At-Home Teeth Whitening Instructions and Maintenance - Restore Dental (2024)

Making Your Thermoforming Trays at Home:

  1. Boil water in a kettle and immediately pour into a mug.
  2. Place the tray in the water while holding the tab of the whitening tray for 3-5 seconds. If you keep the trays in the water too long, they will shrink. However, a little bit of shrinkage is okay.
  3. Place the tray in your mouth inserting your teeth into the tray as quickly as possible. This will not burn.
  4. Close your mouth and suck in the air.
  5. Use your fingers to push against the tray to create an impression.
  6. You should leave the tray in your mouth for about 15 seconds.
  7. Trim the trays with small scissors so they are only touching your teeth. You can also cut the tab so you can close your mouth with the trays inside.
  8. Repeat all steps for the second tray. Make sure the water is freshly boiled for the best results on the second tray.

Whitening Treatment:

  1. Brush and floss your teeth prior to whitening treatment. The whitening gel will give the best results when used with clean teeth. You may want to try to wear the trays first without any gel to check for comfort. Also make sure that the trays are clean and dry before applying any gel. Moisture reduces the efficiency of the whitening gel and slows down the whitening process.
  2. Place a small drop of gel per tooth in the tray. This should not be more than 1/4 to 1/5cc of gel total. Do not spread the gel around the tray. When you apply the gel, make sure not to fill the trays completely. Give priority of the treatment to your front teeth.
  3. Insert the trays into your mouth. If any gel comes in contact with your gums, wipe it off with your finger or a tissue to provide temporary whitening of the gums. If whitening of the gums occurs, it is very temporary (a few days) but can cause a burning sensation.
  4. Leave the trays in your mouth for 20-30 minutes when using 35% Carbamide Peroxide. You can increase the whitening time after a few sessions. In the case that you experience sensitivity, do not increase whitening time. Do not exceed a treatment time of more than 1 hour a day. We recommend you whiten only once per day.
  5. Remove the trays from your mouth and brush your teeth to remove any remaining gel. Continue to brush, floss, and continue your daily dental routine.
  6. Rinse off your trays with cool water and clean them with a toothbrush or a Q-tip and cool water.
  7. Store your trays in a cool dry place away from heat or direct sunlight. You may store your teeth whitening gel in the refrigerator to optimize its shelf life. Do not store the gel in the freezer.
  8. For optimal results, we typically recommend 7 consecutive days of treatment.

Home Care During and After Whitening:

During the first 24 hours after whitening treatment, some patients can experience some tooth sensitivity or pain. This is normal and is usually mild, but it can be worse for some individuals. Normally, tooth sensitivity or pain following a treatment subsides within 24 hours, but in rare cases can persist for longer periods of time in susceptible individuals. People with existing sensitivity, recession, exposed dentin, exposed root surfaces, recently cracked teeth, abfractions (micro-cracks), open cavities, leaking fillings, or other dental conditions that cause sensitivity or allow penetration of the gel into the tooth may find that those conditions increase or prolong tooth sensitivity or pain after whitening treatment.

If your teeth are sensitive after whitening, a mild analgesic such as Tylenol or Advil will usually be effective in making you more comfortable until your tooth sensitivity returns to normal.

While in active whitening treatment, dark staining substances should be avoided, such as:

  • Red wine, cola, coffee and tea
  • Berries such as cherries, blueberries, strawberries
  • Tobacco products
  • Red sauces, mustard or ketchup, soy sauce

Whitening may cause inflammation of your gums, lips or cheek margins. This is due to inadvertent exposure of a small area of those tissues to the whitening gel. The inflammation is usually temporary which will subside in a few days but may persist longer and may result in significant pain or discomfort, depending on the degree to which the soft tissues were exposed to the gel.

After the whitening treatment, it is natural for the teeth that underwent treatment to regress somewhat in their shading after treatment. This is natural and should be very gradual, but it can be accelerated by exposing the teeth to various staining agents. Maintenance usually involves wearing a take-home tray or repeating the whitening treatment.

At-Home Teeth Whitening Instructions and Maintenance - Restore Dental (2024)


At-Home Teeth Whitening Instructions and Maintenance - Restore Dental? ›

We recommend you whiten only once per day. Remove the trays from your mouth and brush your teeth to remove any remaining gel. Continue to brush, floss, and continue your daily dental routine. Rinse off your trays with cool water and clean them with a toothbrush or a Q-tip and cool water.

How do you restore enamel after whitening teeth? ›

Your dentist may recommend a post-whitening fluoride treatment, especially if you have sensitive teeth. Fluoride works to restore minerals onto the tooth's surfaces after dental procedures like tooth whitening. This treatment helps with preventing future re-staining and long-term tooth sensitivity.

