The number Four emerges when all that has been created needs to manifest into the real world. As the energies of the numbers One and Two combine with each other (Singularity combining with Duality), we see the number Three express itself (Creative Expression) in the Universe. The next step, of course, is to stabilize that Creative Expression. Today, let’s look at how this energy of the number Four expresses itself across our Tarot Cards.
The number Four is symbolically expressed as a square, a geometric shape with four equal sides. We see several instances of the number Four across the Universe — the Four Seasons, the Four Main Directions, the Four Basic Elements, and so forth.
The Meanings of the Number Four
As we’ve seen early on in this article, the number Four is all about the stabilization of the energy of Creative expression. The number Four is therefore used to represent the solid material reality. Ideas are now brought into Conscious Reality. Any structure that stands on four legs or edges is considered to be stable – which lends the meaning of stability to this number as well. These and several such rules conform to the physical laws of the worldand are quite logical in their approach. The number Four thus represents aa systematic approach towards manifestation and the material reality.
The number Four also shows up across cultures in various ways. Christian traditions describe Four Rivers in Paradise. In Buddhism, the Tree of Life has four trunks. In Hinduism, the Creator God, Brahma, has four faces.
As we’ve seen so far, in Kabbala, the Universe began with Zero, or Nothing, or Limitlessness. One appears as a Point within that limitlessness, giving us a position to start with. Two shows up to add meaning to One, enabling a comparison between them, and creating a connecting Line. Three shows up then, to create the concept of distance between them, to show which one is near or which one is far. These three now form a Triangle, the basis for Plane Geometry. However, so far we only have ideas forming in the Abyss. Four thus needs to show up, in order to bring material substance to these ideas. Now the Plane becomes a Solid.
The Number Four in the Tarot Cards
Now, let’s look at the various Tarot Cards where the number Four shows up, both directly and indirectly as a sum of the digits on that card.
The Number Four in the Major Arcana
First, let’s check out the Major Arcana cards.
4: The Emperor
Death: Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot
The full power of the number Four is powerfully expressed in The Emperor card. Here we see an old Emperor, who is committed to maintaining the laws of the material world that he rules and symbolizes. He rules with a firm hand, creating stability for his subjects. He has a systematic approach, and no one in his realm is allowed to break the rule of law. He has, with the discipline of perseverance and hard work, created a world that is solid and dependable.
The Death card can be quite a shock to the system, especially where the energies of the number Four are concerned. Here we see the main skeletal figure enforcing the rules of a higher law of the Universe. Quite interestingly, we see the figure of our Emperor lying prone on the ground (by the horse’s feet), as if dead. This is to symbolize that the laws of the Physical World are only overpowered by the laws of the Spiritual World. Here, is a different sort of reality that is being brought into material manifestation. What isn’t working anymore is cleansed, and space is created for something new to show up. The energy of the number Four seems to suggest that this may even be quite a regular event, almost as if it is to be expected!
The Number Four in the Minor Arcana
Now, let’s check out the Minor Arcana cards associated with the number Four.
4 of Wands
4 of Cups
4 of Swords
4 of Pentacles
Creating Harmony and Joy through systematic efforts. Discovering emotional stagnation and boredom due to creative complacency. Finding peace of mind through stillness. Holding on to the feeling of security that comes with material accumulation. Such interesting ways in which the energy of the number Four shows up in the Minor Arcana!
In the 4 of Wands, we see how hard work and dedicated passion have created joyous results. There’s a feeling of harmony, of success, and a creation of happiness as a result of sustained and systematic efforts. In the 4 of Cups, we see the results of having complacency. When feelings stabilize and don’t necessarily flow, it feels as if everything stagnates. Boredom ensues. Nothing feels good anymore. In the 4 of Swords, we see the central character lying down upon a tombstone, looking like a statue with hands folded in prayer. He is calming his turmoiled mind by tuning into the calmness of his spirit. His logical approach towards his pain gives him a means of dealing with his hurt, and enables him to make peace with himself and the situation. And finally, in the 4 of Pentacles, the central character is loathe to let go of the material security that he has created. He loves the material security that comes with the stability of life, making it an important component of his life.
The Number Four: In Summary
So if we put it all together, we can summarize the energy of the number Four across the Tarot Cards as follows:
- The Emperor: Stability, Systematic Approach, Following the Rules, Discipline, Solid, Dependable
- Death: Following a Higher Law, Manifestation of Higher Level of Reality, Systematic Change
- 4 of Wands: Hard Work & Passion bring about Joy & Harmony & Success
- 4 of Cups:Boredom due to Emotional Stagnation of Creative Flow
- 4 of Swords: Peace of Mind through Stabilizing Thought Processes
- 4 of Pentacles: Holding on to material security
Now, who would’ve thought that such a placid-looking number could show up in such interesting ways, eh!
Your Turn
What did you think about the number Four? Do you have other ideas/interpretations for this number across the different Tarot Cards? Do share your thoughts with me in the comments section below!
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Numbers in Tarot
- Zero – The Endless Possibilities
- One in the Tarot Cards – Singular Manifest Creative Energy
- Two in the Tarot Cards – Duality Manifested
- Three in the Tarot Cards – Trinity of Creation
- Four in the Tarot Cards – The Material Reality
- Five in the Tarot Cards – Changing the Status Quo
- Six in the Tarot Cards – Consciousness Harmonized
- Seven in the Tarot Cards – Intersection of Spiritual and Material
- Eight in the Tarot Cards – Transformation by Dissolution
- Nine in the Tarot Cards – Culmination of Evolution
- Ten in the Tarot Cards – Establishment of Extremes