Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (2024)

Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (1)
UPDATE: Before trying this recipe, read the comments below this post! A couple Mellow Mushroom employees have chimed in with some great tips! Thanks to everyone who has made this and taken the time to comment.

Have you ever been to Mellow Mushroom? They opened one near us a couple years ago and it has quickly become our favorite pizza joint. Not that we eat out frequently, but when we do, Mellow Mushroom is one of our top picks. We've never had a pizza there we didn't absolutely LOVE.

But what really makes their pizza, and you know this if you've been there, is their amazing crust. The texture is divine. The taste is wonderful. There is NO crust avoiding at Mellow Mushroom. Even crust discarders will eat their crust.

Every time we go there, without fail, I'll end up whining to my husband how "I wish I could make a crust like this at home!" Until now. Because after our last visit there, I became determined to find a similar enough pizza crust recipe that I can make at home.

And by golly--I've really got it! I think I've got it! {That's a My Fair Lady reference for you. Your Friday is now complete. You're welcome.}

I came home and searched and Googled, I read blogs and forums and scoured Pinterest. I sifted through obscure parts of the internets, reading strange posts by baking scientists. I baked multiple pizzas, tweaking the recipes each time. Finally, I came up with a crust that, while {probably} not the exact recipe Mellow Mushroom uses, it's close enough that I'm HAPPY!

My husband is also very HAPPY these days. Thanks to my new pizza crust.

It's easy, it's simple, but I learned so much that I went from the girl who used a blah recipe without questions to knowing tons of facts and info about how to really make pizza crust. It's not complicated, but there are a few tricks...
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (2)

I'll get to the Holy Shiitake copycat later, that's just toppings. First, let's look at what I learned about crust during my studies....

To make fantastic pizza crust at home:

  1. Preheat your oven AND your pizza stone {you NEED a pizza stone} to 550 degrees at least an hour before baking. Yes, 550! That's as high as my oven goes, but oh we go there. No we didn't? Yes we did!
  2. Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (3)
  3. Cornmeal is a must. Of course! Why did I never think of this before? All the restaurants use it. It helps avoid using too much flour and makes your crust a little more crunchy on the outside. We want this. You'll roll your pizza dough out on a lightly floured, but heavily cornmealed, surface. If you don't have a pizza peel, I recommend rolling out your pizza dough onto parchment paper. Don't use wax paper, you'll burn down your house.
  4. Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (4)
  5. Skip the sugar! Word on the street is Mellow Mushroom uses molasses--yes, molasses!--in place of any sugar. I've tried this, and it's delicious. Why granny, I never knew you could be like this in the kitchen--you saucy minx!
  6. Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (5)
  7. Make your crust like so:Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (6)

First, pour 1 1/2 cups of hot water into your mixer bowl, add 2 tablespoons of molasses and stir it in.

TIP: Try using spring water instead of tap, as Mellow Mushroom says they do. I haven't noticed a difference, but if you really want to copycat MM, then go ahead and try.

Between the metal bowl and the molasses, your water should cool quickly enough to sprinkle in your yeast. Think bath water temperature, around 100 degrees, you don't want it too hot, that will kill your yeast. Cooler is better than too hot, but warm is best.

Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (7)
Sprinkle in your yeast

TIP: I even go so far as to stir it gently in to make sure it all gets wet.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (8)
TIP: Don't smell molasses right out of the jar. Especially if you're pregnant. I love molasses in cookies and even pizza, but right out of the jar it smells like wet dog. You don't want to have to start a whole new batch of dough because you tossed your cookies into the first one.

In 5-10 minutes, you'll have a delicious smelling puff ball of yeast.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (9)
Meanwhile, mix together 3 1/2 cups flour with 2 teaspoons of salt.

TIP: You don't want to just dump salt into your yeast mixture, as salt kills yeast when it has direct contact. It's actually important to dilute it into the flour first.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (10)
Go ahead and dump your flour and salt mix into the yeast mixture, then add 1 tablespoon olive oil.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (11)
See? That's really all very simple.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (12)
Turn your mixer on stir with the dough hook and let it knead your dough for about 5 minutes.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (13)
The dough will get itself all worked up. Sheesh, you'd think you started talking politics with it or something.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (14)
It should be sticky, but if it's toosticky to even handle then go ahead and mix in another 1/4 cup of flour and try again.

Remove it from the bowl, form into a ball, and place it into a greased, lightly floured bowl. Cover loosely with plastic wrap.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (15)
At this point you can place it in the fridge to rise over the course of several hours, a great choice if you want to make your crust in the morning. Or, leave it out covered in a dark warm place for a couple hours.

This dough makes one large pizza, two medium pizzas, or 4-6 personal pizzas. Divide it as you wish.

Now let's talk baking...