How do you maintain teeth after whitening? ›

Follow a good daily oral routine, including brushing, flossing, and mouthwash every morning and night. Consider whitening touch-ups every six months or so for best results if you smoke or drink a lot of dark beverages.

Is it possible to restore white teeth? ›

Tips for getting white teeth range from avoiding certain foods to occasional brushing with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. While tooth-whitening kits are readily available at most pharmacies, many natural remedies can also help remove stains and protect tooth enamel.

How often should you whiten your teeth for maintenance? ›

In-office teeth whitening treatment offers a way for you to brighten your smile safely. Dentists recommend getting whitening treatment once a year or so for most patients to keep their smiles looking aesthetically pleasing. Whitening teeth too often could cause certain oral health concerns, such as worn-down enamel.

How to rebuild tooth enamel naturally? ›

Eat a Remineralization Diet

Certain foods can help remineralize softened areas in your teeth that acidic foods and drinks have weakened. For example, foods rich in calcium (dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt) help put back minerals into the enamel, and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables encourage saliva flow.

How to remineralize tooth enamel naturally? ›

10 Ways to Remineralize Your Teeth and Stop Demineralization
  1. Brush teeth.
  2. Fluoride toothpaste.
  3. Cut sugar.
  4. Chew gum.
  5. Moderate fruit intake.
  6. Add calcium.
  7. Probiotics.
  8. Treat dry mouth.

Do you need to Remineralize after teeth whitening? ›

Use Remineralizing Gel or Mouthwash

If you want to keep your teeth looking their best after getting a teeth whitening treatment, it's important to use a remineralizing gel or mouthwash. This will help to replenish the minerals in your teeth and prevent them from becoming stained or yellowed again.

Do and don'ts after teeth whitening? ›

Don't Consume Foods that Can Stain Your Teeth

For both over-the-counter and professional teeth whitening, the first few days after treatment are the most critical. Avoid dark foods/liquids, drink through a straw when you can, don't smoke, brush/floss frequently and you should be looking great.

How long do teeth pores stay open after whitening? ›

Follow the White Diet for 24-48 hours after a teeth whitening treatment. Once the pores close, which usually happens within 24-48 hours after the procedure, you can resume your normal habits. An easy rule to remember is anything that would stain white fabric; Avoid it!

Can rotten teeth be white again? ›

Because the discoloration is inside the dead tooth's enamel, it will take a more involved process to get the results you want. Whitening treatments for dead teeth often involve the use of professional-strength bleaches or drilling a small hole into the back of the tooth to insert a whitening agent.

Can yellow teeth turn white again? ›

Fortunately, there are ways of making your yellow teeth white, from improving your oral hygiene and diet to visiting the dentist and having them professionally whitened. There's no need to feel ashamed of your smile anymore.

Does swishing hydrogen peroxide whiten teeth? ›

When used carefully, it can be an effective way to whiten your teeth. But if used incorrectly — in concentrations that are too high or if used too often — it can cause serious and sometimes expensive tooth damage. If you choose to whiten your teeth with hydrogen peroxide, do so cautiously.

When is the best time to whiten your teeth? ›

The pores in your teeth are slightly more open and can more easily allow stains in. Smile Brilliant and dentist professionals recommend whitening before bed as it reduces the opportunity for staining and gives your teeth the night to begin rehydrating and remineralizing.

How many times a year is it safe to whiten teeth? ›

We advise whitening your teeth just once a year, whether professionally or at home. This should keep sensitivity from becoming a problem while helping you maintain a white, natural-looking smile. Typically, the professional-grade whitening kits available from our dental office last about a year.

What happens when enamel wears away? ›

Tooth Decay and Fracturing

If your enamel is left to grow weaker, the tooth as a whole can suffer. In time, the tooth structure can begin to break down resulting in painful fractures.

What can a dentist do to restore enamel? ›

Once tooth enamel is damaged, it cannot be brought back.

What is the fastest way to rebuild enamel? ›

Enamel can never 'regrow' per se because there are no living cells in the tooth enamel. Your best bet is to treat any existing problems from tooth decay and focus on better oral care and hygiene habits, which will preserve the enamel you have and prevent further deterioration.

Is it possible to rebuild tooth enamel? ›

Ever. Tooth enamel is the hardest tissue in the body. Problem is, it's not living tissue, so it can't be naturally regenerated. Unfortunately, you can't regrow it artificially, either -- not even with those special toothpastes.

What helps enamel grow back? ›

Because tooth enamel does not consist of living cells, it does not grow back or repair naturally. However, while you cannot repair your enamel, you can help your teeth remineralize. Remineralizing your enamel means restoring some of its minerals to help recoup the loss of your protective enamel.

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