Can You See Who Saved Your TikTok (2024)

It is no secret that TikTok has taken the social media world by storm with it’s hyper engaging short-form content. With millions of users posting content daily, and even more viewing the content, it can be worrisome as a creator/influencer that your content might fall in the wrong hands.

That begs the question, can you see who saved your TikTok? Whether it be for research purposes to find your target audience, or for safety reasons to protect your content, you might need to know.

To uncover the truth, whether you can find out who stored your artistic masterpiece, I’ve put together this article. Let’s get started.

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Can You See Who Saved Your TikTok?

Unfortunately, TikTok doesn’t let you see the people who saved your videos. But, the analytics section can show you whether the video was downloaded or saved.

When someone saves your video on TikTok, the app simply adds the saved video to their private collection, which can be accessed by the user from the “Saved” section on the app.

As the original creator, you won’t see who has saved your video.

Can you see how many people saved your TikTok video?

TikTok allows you to tell the number of times your video has been saved– although you can't see exactly who saved it.

Here’s how to find out the number of times your video has been saved on TikTok.

  1. Open TikTok and go to your “Profile.” On your profile page click on any of your uploaded videos.
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  1. Once you see the video, click on the 3 dots on the lower right corner.
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  1. In the lower left corner you’ll see a button that says “Analytics,” tap on it.
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  1. Inn the analytics page you’ll see an arrow icon, which indicates how many times the video has been shared.
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You can also learn the number of times other creators’ videos have been shared by doing the same on their videos.

For instance, this video by Dylan Page, a famous TikToker, had been shared 9,238 times when I took this screenshot.


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Some creators don’t mind if people save their videos; for others, it’s a source of concern.

This creator, for instance, is curious as to why anyone would save his videos since, according to him, the videos are not even that interesting.

Can You See Who Saved Your TikTok (5)

As discussed earlier, people may save TikTok videos for several reasons. For example:

  • To watch later: Sometimes, you may come across an interesting TikTok video but don't have the time or attention span to watch it fully. You then save the video to watch later when they have more time.
  • To share with friends: we are social beings and love to share TikTok videos that we think our friends would enjoy, so we save the videos and share them later within our circles.
  • To learn something new: TikTok is home to various educational and informative videos. When someone comes across a video that teaches a new skill or provides valuable information, they may save it for future reference.
  • To curate content: Some TikTok users may save videos as part of their content curation process. They may save videos that align with their or their audience's interests to share on their TikTok page or other social media platforms.

Can TikTok See Who Saved Your Video?

Yes. TikTok can see who saved your video because it collects user data, such as information about user interactions with other users and their content.

But, this information is not made publicly available to other users because of data protection concerns.

The app’s data collection practices are subject to legal and regulatory requirements.

One instance could be the implementation of data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States.

The TikTok privacy policy states that they’re committed to protecting the privacy of its users and that it’ll only disclose user data in response to a valid legal request, such as a court order or subpoena.

Can You See Who Favorited Your TikTok?

Since September 2022, TikTok users can view a list of users who have favorited their videos. This means you can know who secretly bookmarks your content since it’s no longer concealed.

What does it mean to favorite a TikTok video?

To “Favorite” a TikTok means to mark the video as one of your favorites so that you can easily find and watch it again later.

Marking a video as a favorite is different from liking the video and you can favorite a video without liking it.

You favorite a TikTok video by clicking on the flag icon right below the icon with three dots.

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When you favorite a TikTok video, it will be added to the “Favorites” section of your profile, where you can access all your favorite videos. This can be useful if you want to revisit a particular video that you enjoyed or if you want to save a video for later viewing.

In addition to having easy access to the video, favoriting signals to the TikTok algorithm that you enjoy such content. Therefore, you may see more videos like the one you favorited.

How to know who favorited your TikTok

Once you open the TikTok app, you can access your notifications by simply clicking the inbox button. Under the “Activities” tab, TikTok displays information about your content, including when it has been liked, commented on, or favorited.

The favoriting feature on TikTok is a way to ensure you don't lose videos you wish to re-watch.

For instance, if you come across a TikTok challenge you want to try out later, you can favorite the video and return to it when ready.

While some users enjoy the feature because it enables them to easily see who has favorited their videos, others are unhappy because it eliminates the anonymity that cames with favoriting content privately.

How to Control Who Can Save Your TikTok?

TikTok allows users to control who can save their TikToks by enabling the download option by “Allow Download” settings. Here's how to do it:

  1. Open the TikTok app and go to your Profile page.
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  1. Tap on the three lines in the top right corner of the screen
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  1. Select “Settings and Privacy”
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  1. Tap on “Privacy” and scroll down to “Video Downloads.”
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  1. Toggle on or off the “Video Downloads” depending on whether you want other users to be able to download your videos and share them on other platforms.
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  1. You can also enable the “Private Account” setting to control who can see your content and interact with you on the app.
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Note: While these settings can help control who can save your TikToks, a link to your videos can still be shared.