Again, you want to roll your pizza dough out with cornmeal {and maybe a little flour, and flour your hands a tad}.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (16)
But when I say "roll it out" I mean, pick that ball of dough up and let gravity work for you. Turn the dough in your hands like you would a steering wheel.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (17)
You can do thin or thick crust, and I wanted to show you a few options you have...

Here, I preheated my pizza stone high up in the oven, rolled the crust pretty thin, and turned on the broiler right after putting my pizza in.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (18)
For this pizza, the Holy Shiitake copycat, I kept my stone lower in the oven, did a pretty thick crust, and you can see the result.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (19)
You can do whatever you think you'd like best. Broiler or no broiler? Broiling gets a darker, blackened crust in spots. Thin or thick crust is a preference thing. Both methods had lovely texture.

BEFORE baking your pizza, however, brush the crust with a melted garlic butter. This is, supposedly, what is done at Mellow Mushroom.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (20)
If you don't have a pizza peel, the parchment paper works great for easy sliding on and off the pizza stone. For serving, the baked pizza should come off your parchment paper just fine. If you're having the Queen of England over for dinner, you don't want to serve her pizza directly off the parchment paper, do you?

{WARNING: After a commenter mentioned her parchment paper catching on fire, I'd recommend cutting the paper very close to the pizza's edge so there is no excess to burn as well as keeping a VERY close eye on the pizza while cooking. Of course, a pizza peel would be the best thing to avoid fires altogether!}
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (21)
Bake at 550 degrees for 5-7 minutes, keeping a close eye on it. The beauty of a preheated pizza stone is that your pizza's center will be just as well baked as the crust.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (22)
Another last minute Mellow Mushroom touch, sprinkled that crust with parmesan right when it comes out of the oven.

This crust has been WONDERFUL for us! Between the molasses and the baking methods I've learned, we get that perfect mix of chewy & crunchy crust that is still soft on the inside and has a rich taste. I'll never try another crust recipe again I think. The molasses adds an extra sumpthin' to the taste as well, for sure, while not tasting molassesy.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (23)
It tastes very much like Mellow Mushroom's pizza, but even if you've never been there, I think this crust recipe would be a hit for any family. The Queen of England might even like it. Just don't serve hers on parchment paper.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (24)

Now, since I talked up Mellow Mushroom so much, I'll share our homemade version of our very favorite pizza from MM: their "Holy Shiitake" pizza!

Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (25)
Once my dough was formed, I brushed it with olive oil and truffle oil, and topped it withmozzarellaand shredded romano cheese. Then I sprinkled on a liberal amount of sliced baby bella mushrooms {Mellow Mushroom uses a mushroom variety but they're pricey so I just picked up a pack of sliced baby bellas}, caramelized red onion, and pre-cooked bacon. {The MM menu doesn't include bacon, but the waiters always suggest it as an add-on and it's very yummy, so I added it at home.}
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (26)
I baked it the same, though lower in the oven and no broiler. Of course, the crust was brushed with garlic butter before and sprinkled with parmesan after baking.
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (27)
The finishing touches include a drizzle of garlic aioli and a sprinkling of chives!
Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (28)
Not only was this verysimilar to Mellow Mushroom's Holy Shiitake pizza, some family members who helped us eat it said it was the best pizza they've ever had. Well, shoot!


Pizza Crust Recipe - A Mellow Mushroom Copycat

1 1/2 cups hot water (optional, use spring water)
2 Tbsp molasses
2 packets of active yeast
3 1/2 cups flour
2 tsp salt
1 Tbsp olive oil
melted butter with garlic
parmesan cheese crumbs

1. Place hot water in mixer bowl and stir in molasses. Once cooled to warm, sprinkle on yeast and gently stir it in. Let sit 10 minutes.
2. Mix flour and salt together. Add flour mix and olive oil to yeast mixture.
3. Using a dough hook, run mixer on low/stir for 5 minutes.
4. Form dough into ball and place in a lightly greased bowl, sprinkle with flour. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and kitchen towel, let rise in fridge over several hours or on counter top for 2 hours, or until doubled.
5. Preheat oven to 550 degrees with pizza stone, hold temperature at least 30 minutes before baking pizza.
6. Form dough into pizza crust, top as desired. Brush crust with garlic butter. Slide onto preheated pizza stone, bake 5-7 minutes or until done, using oven on bake or broil setting, as desired. Sprinkle crust withparmesancheese immediately after removing from oven.

Toppings for a "Holy Shiitake" copycat:

  • sliced mushrooms (baby bellas, shiitake, or whatever gets your goat)
  • caramelized onions
  • pre-cooked bacon, chopped
  • olive oil
  • white truffle oil (buy this, it's so worth it)
  • garlic aioli (added after baking)
  • chives, chopped (added after baking)

Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as we have! Though we will still frequent our local Mellow Mushroom, they have amazing pizzas and drinks. Our other favorite pies of their's include the Philosopher's Pie, the Red Skin Potato Pie, and the Magical Mystery Tour. Everything there is delish!

