Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (2024)

It is a bit difficult to shine a positive light on the Five of Pentacles Minor Arcana card. It’s one of those cards that not many people desire in reading. It represents sickness, poverty, and general struggle, and the only acceptable place for this pentacle is reversed or in the past position.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. But if the Five of Pentacles has presented itself as a part of your reading, don’t worry too much. That’s because it’s not a Major Arcana card, which means its effects are transient, not long-term.

Additionally, you can also concentrate on learning and growing from the hardships you are experiencing or are about to face. Knowing what the future could bring makes it easier to tailor our behavior to avoid future heartache.

Table of Contents

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card: Key Terms

Before we dive deep into the upright and reversed Five of Pentacles meaning, let’s discuss the key terms associated with this card.

UprightFinancial hardship, struggle, lack of faith, rejection, sickness
ReversedLuck, triumph, better health, improved finances, recovery
Yes or NoNo
Astrological SignTaurus

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Description

The following is the illustration of the Five of Pentacles Tarot card. Familiarizing yourself with it will help you better understand its meaning and symbolism.

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (1)

The image on the Five of Pentacles is one you’ll never forget. Although many pentacles represent financial success, card number five of this suit paints a dire picture.

The scene is set in winter, as the ground is covered in snow. Icy flakes can be seen falling from above as two poor souls trudge through the snowy build-up. Their ragged clothing suggests that they are impoverished. Their lack of shoes depicts how dire their situation is.

Behind them is a colorful stained-glass window. Etched into the pain are five golden pentacles. As beautiful as the window is, neither seems to notice.

The man to the left is on crutches. As he hobbles along in the snow, he raises his head to the sky. The positioning and his expression suggest he is searching for answers from God.

The figure to the right is probably a woman. However, it is hard to tell since most of his/her face is covered with a shawl and pointing to the ground in defeat.

Although they are walking together, it is obvious that the duo feels alone. The colors they wear are earth tones, suggesting that they are so involved in their physical problems, they can see nothing else.

Five of Pentacles Upright Meaning

In a figurative sense, the word snow means to overwhelm, cover, or imprison. If you currently feel trapped or beaten down by life’s problems, then it is not surprising that this card has surfaced.

It’s also possible that things are not as bad as they seem but clouded by negative thoughts.

In a professional Tarot spread, the Five of Pentacles in the upright position represents a long journey with many obstacles along the way.

However, you must keep in mind that although you might not have control over the difficulties you face, the power lies in your reactions.

Money and Career Meaning

The Five of Pentacles represents the struggle and financial loss. Financial wealth, career, and material possessions are often the first to be affected during hard times. If you’ve recently lost your job, your home, or had some other tragedy, this card can be representative of that.

There might be little you can do to prevent this stroke of bad luck. However, you need to keep in mind that there is always a way to handle these situations with grace. Although staying positive can be difficult, remembering that the situation is only temporary is key.

If you are struggling financially, do not be afraid to reach out for help. This is a lesson the paupers from the Five of Pentacles needed to learn as well.

After all, the lighting from the church window showed that help was nearby but the two were too immersed in their own self-pity to see the glow.

Are there resources nearby that you aren’t noticing that can help free you from your current situation? It could be that a hopeless mindset is stopping you from recovering. Put on an armor of adaptability and keep pushing to protect your financial security.

Love and Relationships Meaning

The poor beggars depicted in the Five of Pentacles card are not alone, but they might as well be. Although they are traveling the same path, they are not walking side by side. These two seem worlds apart.

Divorce, break-ups, ending friendships, and rejection are usually viewed as bad things. However, staying in a situation that is toxic and stunts personal growth can be just as damaging.

If you feel alone or abandoned (physically or emotionally) or rejected by someone you care about, now is the time for you to strengthen your connection to your inner self. Research different ways to improve self-care. You will make it down this path and come out on the other side, but only if you make yourself a priority.

Health and Spirituality Meaning

They say that ‘stress kills’ and it is true. If you are worrying yourself over things you cannot control, you are only weakening your immune system.

Your overall mental state will suffer as well. If you’re feeling lost, drained, or emotionally spent, you need to stop where you are. To continue on the way that you are going will only deplete the energy you have left and can even lead to illness or health issues.

If the Five of Pentacles appears in a health tarot spread, it encourages you to put yourself, your healing, and your spiritual desire front and center. It reminds you that no one is more important to you than you.