Should you let people save your TikTok videos?

Whether or not you let people save your videos depends on the nature and purpose of your content. For instance, if you’re an entertainer, you want more people to see your content, even beyond TikTok.

If you’re sharing family-related content that you show your children, you may have privacy concerns about where the content is shared.

Either way, there are several advantages and disadvantages to allowing people to save your TikTok videos.

Benefits of allowing TikTok video downloads

The following are some benefits you may get once you enable video downloads for your TikTok videos.

  • Increased visibility: When people save your videos, it can help you get more views on TikTok and increase your reach. This is because the algorithm takes notice of the engagement your video is receiving and may start to show your video to more people.
  • Audience retention: If people enjoy your content and can easily save it for later viewing, they are more likely to come back and watch your other videos.
  • Potential to go viral: TikTok videos can sometimes go viral, even weeks or months after posting them. Allowing people to save your videos increases the chances that your content will be shared and viewed by a wider audience and may lead to a viral moment.
  • Brand visibility: If you are a content creator or a business promoting your products or services on TikTok, allowing people to save your videos can help establish you as a reputable source of content and build brand loyalty among your audience.

Disadvantages of Allowing TikTok Video Downloads

Here are some of the downsides to consider before enabling your TikTok video downloads:

  • Unauthorized use: Allowing people to save your videos can lead to the unauthorized use of your content, which may violate copyright or intellectual property laws.
  • Lack of control: Once you allow people to save your TikTok videos, you lose control over how they are used and shared. Your content may be reposted, edited, or otherwise altered in ways that you do not approve of.
  • Decreased engagement: There are cases on TikTok where someone reposts your content as theirs pulling all the followers and decreasing engagement in your account.
  • Privacy concerns: Your content may contain personal information, sensitive data, or images of yourself or others you do not want to be shared without your consent.

How to Turn Off Downloads for Your TikTok Videos

If you’d like to turn off the video downloads option due to the concerns we’ve raised above, follow these steps.

  1. Open the TikTok app and go to your profile by tapping the “Profile” icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.
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  1. Tap on the three lines icon in the top right corner of the screen.
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  1. Select “Settings and Privacy” from the list of options.
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  1. Go to “Privacy”
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  1. Scroll down until you see the “Downloads” option and toggle it off. This will disable the option for other users to download or save your videos.
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  1. Once you have toggled off the “Downloads” option, your videos will no longer have a “Save Video” button on the bottom right corner when someone views them.

There you have it; you’ve now disabled video downloads on your TikTok account. Remember that this setting will apply to all your future download videos but will not affect your posted videos.

Can You Tell If Someone Screen Records Your TikTok Videos?

Even if you’ve disabled your video downloads on TikTok, there are other methods people can save, such as using third-party apps or websites and screen recording.

Unlike Snapchat, TikTok won't alert you if someone is screen-recording your video. If a person notices that you’ve disabled your downloads, they can easily decide to screen record.

Screen recording is very common on TikTok, especially TikTok Live, where users record the happenings live.

How to Screen Record a TikTok

If you can't save the video using the above methods, you can try recording your screen while the video plays on your device.

Most smartphones have a built-in screen recording function. For example, this smartphone’s screen recorder is found under tools.

Can You See Who Saved Your TikTok (18)

If you want to record a TikTok Live, tap the screen recorder, go to your TikTok app and search the TikTok Live. Once you start screen recording, your phone will save everything on your screen to your camera roll.

Note: This method may result in lower video quality than the other options.

Using Third-party Apps or Websites

There are various apps and websites that allow you to download TikTok videos. Some popular downloading options include:

  • TikTok Downloader
  • Video Downloader for TikTok
  • MusicallyDown.

You will usually need to copy the link to the video URL of the TikTok video you want to save and paste it into the app or website to use these tools.

Remember: Be cautious when using third-party tools; some may be unsafe or contain malware.

Does TikTok Notify You Once Someone Views Your Profile?

If you have the “Profile Views” feature turned on, you can tell who viewed your profile. This means anyone who’s been lurking around your profile even without leaving any comments.

As a user, you’ll receive a notification with the name of the people who viewed your profile.

If you don’t have this feature turned on, you can’t view other people’s profiles, and they won't be able to view yours either.

