4 Powerful Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises With PDF (2024)

In this post, I’ll share 4 powerful exercises to strengthen your hip flexors for stronger hips.

These exercises will add another layer of strength to your hips and help you improve balance and performance when running, walking, or doing hip flexor-focused activities.

4 POWERFUL Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises for Strong Hips

Important note if you experience lower back pain: Follow my 3 important tips below to do the hip flexor exercises without triggering lower back pain.

This is very important if you have lower back and hip issues…

Hip flexor tightness is a leading cause of chronic lower back pain and hip dysfunction and tightness.

Strengthening the hip flexors should come second to core and glutes strengthening if you’re experiencing lower back pain.

Most people nowadays spend a long time sitting, contributing to hip flexor and psoas tightness. So, we want to avoid exacerbating this problem by doing even more exercises for the hip flexors, which can tighten them even more.

You want to balance these exercises with core and glute exercises to strengthen the posterior chain muscles.

I’ll have a list of core and glute exercises for you as well below the hip flexor exercises.

Your Hip Flexors

The iliopsoas muscle unit is the main hip flexor of the thigh. Its overactivity can lead to hip imbalances and dysfunctions.

4 Powerful Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises With PDF (1)

The psoas major engages in almost any movement…walking, running, sitting, jumping. So, in addition to the great exercises I’ll share to strengthen this muscle, I’ll also share some stretches you can do after the exercises.

What Are The Hip FlexorMuscles

A hip flexor is any muscle that produces flexion at the hips(1).

The seven primary hip flexors (2):

4 Powerful Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises With PDF (2)
  • Iliacus:As shown in the image above. The Iliacus is a flat muscle positioned on the iliac fossa. It’s shaped like a triangle. The Iliacus and Psoas major form the iliopsoas muscle.
  • PSOAS major:The largest and principal hip flexor muscle and part of the iliopsoas muscle (Psoas and Iliacus). This muscle plays a significant role in stabilizing the spine.

The Psoas muscle originates from the transverse and lateral surface of the last thoracic vertebrae and intervertebral discs and inserts into the lesser trochanter. The trochanter is part of the femur bone and is a muscle attachment site.

The Psoas minor is a thinner muscle located on the front or anterior aspect of the psoas major muscle (3)

  • Rectus femoris:This muscle is part of the quadriceps muscle group (it runs down the thigh). It is also a hip flexor (when you flex your hips, the quad muscle also plays a role in that flexion).
  • Sartorius:This is a thin muscle that runs along the thigh. It’s also the longest muscle in the human body. It contributes to hip and leg flexion.
  • Adductor complex:Consists of the adductor brevis, adductor longus, and adductor magnus. The primary function of these muscles is to adduct and flex the thigh. When these muscles tighten up, they affect hip alignment and daily movement.
  • Gracilis:The gracilis muscle is a hip adductor. It contributes to leg flexion due to its attachment to the tibia.
  • Tensor Fascia Latae(TFL):the TFL muscle is enclosed in two layers of fascia. It has multiple functions because of its location.

How to strengthen your hip flexor muscles

Please follow these 3 important tips when doing the exercises below to make sure you focus on the hip flexors without causing lower back pain.

  1. When lifting your hip, perform a slight posterior pelvic tilt to avoid overaching your lower back.
  2. Connect your hip flexors with your oblique on the opposite side when lifting up. This will help you keep that tension on the hip flexors and avoid flaring your thoracic spine.
  3. Avoid letting your hips hike or drop when flexing your hips. Keep those hips at the same level by engaging the gluteus medius.

Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises:

Band Hip Flexes

4 Powerful Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises With PDF (3)
  • In a standing position, wrap the band around the thighs.
  • Lift one knee up to form a 90-degree angle.
  • Focus on engaging the hip flexor muscle by performing a slight posterior pelvic tilt and connecting the hip flexor to your side rib cage.

Seated Hip Hurdles

4 Powerful Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises With PDF (4)
  • Sit on your mat with your arms extended to support your back.
  • Extend your legs in front of you and have a dumbbell positioned in the middle.
  • Lift one leg over the dumbbell in a hurdling motion and extend the other leg.
  • After completing a few hurdles, shift to the other leg.
  • Focus on keeping your back straight and using your hip muscles to lift your leg.