Like on the airplane when they tell us to take care of our own oxygen masks first before helping others. The message is the same for your health and spiritual well-being.

Five of Pentacles Reversed Meaning

If the Five of Pentacles presented itself in the reversed position, you’re in luck. Instead of representing disappointment and loss, this flipped Minor Arcana signals that recovery is in full force. If you have been going through a hard time at work or home, expect the tides to shift.

The same is true with your physical or emotional well-being. Now is a good time to try new things, say ‘yes’ instead of ‘no’, and focus on what you want and not what you lack. A season of triumph is being ushered through the door.

Money and Career Meaning

In the reversed position, the Five of Pentacles brings positive news regarding money and career. If you have faced challenges in your financial situation, this card suggests that there is hope for improvement.

Take small steps to rebuild your finances, such as paying off debts or rebuilding your emergency fund. With persistence and effort, you will regain financial stability and leave the worst behind you.

Love and Relationships Meaning

If you’re in a relationship, the appearance of reversed Five of Pentacles signifies that you’re overcoming past challenges and making positive changes to strengthen your bond.

It may also indicate the need to let go of a relationship that no longer serves you. If your relationship has faced judgment or criticism, this card suggests that acceptance from others will increase over time.

For singles, the reversed Five of Pentacles is also a positive sign. It shows that the period of loneliness or rejection is about to end.

You’re entering a phase of positive transformation and openness to new romantic possibilities. You just need to make sure that you embrace this energy and be open, as it will attract someone special to you.

Health and Spirituality Meaning

If you’ve been dealing with illness or health issues, the reversed Five of Pentacles suggests receiving a diagnosis or treatment plan. While it may not bring immediate improvements, it brings clarity and a path to address the challenges.

In the context of spirituality, the reversed Five of Pentacles signifies emerging from a difficult spiritual phase and experiencing a renewed sense of luck and faith. It advises you to use the wisdom gained from your struggles to reach new heights in your spiritual journey.

Five of Pentacles: Yes or No

The answer in a yes or no reading is an unfortunate, “no”. The Five of Pentacles predicts a period of bad luck with financial or emotional troubles.

Before you make any major decisions, you’ll need to prepare yourself for the times ahead.

You need to look for all the resources available to you and try to find solutions that are hidden in plain sight because of your fears and doubts.

Although the overall tone is negative, don’t give up. You must have faith that things will work out for the best.

Five of Pentacles and Astrology

The Five of Pentacles is connected to the zodiac sign Taurus, which is ruled by the planet Venus. The Taurus sign is fixed, meaning that people with this sign love their stability and find comfort in consistency.

Important Five of Pentacles Combinations with Other Cards

Financial hardship, struggle, lack of faith, rejection, sickness. The Five of Pentacles is not all puppies and rainbows.

Yet, when combined with other cards, this meaning can change. Especially when major Arcana cards like Strength or Temperance show up together with the Five of Pentacles.

Five of Pentacles and Strength

Although things might be really difficult at present, hard times are only for a season. When this positive Major Arcana card (Strength) attaches itself to the Five of Pentacles, it brings a much brighter outlook.

Your circ*mstances may not change right away, but this combination reminds you that you have the power to push through anything that you’re facing presently or in the future.

Five of Pentacles and Temperance

If you have been dealing with an illness of any kind, Temperance brings good news. Although the Five of Pentacles represents poor health, Temperance predicts that things are about to balance out for the better.

Just remember to take advantage of any resources you have available such as treatments and support services.

Five of Pentacles the Six of Cups

Deep childhood wounds may be causing problems in your adult life. Contrary to popular belief, time doesn’t heal all wounds.

If you had a bad childhood or struggled to get your needs met when you were younger, this past hurt can easily spill over into present relationships.

This duo of Five of Pentacles and Six of Cups advises you to spend some time on self-care and exploring how your past can be overcome for total healing.

Five of Pentacles and the Five of Cups

Have you been feeling rejected by others? Lack of support can cause some very difficult and painful emotions, regardless of how strong a person you are. Although you may feel alone right now, things are bound to improve.

By practicing gratitude (even when it is tough) and focusing on what we do have instead of lack, situations like the ones predicted by the Five of Pentacles and the Five of Cups can flip.

