Five Delicious Vegan Recipes for Sourdough Discard (2024)

Hate throwing out that sourdough discard? You're not the only one. Here are five delicious, and frugal, vegan recipes that can be made with the portion of your sourdough starter that you'd normally throw out.

Five Delicious Vegan Recipes for Sourdough Discard (1)

The days are warm, the nights are getting warmer, and it's the perfect time to get your sourdough on.

I preach sourdough ever so often on this blog, and if you aren't already a convert, why aren't you? All it takes to make a good batch of sourdough is flour and water -- and the air -- and I am pretty certain you already have all of those on hand.

Once made, a sourdough starter can sit in your refrigerator for years, requiring just minimal care and rewarding you with great food and tremendous health benefits. You can even pass it on to your kids and grandkids, just like a family heirloom. It'll be far more valuable to their health, and yours, than the heirloom ever could be. 😉 Sourdough lowers the glycemic index of flour, because the probiotic bacteria in sourdough digest the sugars in the flour, and as a result you get a bread that will keep your blood sugar levels under control. Sourdough breads can also work, sometimes, for people with gluten insensitivity. (I am about to start a gluten-free starter too, and will keep you posted).

A couple of years back, I posted for you a day-by-day tutorial on how to make a sourdough starter, and many of you have since made it, and tried the many recipes I have posted using that starter. I do love it when you come back to tell me what you did, or to post tips and ideas of your own.

One of the questions I most often get from readers is about the sourdough discard. For those new to sourdough, the discard is the portion of sourdough you need to remove and replace with fresh flour to "feed" your starter. The starter, you see, is a living, breathing organism because it's teeming with billions of good-for-you, probiotic bacteria, and those bacteria need to eat in order to keep thriving and multiplying. To keep your starter healthy and alive, you will need to feed it at least once a week, or whenever you use a portion of the sourdough.

Five Delicious Vegan Recipes for Sourdough Discard (2)

Even if you've let it just sit in the refrigerator unfed for a long time, you can, in most cases, bring your sourdough back to life by feeding it a few times in succession.

The readers I've heard from hate throwing out the sourdough discard each time they feed their starter, and it's a sentiment I totally get because that's exactly how I feel. So over the years I've found various uses for the sourdough discard, and I wanted to share my five top uses with you today.

There really is no need to limit your imagination when you are baking with sourdough -- or with sourdough discard. You can use it to make the most wonderful breads and rolls, pancakes and waffles to die for, and even baked goodies, like cinnamon rolls and other sweet breads.

So here are my top five recipes using sourdough discard. One thing to keep in mind is, when I say discard, I don't mean discard from sourdough that has not been fed in weeks or months. These recipes will work for those who have a healthy starter that they feed at least weekly.

If you are just beginning your starter, you can still use your discard portion in some (not all) recipes from day one -- see the bonus tip below. And you can use your new starter, starting from about day four (so long as it's beginning to bubble), to make pancakes and waffles.

Try these, and you'll never have to worry about wasting your sourdough discard again:

1. No Knead Sourdough Bread

Five Delicious Vegan Recipes for Sourdough Discard (3)

We love this sourdough bread in our home, because it tastes so darn good -- crusty and crackly on the outside, and tender and fluffy on the inside, with the addictive but not strong flavor of sourdough. It is extremely easy to make because you don't need to knead it, of course, and it looks so artisanal, you'll be getting all the kudos for being a master baker!

2. Vegan Sourdough Waffles

Five Delicious Vegan Recipes for Sourdough Discard (4)

These waffles might make your home the most popular stop in town for breakfast, which may or may not be a good thing depending on how many friends you have. 🙂 The waffles bake up golden-brown, slightly crisp on the outside, fluffy and soft and melt-in-the-mouth on the inside. This is the only kind of waffle I make now, they are so good.

3. Vegan Sourdough Blueberry Pancakes

Five Delicious Vegan Recipes for Sourdough Discard (5)

The pancakes are just as good as the waffles, and you can mix in any seasonal fruit, from blueberries to raspberries to strawberries and bananas. Like the waffles, these pancakes are also whole wheat, and so good for you, you'll wonder why you didn't make these before. You can also try this delicious Sourdough Skillet Pancake.

4. Vegan Sourdough Pretzels

Five Delicious Vegan Recipes for Sourdough Discard (6)

These twisted, chubby, salty clouds of golden perfection could make just about anyone hungry. If you have a kid around -- and even if you don't -- I guarantee they will disappear in minutes.

5. Sourdough Sandwich Bread

Five Delicious Vegan Recipes for Sourdough Discard (7)

This sandwich bread is quite perfect, and although made mostly with white flour, you won't feel like the devil about it because research shows that the healthfulness of sourdough white bread far exceeds the healthfulness of even whole wheat and multigrain breads.