Banded Leg Lifts

4 Powerful Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises With PDF (5)
  • Lie on your back with a resistance band around your thighs.
  • Engage your core muscles and pull your lower abs in.
  • Raise one leg off the floor towards your chest using the hip muscles
  • Slowly lower your leg down and raise the other leg up, pushing up against the resistance of the band to activate those hip flexors.

Backward Lunge to Knee Lift

4 Powerful Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises With PDF (6)
  • Engage your core and glutes for stability.
  • Lunge backward with your right foot and bring your foot forward.
  • Now lift your right knee up by flexing at the hip while balancing on your left leg.
  • As you raise your knee, keep your hips at the same level (avoid any hip dropping or hip hikes) and engage your core.
  • Remember to have your pelvis slightly tucked in to connect your abdominals with your psoas as you lift up.
  • After a few repetitions, switch sides.

How to stretch your hip flexor muscles

When the psoas is chronically tight, you may notice an increase in lumbar lordosis posture.

When the psoas get tight and short, it affects pelvic alignment and posture. For example, ananterior pelvic tiltindicates that the PSOAS is tightened and short.

You can checkout my full post that includes 7 amazing Psoas stretches. One of my favorite hip flexor stretches is the simple lunge down stretch:

4 Powerful Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises With PDF (7)
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Coach Sofia

Certified Strength Coach | NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist & Founder at Coachsofiafitness

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Insights, advice, suggestions, feedback and comments from experts

As an expert and enthusiast, I have personal experiences or certifications, but I can provide information on the concepts used in this article. Let's dive into the key concepts related to hip flexors and strengthening exercises:

Hip Flexors and Their Importance

The hip flexors are a group of muscles located in the front of the hip joint. They play a crucial role in flexing the hip joint, which involves bringing the thigh closer to the torso. Strong hip flexors are essential for activities such as running, walking, and other movements that require hip flexion.

Importance of Strengthening Hip Flexors

Strengthening the hip flexors can improve balance, performance, and overall hip strength. However, it's important to note that if you experience lower back pain, it's crucial to follow specific tips to avoid exacerbating the pain while doing hip flexor exercises.

Core and Glute Strengthening

While strengthening the hip flexors is important, it's equally important to focus on strengthening the core and glute muscles. A balanced approach that includes exercises for the core and glutes can help strengthen the entire posterior chain muscles and avoid imbalances.

Common Hip Flexor Muscles

The article mentions several key muscles involved in hip flexion. These include:

  1. Iliacus: A flat muscle positioned on the iliac fossa that, along with the psoas major, forms the iliopsoas muscle.
  2. Psoas major: The largest and principal hip flexor muscle, which plays a significant role in stabilizing the spine.
  3. Rectus femoris: A muscle part of the quadriceps group that also acts as a hip flexor.
  4. Sartorius: A thin muscle that runs along the thigh and contributes to hip and leg flexion.
  5. Adductor complex: Consisting of the adductor brevis, adductor longus, and adductor magnus muscles, which adduct and flex the thigh.
  6. Gracilis: A muscle that contributes to leg flexion due to its attachment to the tibia.
  7. Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL): A muscle enclosed in two layers of fascia, located in the hip region, with multiple functions.

Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises

The article suggests several exercises to strengthen the hip flexor muscles. Here are four examples:

  1. Band Hip Flexes: In a standing position, wrap a band around the thighs, lift one knee up to a 90-degree angle, and focus on engaging the hip flexor muscle.
  2. Seated Hip Hurdles: Sit on a mat with arms extended for support, extend legs in front, and lift one leg over a dumbbell in a hurdling motion while keeping the back straight.
  3. Banded Leg Lifts: Lie on your back with a resistance band around your thighs, engage your core muscles, and raise one leg off the floor towards your chest using the hip muscles.
  4. Backward Lunge to Knee Lift: Engage core and glutes for stability, lunge backward with one foot, bring foot forward, and lift the opposite knee up while keeping the hips level and engaging the core.

Stretching the Hip Flexor Muscles

Stretching the hip flexor muscles is also important for maintaining flexibility and preventing tightness. The article mentions a lunge down stretch as one example of a hip flexor stretch. Additionally, it suggests checking out a full post that includes seven psoas stretches.

Remember, it's always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or a certified fitness trainer before starting any exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing conditions or injuries.

4 Powerful Hip Flexor Strengthening Exercises With PDF (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.