To enable or disable this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Profile
  2. Click on the three lines at the top left corner and select “Settings and Privacy.”
  3. Go to “Privacy”
  4. Scroll to the footsteps icon labeled “Profile Views.”
  5. Toggle on or off depending on what you prefer.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you save TikTok videos without posting them?

You don’t have to post a TikTok video to save it on your device. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the TikTok app and find the video you want to save
Can You See Who Saved Your TikTok (19)
  1. Tap on the “Share” icon (the arrow pointing right)
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  1. Choose “Save Video” from the options
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  1. The video should be saved to your device's camera roll

Is It Legal to Save TikTok Videos?

It’s legal to save TikTok videos for personal use as long as you do not infringe on copyright or other intellectual property rights.

So, if you plan to use the downloaded TikTok videos for commercial purposes, you should obtain permission from the original video creator and comply with all relevant copyright laws.

If the owner of the sound or video copyrights a sound, TikTok will take down all the videos using the sound.

Can You Remove the TikTok Watermark?

You can only remove the TikTok watermark using third-party apps. For example:

  • MusicallyDown
  • Apowersoft Watermark Remover
  • Kapwing

What Does It Mean to Save Something to Your Drafts on TikTok?

Saving a video to your drafts on TikTok means saving the video as an unfinished project that you can continue working on later.

When you save a video to your drafts, it is stored in the “Drafts” folder within the app, where you can access it anytime and continue editing or finalizing it.

The drafts feature is handy when you want to take a break from recording or editing your TikTok video but still want to come back to it later. It allows you to save your progress and pick up where you left off without losing any of your work.

Once you are ready to post your video, you can access it from the “Drafts” folder, make any necessary edits or changes, and then share it.

Can You See Who Saved Your TikTok?

We’ve established that you can never know who saved your TikTok videos. However, you can tell the person who viewed your profile, and you’ll always know the number of times all your videos have been shared.

With these and other features on the app, you can tell how well you're doing on the app and the kind of reach you’re achieving.

Perhaps TikTok could allow you to see who saved your videos in the future. This could be good news for some creators, but those who only want to save a video without being known would frown at the idea.

What do you think about this feature? Should TikTok allow creators to see who is saving their videos? Let me know with a comment.

Can You See Who Saved Your TikTok (2024)


Can You See Who Saved Your TikTok? ›

Does TikTok notify you when you save someone's video? TikTok doesn't notify creators when someone saves their video. So, if you have been wondering how to see who saved your TikTok, we're sorry to say there's no such feature that will allow you to see who has downloaded your content.

Can you check who saved your video on TikTok? ›

There is no way to see who has saved your videos on TikTok. You can disable video downloads to prevent people from saving your videos in the "Settings and privacy" menu under "Privacy."

How do I see who bookmarked my TikTok? ›

Some users are currently able to see if someone bookmarks their TikTok. For those who have access to the feature, to see who has favorited your TikTok, go to your inbox and check under the Activity tab. There, you should be able to see who has bookmarked your videos.

Can people see if you save someone's TikTok? ›

With that kind of practice, it's no wonder many users may want to know if they'll be notified if someone downloads their video. But does TikTok notify you? No, TikTok does not currently notify a user when someone downloads a video.

Does TikTok tell you who viewed your profile? ›

Only you can see who viewed your profile, but if you turn on the feature, you're also consenting to let others see that you've viewed their profile. Thankfully, you have to manually opt-in to TikTok profile views — it's not automatic, so don't worry if you looked at your ex's profile yesterday.

Can you see who copied the link on TikTok? ›

While you can't see which TikTok users shared your videos, you can see how many times your TikTok has been shared. You can do this by looking at each individual video, or you can check your Analytics.

Can you see how many times someone viewed your TikTok video? ›

You'll reach your profile screen. Select the “Timeline” icon (6 vertical lines) below the “Edit Profile” button to go to your videos if you're not already there. Even though you can't see who viewed your post, you'll see the number of views at the bottom-left corner of each posted video.

Can I see who bookmarked my tweet? ›

Can I see who Bookmarked a Tweet? No, Bookmarks are still private and are only viewable to you within your Twitter account. We only show the total number of Bookmarks, not the specific accounts that have added a Tweet to their Bookmarks.

What does bookmarked mean on TikTok? ›

That's why TikTok introduced its Favorites feature, which lets you bookmark the content you like and easily return to it when you need it again. To find bookmark TikTok button and add videos, sounds, and effects to your favorites, follow these steps: Open TikTok. Find a video, sound or effect to add to your favorites.

Can you see who bookmarked your post on Instagram? ›

Can you see who saved your Instagram posts? There is no way to see which users saved your Instagram posts. While having a Business or Creator account can show you metrics including how many people saved and shared your posts, it's not possible to see who saved or shared your posts.

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