Bonus tip for new sourdough starter:

If you happen to cook wheat tortillas or Indian breads, dicard from a new -- or old -- sourdough starter is great for adding to rotis or naans, or anywhere you need to use flour or yeast. Add the discard portion to your dry flour (you can do this even the day after beginning your starter, the first time you feed it), and then knead it, drizzling just enough water to make your dough. Ideally wait at least an hour before proceeding to make your flatbread as usual.

Here's an easy recipe for Aloo Kulcha, a naan-like bread, made with sourdough discard.

How to make a sourdough starter, with day-by-day steps and photos

Five Delicious Vegan Recipes for Sourdough Discard (2024)


Can you do anything with sourdough starter discard? ›

The discard is not active enough to make sourdough bread rise but it does have many other uses and baking powder can be added if required. Savoury options include English breakfast muffins, pretzels, caramelised onion biscuits, and sourdough pizza dough.

How long is sourdough discard good for in the fridge? ›

You can store mature sourdough discard in the refrigerator indefinitely. As long as there is no mold, it is good to use. It may develop a grayish liquid on top called “hooch” which can be poured off before use or stirred in. If you stir it in, the flavor will become more sour.

Is eating sourdough discard good for you? ›

Technically, sourdough discard has the same benefits as sourdough starter, since they are both wild yeast ferments. In terms of beneficial lactic acid bacteria, natural yeasts acetic acid and colonies of microbes, they are both full of them.

What can I do with day 3 sourdough discard? ›

What to do with sourdough discard? Don't throw it away! Instead, use it to make delicious and nutritious treats like pancakes, waffles, muffins, and bread. Sourdough discard is a great source of natural yeast and flavor, and can add a unique tangy taste to your baked goods.

Can I use sourdough discard straight from the fridge? ›

Yes you can use sourdough discard straight from the fridge, you don't need to let it come to room temperature if you don't want to. What is this? If you are using it straight from the fridge it may be a little stiff or thick, so you'll need to ensure you mix it really well.

How long can sourdough starter discard sit out? ›

As long as your kitchen isn't too warm (I'd say 78°F or higher) your starter/discard will be fine stored at room temperature for at least a few days without feeding. The flavor will get more acidic the longer it sits.

Can I leave sourdough discard out overnight? ›

Room temperature sourdough discard should be used, refrigerated, or thrown away after 36-48 hours. Sourdough discard can be kept in the fridge for weeks, BUT it continues to get sourer as time passes.

Can you eat raw sourdough discard? ›

While some people claim to have healed their gut problems by eating probiotic rich sourdough starter, it's not really advisable. Raw sourdough starter contains uncooked flour which can harbor harmful bacteria among other things. You can read more about why you shouldn't eat raw flour here.

Can I freeze sourdough discard? ›

Can you freeze sourdough starter discard? While feeding an active starter is a better idea, freezing discard will also work. I would suggest freezing discard that has been more recently fed, it may take longer for the starter to become thriving and active after thawing.

What is the difference between sourdough discard and sourdough starter? ›

Only a small portion of the sourdough starter is reserved and fed during each feeding, the rest is referred to as discard, since typically it is thrown away. In efforts to reduce waste, discard is often collected from multiple feedings and stored in the fridge until enough is allotted to be used for discard recipes.

When should you not eat sourdough bread? ›

As a general rule, you should throw out a loaf of sourdough bread when it shows visible signs of mold, when it has an unpleasant odor, or when it doesn't taste right. At this point, mold may be contaminating the bread below the surface, even if you can't see it.

Can you make a new sourdough starter from Discard? ›

Yes. Take a little bit of discard from your jar. Feed it as you would a sourdough starter. Continue this process for a couple of days until the starter is rising and falling predictably again.

Can you use 2 week old sourdough discard? ›

You can use 1-2 week old discard in “discard recipes”… think cookies, brownies, muffins, non-yeast breads, tortillas (pretty much anything that doesn't require active starter (aka wild yeast).

What is a substitute for sourdough discard? ›

Instead of sourdough discard, substitute ripe/active/bubbly sourdough starter. Give a much longer time for the dough to ferment. Then shape and let rise in balls for about an hour before baking in the skillet.

Can you reuse discarded sourdough starter? ›

Instead of throwing away (or composting) your excess sourdough starter during the feeding process, bake with it! Unlock the power of sourdough discard to both enhance your bakes with a subtle tang and make the most of those leftovers.

Can you eat sourdough starter discard? ›

Yes, there are actually several health benefits to using sourdough discard in your cooking and baking. Sourdough discard is rich in probiotics, which can help promote a healthy gut microbiome and improve digestion.

Can you dry sourdough starter discard? ›

Reason #2. You can easily share it with friends, even when they don't live nearby. Reason #3. Any excess, also called the discard, can be dried and ground to powder.

Can I gift my sourdough discard? ›

Sourdough discard can also be used to start a new sourdough starter. You can gift the discard to a friend looking to start their own sourdough journey; all they need to do is feed it with water and flour to have a thriving starter of their own.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.