A Guide to a Love Confession - briefphilosophernight - InuYasha (2024)

1. Get called out by a 9-year old

“What?” Inuyasha exclaimed. He nearly choked on his lunch.

There’s no way. Absolutely. No. Way. He must’ve heard wrong. He forgot to wash his ears this morning. His mom always used to admonish him for not cleaning himself thoroughly enough. And this is the result. Sitting here, in Kagome’s home, with Mama (as Kagome’s mom insists on him calling her) and Kagome’s brother - Souta, his name was, he recalled - eating some cup noodles while waiting for Kagome to come home from skool. Tsssk, he’ll never understand her need to go there. Doesn’t she know that he’ll always provide for her? Always protect her from all harm if she would only let him? Do everything in his power to make her happy? She doesn’t need to battle test demons for her future.

“I said, you two drive me crazy with all your pining! I really wish you would hurry up and get together already! Kagome has been in love with you for soooooo long. When will you finally do something about it, Inu-no-niichan?” Sota pleaded for the second time as only an exasperated little brother can.

Inuyasha could only look at him with shock. “Now, now, Sota, you shouldn’t intrude into other people’s affairs. Come on, wash yourself and do your homework.” Mercifully, Mama interrupted just before Sota took a breath to explain himself again.

“Yes, Mom.” Sota stood up, brought his plate to the sink, and went upstairs. In the meantime, Inuyasha still hadn’t managed to compose himself.

2. Get your future mother-in-law's blessing

“Sota may have been too blunt, but he’s not wrong. Kagome is in love with you and has been for some time. And I know that you care for her, too,” Mama said gently after a moment of silence.

“But-I-I can’t-” Inuyasha tried to formulate a reply, but his brain refused to provide one.

“It’s alright, Inuyasha. Whenever you’re ready, know that you have my blessing,” Mama answered kindly. “I know that you would do everything in your power to protect her and make her happy. What more could a mother want for her children?”

3. Agonize over what to do

That night, as Inuyasha sat beside Kagome’s bed, he thought about her words. Is it possible? That she loves me? And even if she did, is telling her truly the right thing to do? Naraku grows stronger every day and he already uses Kagome in his plans. She would be in even more danger than she is now. And I still have to fulfill my debt to Kikyo. Can I allow myself to be happy if she isn’t? Is it really worth it? But… it isn’t my decision to make. Kagome gets a say in this, too. Alright, I’ve decided. I’m going to tell Kagome how I really feel. I just hope I won’t screw this up.

4. Try to get your romantic interest alone

Over the next few days, Inuyasha tried to find the right moment to confess. But every time, someone interrupted them. He was growing more and more frustrated. Inuyasha had half a mind to grab Kagome, get her far away from everything and everybody, and tell her how he felt. After Shippo butted in for the nth time, Inuyasha had enough.

5. Kidnap them

“INUYASHA! What are you doing? Put me down! Shippo needs my help!” Kagome shrieked.

“Like hell he does! Come with me for a second.” Inuyasha was looking away and mumbling the last part.

Is he blushing? What’s wrong with him? He’s been acting so weird these past few days. It seems like he wants to tell me something. But he’s usually so blunt. What’s making him so nervous? And why the privacy? Kagome was confused.

“Alright, but not too long. It’s almost time for dinner,” Kagome replied and adjusted herself on Inuyasha’s back more comfortably. Miroku and Sango looked at each and shrugged.

6. Bring them to a romantic spot

The half-demon took off without another word. He brought them to a clearing with beautiful daisies and a breathtaking waterfall. Black rocks shimmered in the crystal-clear water. Trees swayed in the gentle breeze.

“Inuyasha, this is breathtaking!” Kagome was mesmerized. The hanyou led her to a series of rocks in front of the waterfall. He sat down and took her hands in his own. Come on, Inuyasha. Just say the words! It’s not hard. Just three words. Kagome deserves to hear them. And with that thought, Inuyasha finally looked her determinately in the eyes. God, she’s so beautiful! And I love her so f*cking much.

Meanwhile, Kagome was growing increasingly worried. “Inuyasha, whatever it is, you can tell me. You know you can talk to me about anything.” The half-demon took a deep breath.

“I didn’t want to tell you this until after we defeated Naraku. And I’m worried that this will put you in even more danger. Then I realized that it’s your choice. You will always have a choice.” Inuyasha cleared his throat. “The other day, when I was waiting for you to come back, your brother said something that I still have a hard time believing. But if there’s even the tiniest chance that it’s true, if you feel the same way, if I’m not permanently screwing up our friendship, if you’ll accept me as I am…then you need to know.”

Inuyasha… is this what I think it is? Kagome waited with bated breath.

7. Confess your feelings and hope you haven't screwed up

“Kagome, I…I love you. I love you so much.” Inuyasha didn’t dare look at Kagome. He couldn’t stand it if she pitied him now. He didn’t want to look into her eyes to see her feeling sorry for him.

A sob wrenched itself out of the young priestess. Before Inuyasha realized it, he looked back to Kagome. That sound was the only thing capable of shattering his heart into a thousand pieces. And Kagome still hadn’t said anything.

Is it really so bad to be loved by a half-demon? “Kagome, I-it’s okay-please stop crying-forget I said anything-f*ck-just-please stop-I-” Inuyasha didn’t know what to do. It was mortifying enough to be rejected, but he could never handle Kagome’s tears. The rest of whatever he was trying to say got swallowed up by Kagome’s lips on his.

8. Be silenced by a kiss

Shocked, Inuyasha was as still as a statue. Kagome’s lips were so soft and pillowy against his own chapped ones. He could feel her breath beneath his nose. Her hands made their way up his arms to his shoulders until they cupped his face. Eventually, he pulled her impossibly closer to him and swallowed the gasp that escaped her lips. This close, he could smell the scent of her strawberry shampoo and it made him dizzy. For a moment, he allowed himself to feel the warmth that started blooming in his chest. He tried to squash out the hope that Kagome felt the same way to no avail.

It was Kagome who pulled back as the need to breathe became too strong. For a moment, they both tried to catch their breath.

9. Realize that your love is requited

“I love you, too, you idiot.” Kagome broke the silence. Inuyasha’s ears twitched. “It sounds like we owe Souta a lifetime of thank-you gifts.” She laughed heartily. Slowly, Inuyasha raised his arms to embrace Kagome, looking for any sign that she didn’t want this. She immediately melted into him. “Looks like we do,” Inuyasha breathed the words into her ear.

10. Live happily ever after

And if a certain nosy mother saw them making out a few weeks later and congratulated herself on a job well done, well, that wasn’t anybody’s business but her own.


A Guide to a Love Confession - briefphilosophernight - InuYasha (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.