Thanks for visiting today. Happy homemade pizza making!




This week at my family blog, Last Day Ago:

Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (29)

Favorite Pizza Crust Recipe | A Mellow Mushroom Copycat! | Holy Shiitake (2024)


What kind of crust does Mellow Mushroom use? ›

It Starts with Mellow Dough

The distinctive sweet flavor and soft texture of Mellow Mushroom pizza crust starts with a dough made from five simple ingredients and mixed with single-source Appalachian spring water.

What is on Holy Shiitake pizza? ›

base, shiitake, button and portobello mushrooms, caramelized onions, mozzarella and MontAmoré. oil. Garnished with fresh chives and shaved parmesan.

How to make homemade pizza crust taste like restaurant? ›

  1. Use the right flour. If there's one thing pizza chefs can agree on, it's that all-purpose flour just doesn't cut it when making pizza at home.
  2. Season your dough. Without adequate seasoning, the dough will taste bland, resulting in a subpar pie.
  3. Don't use pre-shredded cheese. ...
  4. Keep the sauce simple.
  5. Fresh is best.
Nov 10, 2022

What is the secret to pizza dough? ›

The pizza bosses of the world know the secret to an incredible dough is to let it rest and give it time. This process makes the dough much easier to work with and forms the coveted texture, rise, and bubbles at the edges.

What does molasses do for pizza dough? ›

Any sweetener will help keep the dough fresh, but add it with an awareness that it will have to ferment longer as the yeast works to break it down. Molasses is a popular dough sweetener, adding a deeper and complex flavor.

Why is Mellow Mushroom dough brown? ›

MM has replaced the common sugar ingredient with molasses. The molasses gives the crust it's darker color and I think it adds a more complex flavor to it overall.

What are the 3 meats on pizza? ›

The Three Meat is loaded with sausage, our signature pepperoni and bacon with 100% real mozzarella cheese. Try it on the grill! For Crispier Crust: Preheat oven to 400°F.

How many calories are in mellow mushroom shiitake pizza? ›

There are 490 calories in 1 serving of Mellow Mushroom Holy Shiitake Pie Pizza - Large Slice.

What is olives in pizza? ›

They originated in the Mediterranean, an area known for robust tomato sauces, flavorful cheeses, and other simple, fresh ingredients that are the hallmark of Mediterranean cooking. Black olives are a fantastic pizza topping because they tend to absorb all the flavors around them.

What is the secret to a crispy pizza crust? ›

Up the temperature

If you want to get a good crisp on anything you're cooking, you should amp up the cooking temperature. When cooking pizza, Pizza Heaven recommends putting your oven on the highest setting possible to get a crispy crust.

Why does restaurant pizza taste so good? ›

The No. 1 reason restaurant pizza is better than homemade is that they have ovens that can reach 900°F, or even hotter, which makes for perfectly crisp and chewy crusts, with those lovely charred spots, says Kierin Baldwin, chef-instructor of Pastry & Baking Arts at the Institute of Culinary Education.

What not to do when making pizza dough? ›

The Most Common Mistakes When Making Pizza
  1. Not Letting the Dough Rest. ...
  2. Not Kneading the Dough for Long Enough. ...
  3. Using a Rolling Pin to Form the Dough. ...
  4. Overloading Pizza Toppings. ...
  5. Not Letting the Pizza Cook for Long Enough.

Why do you put vinegar in pizza dough? ›

Vinegar: Strengthens gluten and helps dough to rise higher. May enhance yeast activity in small amounts, or is at least unharmful. Retards yeast in large quantities. From a teaspoon to a tablespoon per loaf is typical, depending on the flavor desired and the vinegar being used.

Do you put olive oil on pizza dough before baking? ›

Although oil in pizza dough is not required, it may be helpful. The oil improves the dough's stretchability while also keeping it hydrated. When you bake the dough, you can see how this process works, and the oil keeps the dough supple even after cooking.

Does Mellow Mushroom make thin crust pizza? ›

The process of our thin crust house pizza 😋😋 #StayMellow #MellowMushroom | By Mellow MushroomFacebook.

What kind of crust is stuffed crust? ›

Stuffed crust pizza is pizza with cheese (typically mozzarella) or other ingredients added into the outer edge of the crust. The stuffed crust pizza was popularized by Pizza Hut, which debuted this style of pizza in 1995.

Does Mellow Mushroom use sesame? ›

That Monday morning, I called Home Grown Industries which owns Mellow Mushroom and inquired about their marinara sauce. For the record, it does NOT contain sesame seed or any peanut/tree nut oils and would have been safe.

Is Mellow Mushroom pizza crust vegan? ›

Vegan Build Your Own Pizza

Thin crust and gluten-free crust (available for small pizzas only) also available. We have removed the butter and parmesan finish.

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