Five of Pentacles and the Ten of Wands

The Five of Pentacles and the Ten of Wands together predict a situation, possibly in the present, where you are working very hard for little pay.

You may feel as if you are underappreciated on top of being underpaid. This can lead to frustration and a dip in overall happiness.

The good thing about this situation is that there is always the possibility of change if you take the reins. Take some time to think about what resources are available and formulate an improvement plan.

Five of Pentacles in a Reading

That’s all for this pentacles card. Although it’s not really a “don’t worry be happy” card, don’t worry too much.

Just remember that you will learn and grow from the hardships you are having or are about to experience. And keep in mind that as Bob Marley said: “every little thing is gonna be alright”.

If the Five of Pentacles appeared in your tarot reading, did the meaning make sense to you? Write down your comments and questions below. I would love to hear from you!

Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning (2024)


Five of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning? ›

Common interpretation

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Interpretation. The Hierophant stands for righteousness, sacredness, hierarchical order, orthodoxy, and moral righteousness. He is an exoteric figure, in contrast to the esoteric symbolism of The High Priestess. Reversed, the Hierophant can be interpreted as standing for unorthodoxy, originality, and gullibility.

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As with all the Aces, the Ace of Pentacles symbolises a beginning and something new being offered. This will often be a new source of money coming to someone. It is usually extra regular money of some description. It can indicate new opportunities leading to increased prosperity.

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5 PENTACLES Answer: No, only through a crisis. This is a map of incompatibility, discomfort, loss of something valuable to you; the reason is the loss of stability connected with a spiritual source or your higher self.

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This is a warning from the Tarot deck not to lose faith. The future will challenge you if the Five of Pentacles is placed in your future position. But you can make solid choices now to be on the other side of that stained glass window.

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In love and relationships, the Five of Wands suggests the presence of rows, arguments, and conflicts. It may indicate a lack of harmony, with partners struggling to see eye-to-eye on important issues. Frustration, irritability, and pent-up aggression can contribute to these disagreements.

How to do a love tarot reading? ›

Draw 3 cards and lay them down in a straight line to get the "Spark Notes" version of your relationship: Card 1: What you want. Card 2: What your partner wants. Card 3: What your future looks like as a couple.

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In the context of some readings, the male lion can represent procrastination or laziness. Perhaps the lady isn't not holding him back, but rather urging him on, or urging him to useful work.

What tarot card means sadness? ›

The Five of Cups is associated with sadness, loss, despair, and loneliness. In the upright position, it signifies regret, disappointment, and focusing on negative emotions. Reversed, it represents personal setbacks, self-forgiveness, and moving on. The number 5 in tarot is linked to change and conflict.

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The 5 of Pentacles appearing in a career or work context can spell trouble. You may be going through a period of hardship at work, perhaps through losing a job, or feeling alone and abandoned at work by colleagues or bosses.

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In case you're just starting out with a YES NO tarot reading keep it basic. If the Tarot card is upright, you've got a Yes. If it's reversed, it's a No. To use this technique, make sure your deck has a balanced mix of upright and reversed cards.

What is the zodiac element of the Pentacles? ›

In the Tarot, the suite of Pentacles (or Coins) is associated with the Earth signs of the zodiac: Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. These signs represent qualities of groundedness, sensuality, fortitude, service, and material manifestation.

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Tarot can't predict the future, but it can help you make that big decision.

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The Ace of Pentacles signals that this is an aligned time to set your intentions around improving your life via work, wealth, and overall financial success. A new job or business? A promotion at work? An opportunity to put aside money for saving or investing?

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When it comes to answering yes or no questions, the Five of Swords Tarot card suggests a no. This card signifies conflict, defeat, and challenges. It is important to approach the situation with caution and consider the potential consequences.

Is the 5 of Cups tarot guide a yes or no? ›

In a yes or no tarot reading, the Five of Cups is generally a no. It suggests that there may be obstacles or losses preventing the desired outcome. However, it also serves as a reminder that setbacks can lead to valuable lessons and new opportunities.

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Fives represent Changes, Variety, Opportunity, Travel, Escape and fluctuating Life Experience. Five of Clubs are restless in the mental field. Five of Clubs combine a desire for changes and new experiences with the power of the mind.

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The Hierophant encourages individuals to seek guidance from experienced mentors and to collaborate with others in order to achieve their career goals. Prioritizing long-term stability and security over risky or unconventional methods of wealth generation.

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.