches would leave them standing in the corner until the primary scorer could ‘dump’ the ball off to them in the middle of a broken play.

You still have to be physically capable of defending against the large players in the opposing team.

And because of this, NBA scouts were nervous about how Curry would fit into the NBA. Scouts thought he was far below the NBA standard in terms of athleticism and the explosiveness required for the game.

“Far below NBA standard in regard to explosiveness and athleticism … At 6-2, he’s extremely small for the NBA shooting guard position, and it will likely keep him from being much of a defender at the next level.” – Stevan Petrovic

“At 6-1, he’s far too small to play solely at the 2G position.” – Aran Smith

Here’s how the pick of the draft went that year:

1st Round PG/SG 2009 NBA Draft:

  • James Harden:6’ 4” (3rd pick Arizona State/OKC Thunder)
  • Tyreke Evans: 6’ 4” (4th pick Memphis/SAC Kings)
  • Ricky Rubio: 6’ 3” (5th pick DKV Joventut(int)/MIN Timberwolves)
  • Jonny Flynn: 5′ 11″ (6th pick Syracuse/MIN Timberwolves)
  • Stephen Curry: 6’ 2” (7th pick Davidson/GS Warriors)

How Tall Is Stephen Curry Now?

NO shoes: 6′ 2″ (1.88m)
In shoes: 6′ 3.25″ (1.91m)

Stephen Curry might not even grow one bit, but his height has never for a moment stopped him from reaching his full potential in the NBA. His trophy case definitively shows that being the tallest in the game doesn’t necessarily make you a champion.

The average height of most guards is about 6’2″, so he is not noticeably shorter than other guards in the NBA. It might be his smaller frame and youthful look that might make him look much smaller than other guards in the league. After all, Curry is not the “Baby Faced Assassin” for no reason.

Curry revolutionized the game with his utilization of the 3 points shot. Today, people refer to him as “the Jordan of the three-point era.” Michael Jordan’s dunk is now what Stephen’s three-point skill is. He is undoubtedly a player that any NBA fan should watch and respect.

FAQs about Stephen Curry

How tall was Steph Curry at 13?

At age 13, Curry was only 5′ 7″ and 130 pounds—impossibly short for a future NBA player. He quickly grew throughout high school and by the time he was a senior, he was 6 foot tall and super thin. It’s only during his sophom*ore year at college did he finally reach his adult height of 6′ 3″.

Is Steph Curry really 6′ 3″?

Yes, Steph Curry is 6′ 3″. While there has been much speculation around official high records from the NBA, it has been confirmed that Curry’s height is correct. Intriguingly, he was the exact same height as his rookie self too.

Is Steph Curry tall?

By normal standards yes, but by NBA standards, no. During the 2017-2018 season, the average height of players in the NBA was 6′ 7″. This is 4″ taller than Curry.

Stephen Curry Best Plays

How Tall Is Stephen Curry? UPDATED (2020) (2)

Troy Wright

I am a lifetime basketball enthusiast and loved playing basketball competitively through high school. I still try and play at least 3 times a week and explore all kinds of equipment and training to keep myself on the court and continually getting better. I am a college basketball fanatic and move onto the NBA when March Madness ends.

How Tall Is Stephen Curry? UPDATED (2020) (3)

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How Tall Is Stephen Curry? UPDATED (2020) (2024)
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